If fats don't clog up arteries, what does?

If fats don't clog up arteries, what does?

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So NOTHING you do changes it? There's no real point to cardio then.

Didn't everyone go crazy because of that new study that came out that said dietary cholesterol does not get turned into body cholesterol?

>Didn't everyone go crazy because of that new study that came out that said dietary cholesterol does not get turned into body cholesterol?
normies who only read headlines and understand none of the study went crazy

>dietary cholesterol does not get turned into body cholesterol?

It doesn't but what it does do is stop your body from flushing out the cholesterol that's in your body (for biological reasons) because it's having to process consistent intake of dietary cholesterol.

It's like how if you consume more protein your body uses that protein instead of using protein already within the body to repair the body. For protein the body just reuses proteins already within the body to repair itself, but to gain more muscle you need more protein coming in to get a surplus of proteins in the body to form new material.

So eating as many eggs as you want is a meme?

"as many eggs as you want" is good advice if you never want to eat any eggs anyway

Low-density lipoproteins cause atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. 1. Evidence from genetic, epidemiologic, and clinical studies. A consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel.

What causes increases in circulating low-density lipoproteins?
1. Saturated fat
2. Dietary cholesterol
3. Trans fat
4. Excess body fat
5. Sedentary behavior

What causes decreases in circulating low-density lipoproteins?
1. Certain forms of fiber, such as beta-glucans in oats
2. Certain phytonutrients found in various whole plant foods
3. Phytosterols and phytostanols, found in various whole plant foods
4. Physical activity

So basically, oats and squats. Just like Veeky Forums has been preaching all along.

and plant-based diets. vegans aren't TOTALLY crazy it seems.


So why does everyone in my family eat a diet of donut burgers, tendies and cigarettes but all have clear arteries and no heart attacks?

They have other diseases, but they get literally everything wrong with their diets and have no atherosclerosis.

All diets are plant based, except keto variants.

Adding meat doesn't change the fact that your diet is based on plants.

How do you know they have no atherosclerosis?

Smart keto dieters eat a shitload of non-starchy vegetables, so even keto diets are mostly plants.

>tfw history of arteries and heart problems in my family
>tfw at risk even though Im perfectly healthy and run 4 times a week


They have none of the signs/symptoms of atherosclerosis. None of them have heart attacks or angina, none of them have claudication or signs of distal arterial insufficiency. None of them have had either a hemorrhagic or embolic stroke. One person in my family chugged hard liquor for so many years he finally developed heart failure and as part of the workup they did an angiogram and his arteries were perfectly clean.

>They have none of the signs/symptoms of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis often doesn't have any obvious symptoms until you have full-blown cardiovascular disease or just die on the spot or turn into a vegetable.

Atherosclerotic fatty streaks are found in nearly 100% of the American population by the time they grow pubes or learn to drive, so the your family not having atherosclerosis seems unlikely.
Not all atherosclerosis ultimate leads to serious or even mild disease. It builds up over decades and is usually completely silent until the 40s, sometimes much longer.

However, there is genetic variation

Well yeah, almost everyone gets a token amount of it, but if it does not culminate as any form of disease in people who live into their 80s-90s, and is not implicated in their cause of death at all... why should I be worried about it?

My dad runs marathons and had stents placed
I sit on my ass all day and eat 3500 kcal lmao

It's not just fat that causes arteriosclerosis, for example, olive oil and vegetable oil are fine.

Meat and animal products 100% cause disease and inflammation. We were not meant to eat meat. The fat and cholesterol from meat are terrible for your health.

How exactly do you know this? What data are you operating off of?

Please don't play this game. While you reject any study I give you, Mother Gaia is straining in order to try (and fail) to sustain your meat addiction.

cholesterol is a type of fat


Some people have pretty good genetics with regards to cardiovascular disease and cholesterol whereas other people have terrible genetics. So in that sense you have a valid point that you may be genetically low-risk. Of course you have to decide for yourself what the implications of that are for you

However, it is important to recognize that only saturated and trans fat are 100% implicated in high LDL-cholesterol, and some people MAY have a low intake of saturated fat despite an otherwise terrible diet. Big sources of saturated fat are cheese, butter, fatty dairy in general (including ice cream) and palm oil in processed food, so if these are avoided, satfat intake may be acceptable already. Fatty meat provides saturated fat, but you have to eat quite a bit to achieve a meaningful amount of satfat (i.e. multiple servings a day). Deep-fried food is low in satfat

I want to behead vegans

>Mother Gaia
What's with vegans and weird spiritualism

>Meat and animal products 100% cause disease and inflammation.
No they don't
>>The fat and cholesterol from meat are terrible for your health.
Not true either.

>Contrary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat (about 35 per cent of energy) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. However, a diet high in carbohydrates (of more than 60 per cent of energy) is related to higher mortality, although not with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
>The research on dietary fats found that they are not associated with major cardiovascular disease, but higher fat consumption was associated with lower mortality; this was seen for all major types of fats (saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats), with saturated fats being associated with lower stroke risk. The researchers point out that, while this may appear surprising to some, these new results are consistent with several observational studies and randomized controlled trials conducted in Western countries during the last two decades.
>The large new study, when viewed in the context of most previous studies, questions the conventional beliefs about dietary fats and clinical outcomes, says Mahshid Dehghan, the lead author for the study and an investigator at PHRI.

> We were not meant to eat meat.
>People who read books know a fact that vegetarians do not- that at one point in history, the Earth's total population of humans dropped to between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals, due to the eruption of Mt. Toba in Sumatra, which killed off most of the available plant and animal life on Earth in 71,000 BC. During this period of time, humans were confined to an
>extraordinarily small area of Africa that escaped glaciation, where they subsisted on a diet that was "approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants, respectively." This diet was necessitated by the die-off of plants and animals, and the lack of a varied diet that could have been otherwise obtained though plant gathering. It was at this time that the Neanderthal diet came to consist of naught but meat, due to the complete lack of availability of edible vegetation, which likely lasted for at least 1000 years.(Plants/climate)
>Please don't play this game.
>Please don't correct me with facts

>not meant to eat meat
explain the organs in our body and teeth that say otherwise?

I like how the authors are just lying about their own findings. Low-carb liars, fuckfaces and frauds the lot of them.

I don't like your posts though. They are bad, bordering on spam. In fact, they are spam since you just copy-paste the same content day-in day-out

>explain the organs in our body and teeth that say otherwise?
literally what

>Facts and science that i don't like is spam

What's hilarious is that not only does LDL cause clogging of the artheries but so does HDL, but at a lesser extent.

The vast, VAST majority of keto dieters eat little plant matter though.

How are they lying? Your image is a single event class, they're obviously talking about total.

>approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants,

That was fish & seafood you dongus not burgers

Lipids are the basis of plaques, but dietary fat != lipids in the blood. The key to avoiding formation of plaques is to simply not have a constantly positive energy balance

Lying by omission. They've presented this study as "evidence" that total and saturated fat are harmless/protective and not associated with CVD, but their own data says that high total fat and saturated fat is associated with heart attack, which is CVD and mortality.

In order to access that data, you have to have membership with The Lancet website, since it's not included in the paper itself. You cannot even access this data via sci-hub. It is PLAINLY obvious that they've stashed this data as far away from the public as possible because it didn't fit their retarded narrative that high-carb low-fat is bad because a nigger with AIDS in Zimbabwe who eats white rice and corn all day has a higher risk of death than a Swede eating burgers and cheese.


>dietary fat != lipids in the blood

Eating fat literally increases blood lipids regardless of how many calories you're eating.

>what it does do is stop your body from flushing out the cholesterol that's in your body (for biological reasons) because it's having to process consistent intake of dietary cholesterol.

>What causes decreases in circulating low-density lipoproteins?
You forgot protein, glycine, taurine, and unsaturated fat.


Only accutely

cholesterol and saturated fats are necessary for bodily function (and testosterone production!) but over-consumption is a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

testosterone is a key that reason men don't live as long as women on average.

Acute elevations in blood lipids are acutely harmful and damaging.
Cardiovascular events cluster towards the beginning of the night, when lipids are highest, and holidays and festivities when unhealthy meals are consumed

*key reason

basically cholesterol is an immune response to lacerations in the artery membrane. this is caused by putting harmful things in your body, mainly sugar and white flour based things, but also smoking and probably a number of the random chemicals we all ingest.

>but their own data says that high total fat and saturated fat is associated with heart attack, which is CVD and mortality
No, it's not total statistically summed event rate (fatal cardiovascular disease+myocardial infarction+stroke+heart failure) by definition. If a clinical trial on an antibiotic shows good effect on treating bacterial infections in general, yet shows no effect on treating some rare antibiotic resistant strain in subgroup analysis, you don't go and conclude it's useless.

>In order to access that data, you have to have membership with The Lancet website, since it's not included in the paper itself. You cannot even access this data via sci-hub. It is PLAINLY obvious that they've stashed this data as far away from the public as possible because it didn't fit their retarded narrative that high-carb low-fat is bad because a nigger with AIDS in Zimbabwe who eats white rice and corn all day has a higher risk of death than a Swede eating burgers and cheese.
It's common practice to put secondary analyses in supplements. Just because you've never published a paper before, much less one in a journal like The Lancet, and are too brainlet for academia thus can only pirate papers to brag about your ignorance, does not mean anyone is lying.

Forgot your link spam, retard

you're better at arguing than having a point.

>There's no real point to do cardio then

Not necessarily. Your genetics will fuck you over in at least one area of your life, and that's why you try to improve it. If you are prone to gaining fat then you change your diet and exercise in order to avoid getting fat. If you are prone to heart disease then you can do things like regular cardio to stave it off. I'm willing to bet that you're one of those guys that never works their calves because muh genetics.

I'm not the poster was replying to. In fact I didn't even notice their other two posts until now because I have many of those blogs filtered.




cholesterol helps heal arterial walls.

inflammation causes damage to arterial walls.

a lot of inflammation will cause a lot of damage, and eventually a plaque will form on the wall. cholesterol gets trapped in this plaque and it causes a blockage in the artery.

avoid inflammation, not cholesterol.

.. or you know, avoid both

your body is going to be producing cholesterol whether you're eating it or not

you have it the other way around. excess cholesterol damages arterial walls and causes inflammation

wrong. why would excess cholesterol damage anything?

to further my post. cholesterol acts almost like white blood cells. they respond to damage in the arterial walls.

exactly. your body produces the actual amount you need

Yes. Thats why its not good to paint all fats with a broad brush. Keto diets can be very healthy for example

I don't get that myth that most "keto" diets are supposed to be "eat a shitton of meat"-diets. Whereas keto just means to eat close to no carbs and also stay in a quite low range of protein paired with a shitton of green veg. Eating too much protein WILL kick you out of ketosis, so eating a lot of meat has nothing to do with keto.

>More shitposting and not reading with a picture of a fatass

I know that feeling bro. If I eat something that is even a little bit greasy I worry that it'll lead to a heart attack.

>meat has fats so it's bad for you!

Can you please stop pushing this 1970's era health advice? It's disingenuous at best and absolutely malicious at worst. Some poor new fag may fall for this garbage.

What's the point of not eating meat? If you don't do it, in 3-4 generations this world will be over run by Muslims, Indians, the Chinese and Africans anyway who give zero shits about the environment. All your gains trying to preserve nature will be lost in an insatiable horde of humanity.