Can someone give me advice on how to gain healthy fat...

Can someone give me advice on how to gain healthy fat? My boyfriend is being a little bitch because I have more muscle definition than him and I think it makes him self conscious. He's been trying to convince me to get fat. How do I go from 15-17% body fat to around 25% without causing health problems?

Your boyfriend is a gains goblin just keep getting swole.

Your boyfriend is a beta gains goblin go find someone who isn’t a little bitch

Make your boyfriend lose weight and get fit, he's probably also twisted and has a fetish for obese whales.

Failing that, dump him, we need more Veeky Forums women in the world.

Also post pics or this is a fat fetishist bait thread

Your boyfriend is a gains goblin, if he wants more muscle definition than you he should work for that result, not convince you to go on a chinese cartoon forum and ask for advice on how to sabotage yourself


On second thought, this is Veeky Forums. Why did I bother asking?

Your boyfriend is a gains goblin.

>autocorrected to Bain's goblin
>2Swole UUUU

Dump him.

You will never be able to accomplish fitness goals with such a faggot bringing you down.

He's cancer and deserves an equally cancerous partner to die with at 45 from synchronous heart attacks.

Seriously. Dump that faggot.

Dump the beta and why don't u come date an alpha

Nowadays I no longer know what is bait and what is not

We require pics for accurate advice.

This is what I look like currently. Trying to get a big butt and stay thin, but supposedly I would look better if I gained some fat. What can I do??

would take a bite out of/10

It wouldn't, a flabby ass is leagues worse than a muscular one

Just stay slim, so your abs remain toned and a bit visible. Don't have to go all out and look like a bodybuilder. Then just do fuckloads of squats

This is probably bait, but dump him.

Also, it's funny how on the female version of this chart, I find up to 40% to not be bad, but the male version is unattractive past 20%

Seriously, dump him.

It's only a matter of time before it spreads to other parts of the relationship.

He will forever hold you back from reaching your goals. He is not worth the effort. There are plenty of men out there who will not only push you to better yourself, but will work just as hard next to you.

okay now post your boyfriends physique, that would make it all clear

30% is the last attractive one to me, 35% is barely passable

>inb4 low T beta

35% is max thicc bro

>tfw my type

fuck your faggot boyfriend tell him to lift until he's not intimidated by you anymore or fuck off and become a trap

You're almost fucking perfect, my goal body. Don't gain a pound and dump that creepy fuck

most of the 35s I know are disgusting thots who only talk about food and devour mozzarella sticks and vodka like it's their job. also
>cottage cheese thighs

now a qt 35% powerlifter gf with good skin and good diet would he another story

I don't wanna post him here but he's about 180lbs and 6', kind of built and kind of tubby. I think he's worried about being fat so he wants me to get a little fat so he feels better? I don't know

do you happen to be in london?

Become a lesbian and find a girl who will appreciate your built body.

Stop with this meme

This board is so fucking pathetic

>everyday, hundreds of posts about how evil girls are when they dump guys
>hundreds of thread every day about women and how lifting for them is bad
>multiple body positivity threads for men posted every day
>200+ post thread about "manipulative girlfriends" that dump their boyfriends, complete with pseudo-intellectuals posting about the psychology of "CUH-RAZY EX GIRLFRIEND!"

>girls posts thread, mentions boyfriend

fucking beta faggots on this board. I'd fuck you all up in real life.

Why is everyone saying dump him? You guys are some faggot incels

Do not gain weight. I can guarantee that you will look much worse at 25%. Right now you look really good

I'll beat your ass man. I'll beat your mom's ass. I'll beat the shit out of your cat.


This is what I want in a gf. Your bf is a fat fetishist insecure faggot. Don't change bb girl

He sounds like a little bitch, tell him get his fucking gainz up

We also say that to men who come on saying their gf is telling them to not be so buff.

It's the natural Veeky Forums reaction to having a gains goblin in your bed.

>multiple body positivity threads for men posted every day

Are you sure we're on the same board? This is the place that shits on you if you're less than 6 foot, if you're too skinny, if you're too fat, if you don't have a strong jawline, if you have bad skin, if your neck is too skinny, or whatever the fuck else. Fuck off back to tumblr you thin skinned, thick skulled piece of shit.


You will only look good with more fat in the extreme unlikelihood that you're one of those girls with absurdly aesthetic fat distribution.

Dump your retarded boyfriend and keep on the gains train.

That's a perfect body. Tell your BF to stop being a faggot. He wants some fat bitch tell him to move on. You've worked hard for what you've achieved, if anything just help him get to your level.

yeah nobody cares

8 pls

hey, don't fuck up the cat

what the hell man

This. The difference between Christina Hendricks and Lena Dunham is bodyfat distribution, not bodyfat percentage.

come on 7



I'd fugg you if you know what I mean

What do you mean?


Anyone trying to make you fat is a faggot. We have enough fat women in the world, we shouldn't be trying to make more of them. That being said, I do like the 25-30% range, but I wouldn't ever ask a gf to put on fat if she was really lean.

Females are made to store more fat. No suprise we tolerate them having a bit more fat compared to a male of equal size.

Your boy is gains goblin and weak. Unless you're some Olympic level chick working out 24/7 at the gym, there is no reason he can't reach and exceed your level with his inante male advantage. Its like having one leg and your bf bitching that he can't outrun you.

Go sire a strong son from a Chad and demote this guy to cuck status.

Making the sex to her.

Also she should dump that fag

Veeky Forums isn't a tumbler/reddit safe space but compared to rest of Veeky Forums, it is pretty positive. Yea you got the commit sudoku if under 6 and what not bantz. But shit like /fatg/ and actual advice to non attention whore females as well.

5 to 9 me


Your boyfriend sounds like an insecure little bitch. Why would you change your body cause he doesn't work out? Tell his lazy ass to hit the gym more

You should dump him. It sounds like he's holding you back

4-7 please

fuck my life

Don't gain weight. Lose your boyfriend.

Pls pls pls more pics

6 or 7

It's an innocent cat jackass