CHAD thread - New King Edition

post rare CHADS


>implying betadeterminism isn't 5'5"



Who's Chad?

Most of these fucking suck now


jason genova




>autoclaves plastic tools.

WOW so that guy in chem 1 was a fucking chad after all.




>literally being this new


He's Chad. Dumb fucking question

>hunts just to spill the blood of mouse untermench

>half brothers with Dan




Actually it's IM A GAY




Griffith did nothing wrong. He also reigns over his Chad kingdom while Guts plays with a crazy whore, a beta incest enthusiast, a manlet, a loli, and his absent minded retard lover that cucked him with Femtochad.

> his hero called him "cringy"


Apparently Eric said somewhere that alex's name and his PUA advice was kind of cringy or something along those lines, but as far as I can tell he said it in a bantsy way and they're still in good terms.

I like dis.

>Never read a PUA blog yet thoroughly analyzed by them as they try and fail to imitate him

Might be the most on-point thing I've ever seen on one of these

>the virgin "virgin vs chad" purist
>the CHAD meme darwinist

To add on to this his surname is "Ralto".

A surname is your last name

>Uses truck, hands too small for normal truck

What ?

>correctly thinks the world will be better off without him

fucking kek

i hate jack players so much


is there plenty of porn yet? i hope so




Why is Chad's hair crooked?
False Chad!
A true Chad's hair can be used as a draftsman's tool.

>the Chadaver

Needs more Iliad references

Post the ballista vs night king with spear one


fresh OC



Fuck this is my favorite byfar


very cute
n-no homo

legitimately jealous

I'm here painfully writing my reports on LaTeX while CHAD is screaming his manuscript to Nature over the phone, why even finish my phd ?




baller CEO cigger fishy anto banging fresh 20 year old pussy

Who is BetaDestiny's hero that called him cringy? Is there video?

Me on the right

Eric Bugenhagen
It's in one of his Q&A videos, he says the name "AlphaDestiny" is cringy not Alex himself

>not even dead

You stupid or something? Yagami is his surname, Light/Raito is his given name. Why are you talking like you know if you never watched the show.

Mr Muscle is truly amazing.

Well using a cringe as fuck name like that does make Alex himself cringy. I mean everyone can SEE that he's clearly not alpha in the slightest. He's ugly, manlet, unpopular with girls, uncharismatic. He's definitely a beta.

can someone make a virgin keto vs chad faster one

Need to save this shit for when those anti cat fags on /an/ start talking shit

cats are for numales and old people.

Dogs are for real men

Made me chuckle

This one hit home with me.

This desu


I don't get it. Who are these people?


Anyone have a template?

fucking mishima main faggots

this. amazing how being on the internet makes people's perception of you go up. I mean there are literally people who look up to the guy when in real life he would be considered completely delusional and made fun of.
I skimmed through the comment on his cringy stories (the "sipping on my cool glass of lemonade" one) and all his subscribers were going "fking alpha, man" "aha you showed them alex".
Fucking recently divorced 40 yo cucks going for that yoked look, worshipping the first """"genuine & tough"""" guy they could find. 16 year old betas who think training neck with shit form will make them Chad. And the reason it works is because they want to believe he's an alpha. Because that's a guy who was genetically FUBAR from the get go, and if he can make it then so can they. It's so sad seeing them try.
No amount of rack pulling is going to make up for what they are. It's their destiny. Their beta destiny.

Unironically 100% correct

That's fucking meta as fuck

So uhm who's the artist?

Fucking kek

I don't even know how there's a debate. Do burgers not know that? Without getting into numales and old people and such, cats are for girls and dogs are for guys, it's a cultural thing.
Also yeah, numales do tend to describe themselves as "cat people" to score points with tumblrinas.

The fuck are you talking about?, just delete the text using MS paint you moron

>just delete the text on the already edited pictures


you can't make this up
this is gold

Using this obsession to become a giant rockstar Lmfao

Get ducked FUCK spell check



>owning a toxoplasmosis infested numale pet

I've yet to meet an anarchist that wasn't a noodle armed white doofus

They're MC's from different parts of a series a vidyas the left is Persona 3 and the other is Persona 4.

To be honest, in Persona 3 you don't even try and girls are all on your dick. If it wasn't for him having that accident he would have been Chad. Whereas in Persona 4 you have to struggle.

If a person has a cat, I immediately think a little less of them.
If they have two, then I'm very skeptical they're sane.
If they have three, I walk the fuck away

If the virgin is the opposite of Chad, what is the opposite of Stacey?

Hemingway had a shit load of cats

Also a virgin, but spinster alliterates

This makes a little conflicted.
Hemingway wrote manlyshit for men

But he also sucked the double barrelled dick.
Maybe he tried to use cats as a substitute for women.
God knows that all men everywhere want nothing to do with women but are biologically forced to

Ooh, I like it

I had been waiting for this.