Mew/Tongue Posture General: 2nd edition

Modern Humans have largely developed improperly. Posture issues are present throughout the body, and most obvious in poor facial/cranial development. Pre-agricultural humans all had robust, excellently developed skulls with near perfect teeth and beautiful faces. Nobody has ugly genetics, but soft foods and improper posture has resulted in sunken maxillary bones, down-grown jaws, poor cheekbones, and terrible spine alignment.

You can correct this and develop into a beautiful healthy human. All males have Chad potential, all females can be Stacy.

Before and after pictures/stories:

How to mew: part 1 part 2 part 3

Many Anons here are contributing their own stories and saying that they have seem the jawline increases as well. #1 most immediate benefit is increased nasal breathing capacity.

The entirety of Human fitness is based around proper alignment and posture of the skeletal and muscular systems. If this isn't corrected, everything else will be either sub-optimal or falling apart. Help eachother out and post your results.

Other urls found in this thread:

An user from the previous thread

A result from the linked website

Personally: Face went from asymmetric to very symmetric. Nose shape changed, bridge got wider but the whole thing looks smaller on my face. Jawline was non-existent but is now present. Lower 3rd got sexy. People treat me better and girls I know take selfies with me when before they used to leave me out.

From what one person on the internet has claimed, putting pressure/mewing at the front of the mouth causes lower 3rd gains and getting the back 2/3 of the tongue up and pushing causes midface gains.
I found out that I have hooded eyes and positive canthal tilt too. It was just before I tilted my head back to free my airway. When I hold my head properly it looks proper

literally all he did was tilt his head back

Am I right in thinking there is no point me doing this as my tongue fits perfectly in the roof of my mouth already?

Post face.

Can I get a quick rundown on this stuff
Basically close teeth all the time, say n and press on that point with my tongue and my jawline sharpens?

You can clearly see that he grew much larger masseters and a sharper jawline. It's literally free and pretty much everyone who does it says it helped them.

I had similar results. Its not gonna do much, it wont do miracles, but it will definitely help you get better posture and change your jawline slightly, even more so if you had bad posture to begin with.


Link to the previous thread?

>tfw Veeky Forums is catching up

Almost a year ago, I read a thread where a guy mentions "mewing". Did some research and did it the next day. Been doing it religiously ever since. Basically, mewing + HARD chewing.

Fast forward to today. Jaw is more defined; chubby cheeks gone; fat under the chin gone; collapsed maxilla noticably improved (but still far from perfect). My face has never looked this good. And, no, I'm not a fatty who just lost weight and made face gains.

Too bad I didn't bother to take before pics to prove it.

Thanks, Dr. Mew.

Not the best lighting and my hair looks like shit but gives you an idea.

your jaw still look recessed as fuck


Might well be, like i said my tongue still fits perfectly into the roof of my mouth though so is there any point me trying this.

Sour grapes
See that cheekbone line this user has? I got that after a year of mewing when before I just had a chubby face. Slow but steady improvement

You're not "Trying" this, you're already doing it. The thread is advocating for the millions of people with poor oral posture to correct it. Yours is fine, you have nothing to correct to.

But if you ever stop, your face will start to collapse down and inwards

Give me a tldr on this mewing shit senpai

very feminine

Yes, your lower face will be pushed up and forward

After saying n you gotta suck your tongue and hold it up using suction or else you won't be able to breath

what about when you sleep? are you meant to get to a point where your tongue posture will be like this once asleep?

And then what? Just carry on as normal? Should we be clenching our jaw or anything? I already have good facial structure, but more can't hurt.

Yes. That's when the effects kick into gear because the progress you make during the day is not longer lost at night. You're progressing 24/7

Took me over a year to get tot he point of keeping proper tongue posture while asleep. The back third of your tongue is the subconsciously controlled part you have to make a habit of keeping it against the palate

I was so exited once I started waking up with my tongue firmly on the roof of my mouth. After about a week I do not have under-eye darkness. In certain light i still looks recessed but it's not dark, it's just a visible line of the eye socket being like 1cm lower than it should be.

Don't clench, just keep it tight

If I close my teeth I can't have all my tongue on my palate. If I'm just starting out, should I focus on having my tongue on the palate or keeping my teeth closed and trying to keep as much of my tongue on my palate as possible

I have dust mite allergy and I basicly switch to mouth breathing automaticly every time I fall asleep. Shit sucks.

This shit actually works and you have to be real stupid not to try it at least for a couple months. It's not like jelqing or other snake oil internet hoaxes, it won't break your shit forever, figuratively glue your tongue to the roof of your mouth and that's it.

It fixed my asymmetric mouth/chin and my nasal airway isn't blocked 24/7 anymore. Also lips are getting sexier somehow, probably the maxilla.

you will eventually develop high bp and heart disease unless you can breath thru nose while asleep. that's like having a sleep apnea

hidden milk/dairy allergy most common cause for the chronic stuffed nose

Lol what? I breathe through my nose so why would my tongue pressing up my throat hinder my breathing?

Does this help with jaw misalignment?

My jaw shifts to the right and is fairly noticeable. Especially when I smile you can see how far off it is. Not to mention its causing my teeth to become misaligned. I don't expect it to be a solution compared to a head brace I've been told I needed, but does it help a little bit?

Stop breathing through your mouth.

Is this post serious

pretty noticeable that his jaw muscles got stronger

Yes, seems like I don't understand the original post apparently

If you don't hold it in place it will collapse down your windpipe and choke you. This is pretty much what snoring is.

Is this Mew's protege or clone?

(not him)
>tfw skinnnyfag but have borderline sleep apnea
I wonder if this will help I assume it will because what causes sleep apnea is the lower back portion of the tongue pressing into the windpipe.

I still don't know what the problem is
If I hold up my tongue it stays there without much force
Only problem is that every time I push my tongue up there I get a double chin which looks stupid

You're doing it wrong then
You gotta "suck" the tongue up, not "push"

Not him but everytime I suck the tongue up it blocks my airway. This happens when i bring up the back of my tongue

Show after pics

Check your posture. If you stand/sit up straight, looking straight ahead (i.e. not "hunched over looking at screen"), your airway should be fine

How to correctly swallow and chew? Does Mew have any videos on this?

What is it not? Say n and push the tongue up or suck it up there? This is fucking stupid lol
The length you chincels go is unreal

Are these before/after pics legit? Looks like it works really well on women too.
Also can it help with fucked up teeth? I had braces but my front/corner teeth are shifting again.

I have this question too. I used braces and my teeth are perfect as of now. Will mewing change my teeth?

I used to be a mouth breather. I have a decent jawline, but a somewhat oblong face (oval shaped). Since I was a mouth breather I guess my face grew down instead of out like Mike talked about.
I have recently started mewing and I am hopeful.
I will check back in in a few months.

also wtf is facepulling

Is mewing an evolved version of buteyko?

>I get a double chin which looks stupid

I think this is actually a good sign that you're mewing correctly and probably have forward neck posture. Bad posture over time will stretch out muscles/structures under your chin which produce a bulge (double chin) when you force yourself into correct position but if you keep doing this it should, over time, start getting smaller/disappear. At least, this is how if view things. Mew said that keeping back third of the tongue as far back as possible is the key so i think that it aligns pretty well with my assumptions.

It's him post-mewing. He became an actor

Is there an explanation of this stuff in text form somewhere? I prefer reading over watching vids and it would be nice to have in the OP imo.

>it will collapse down your windpipe
Are you really this fucking retarded? This is like a meme from the 1920s, don't wanna swallow your tongue...your tongue is attached to your mouth. Hint: look under tongue

I want to see you getting punched in that "postured" jaw OP and then tell me it's developed wrong ;)

can some1 please link me the CHIN TUCK MEW recommends? I can't find it anywhere.

Hmmm. Interesting idea about the muscle being scretched under the chin
Pic related. Check yourself, fool
I just posted on the forum in the OP asking the owner to make a guide. There's two moderators there that answer questions and I'm only piecing together info from what they say. Hopefully one replies with the full story

Google mckenzie chin tuck


fuck I love you fit


not completely true, I can't keep it at the roof of my mouth when I sleep but I don't snore and yes my mouth is closed all time


this funny and yet intelligent of new and fag in one word is hilarious.

Does anyone have a picture of how your tongue is supposed to look inside your mouth? I'm sucking the back of my tongue into the gap on the roof of the mouth but I don't know if I'm doing it right.

See it here

>Burning sensation under chin when holding my tongue to the roof of my mouth
Good sign? Bad sign? Feels like I'm working a muscle.

How much is the whole tongue?? I can't tell if enough of my tongue is up there, no one has made that clear

how is that a recessed jaw u stupid cunt?

It just means thay you are new, Newfag

is it possible to post your results? blur out eyes

i have the kind of face which would benefit from this i think

Can you make these changes at any age or only while in teens?

How long did it take?

i think u have to suck ur tongue the way you would suck through a straw

I have this one tooth (canine) that points in 45 degrees. I had braces in my teens but im now mid 20s and it started pointing in.

can mewing fix it? do i need to get braces to get this tooth out of the way before I can start mewing?

thanks for your time.

PLEASE post progress I am seriously interested

Teeth erupt/are corrected to straightness by the opposing forces of the tongue and lips. Most likely reason for a tooth to go crooked is adjacent teeth crowding it

yes this is what happened. its hard to push the tooth the right way with my tongue. tooth cuts into tongue a bit. do i need braces or should i push with tongue anyway and risk a lot of pain and no results?

>mfw getting rid of "scoliosis" with mewing

Best way to know you're doing it right is to let go of all tension around your skull/head, while only using your tongue

if you watch his presentations instead of listening to memers on this board you'll quickly find out that he treats 7-9 year olds.

This nigga isn't really describing how to do it wat the fuuuark

holy shit you freaks need to get a job instead of worrying about where your tongue is positioned in your palate.. fucking weirdos i swear lmfao every time some new trend.. first it's rackpulls then its neck pill now it's mewing... srsly get a job/career

mewing came before both of those

I have a job though. I'm just extremely self obsessed

>holy shit you freaks need to get a job instead of worrying about your health
this makes 0 sense

If you're done growing might as well get braces. They fuck up the growth of children but in adults you're just moving teeth around

>Dentist shills at it again
I'll have you know, I'm a professional shitposter on /pol/

How the fuck do we do this????

You're doing it wrong then, you're supposed to not use the muscles around your head.

Don't listen to this fag, you can give in and live with regret.

tell me more user, I have scoliosis too.

It's a meme
I have been mewing for almost 5 years unconsciously, literally no change

>Have "scoliosis" meme, too much pride to allow myself to go to doctors.
>Start mewing (incorrectly)
>I have built muscle above my torso, instead of one giant curve getting worse, it's became a stable link of 3 small curves.
>Turns out scoliosis just gets worse because people are necklets and dont work out their neck muscles.
>All you have to do is Mew while standing up straight for as long as you need to strengthen muscles
>Settle into resting scoliosis postion, mike mew correctly
>My whole tongue is trying to push my whole body weight up
>Turns out scoliosis is actually immunity from the poison that causes people to lose tongue function
>We have half function

You know what's really funny.
You globalist planned this real hard, to have a one world government and give the world a good "brazilianfication." You shills are as soulless and brainless as the people who are warded off by you fucks. The smart ones will overshadow you, and you will be left to die, because you choose to be dumb fucking followers.

how to train neck properly?

Assuming you have scoliosis too, just stand up straight and mew.
It will be an incorrect form but it'll build everything from the torso up.
Make sure you stop doing it after those muscles are built..

so when my rib cage starts getting raised what do I do?

Keep going man, you're doing it correctly then.
Whats the degrees on your curve, and where is it located?

what the fuck am i reading? Does this even mean anything?

my curve keeps changing. it was 10 degrees when I had it measured but that was 3-4 years ago. and I know for fact it literally switched curve from left to right at some point. don't know what it's at now but my hips are more even but I have neck pain bad.

You had the brace on? I also had the brace too

means nothing to you

I did see a photo on Veeky Forums once about flat feet or something and back problem and I think that is the reason I have scoliosis probably. my right foot is funny.

no brace for me, it just keeps changing depending on my workouts and stuff. I know for fact I wasn't born with this and all the doctors are retarded and ignorant when it comes to scoliosis except for a few ones.