Thinking of leaving the natty life

So I'm considering ordering my first test only cycle. I've been giving this a lot of deep thought about this decision and I think I'm ready. I've had a couple of people close to me recently die untimely and it's kind of made me realize our time here is very limited and I want to atleast spend my younger years in peak physical condition. I just want to only run test to get as strong as I possibly can. Does anyone have advice?

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Don't do it

don't do it.Life is more then lifting and if you juice you are consumed by it

Whats your actual BW and how much you lift in bench dl squat pull ups and dips ?

Also how long you have been lifting

I'm 21 yo, been lifting for 6 years. I just finished a summer cut so these lifts aren't current but my bests are B - 325 S - 445 D - 495

Im 6'3 211 lbs around 13-14% bf

Answer this guy.

If you've eaten at a 1000 calorie surplus and lifted high volume for a year to reach max natty potential, I would say go for it.

I lot of DYEL guys never actually ate, slept or lifted enough to get anywhere close to their natty potential.

I'm not against cycling, but you really should be upper mediate strength before starting

If you've stalled out, I would say you should go for it.

Start small though, don't be an idiot.

>spend less effort for better results

How about your pull ups ?

Your lifts seem nice for your bw, it looks like you have already got all your noob gains and its time to go further, but i cant tell, you are too young still bro, what about keep lifting natty until your 25 and then go roids ?

Probably not a bad time to hop on desu, maybe wait a couple of years though until you stop fully growing

I have stalled really bad. Lifts go up only when I'm in a deep bulk and my BW goes up significantly. I was only putting up those numbers when I was around 225 lbs.

Completely opposite of why I want to start pinning. I want to so I can increase the frequency of my lifts so I can get really fucking strong. I really just want to be strong as fuck and stay lean. I just can't figure out how to maintain a lean physique whilst being strong

You want to bw strong as fuck ?

Its more about your CNS and tendons not so much hormones, steroids will nake you bigger most

My pull-ups suck dick. I could maybe do max 15 full military pull-ups. Dips I'm good at tho, could probably do upwards of 35 - 40. Why should I wait until 25? I don't even know if I'll live to see 25 so why wait?

I've been 6'3 since like middle school. Pretty sure I'm done growing. I guess I could be wrong though if I hit some freak late spurt

I say hop on, just start limited and do your research. Roids aren't that big of a deal

Ok bro then if thats what you want make it real

Does someone have a clue on about how strong steroids can make you ?

>Roids aren't that big of a deal

From everything I've read on forums this seems to be the consensus. I'm still scared though, I always convince myself I want to do it then pussy out. I can't tell you why, I'm just scared of the social stigma. Would it be noticeable I'm abusing drugs if I did a very mild test only cycle ?

Post body

I wonder if there are some tests that will make you not bigger but stronger

>giving a shit about what others think
And no, a bit of test won't immediately make you like rich piana (may he rip in peace)

Are there some steroids that dont nake you bigger, but strong as fuck ? Without any muscle gain

you might want to recommend him compounds that are atypical in BB then. I'm not an expert but iirc for example olympic lifters take some specific -bol that really helps with the intensity

are you on gear? if not how can you possibly say one way or the other?

This >

IMO get natty test levels checked

If low (>500 ng/dl) go on TRT and keep yourself around 1000 ng/dl. You will make great gains from tthis alone. One progress stalls then go on a blast

Yeah theres a few. I used to use turinabol. On it squat 670 off i squat 465.

Theres no carry over. I can use it again and maybe squat 690 but then ill come off and always back to 465 every 2 weeks for 1rm

Roids are fun if youre just a hobby lifter doing it for yourself. If u compete though youre a huge fag

But to use t-Bol don't you still have to have test as a base? Does t-Bol suppress your natural production?

Yeah its best paired with test injections but ive used it without too and was fine. Small dose ofc.

Wtf almost 100 kg increased squat ? Damn

Steroids are powerfull

How much it increased your bench ?

So in general would you say a t-Bol only cycle is pretty safe and worth while?