I don't know what to do you guys... At my heaviest (11 years ago when I was 13), I weighed 200 lbs...

I don't know what to do you guys... At my heaviest (11 years ago when I was 13), I weighed 200 lbs, and through biking and taking public transit everywhere I dropped down to 140-150, then after an eating disorder + active lifestyle / job 120. (Yes I acknowledge this as a problem-mentioning because I wonder if it screwed up my metabolism?) After having to move to the suburbs and going through a shit relationship, my weight has ballooned up to 140-145 lbs, even though I do go to the gym daily and don't eat that much. Does anyone have any ideas on how to slim down and tone upper thighs, upper arms, and stomach? I'm worried I'm going to be stuck at 140 forever, and I think at this point I'm going to need very basic instruction too. (I've never been a runner so I'll need couch to 4k info for example.)

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Read the sticky

Stop dying your hair blonde. just deal with the fact that you were not born blonde.

Also stop wearing yoga pants.

Here is a good advice: Stop drinking sugary drinks and learn how to cook.

kinda went through the same weight pattern

you cant really screw up your metabolism, its called metabolic adaptation so yeah even when your body will adapt to maintain at low intake it will go back to normal within a year of properly eating. plateaus are common either at gaining weight or losing so just keep goung at it, weight your food, watch your portions and you will shed weight. if you go the gym daily chances are youre gaining weight back on muscle while losing fat. you cant spot reduce either so youll have to lose weight everywhere to have those parts slimmed down just keep going at it and youll see results soon

Sl5x5, swimming on your off days

Make better food choices.
Cut out surgery drinks.
Cut out bread.


Yeah you have to eat less and exercise more.
You can write 50 more excuses but that's all you have to do.

Find your TDEE, cut that by 20% (i.e. 2000TDEE so i cut to 1800 (2000*.2=200. 2000-200=1800)
Track ALL food and drinks you consume, fuck track the semen count you swallow, anything that goes into your mouth that you swallow, fucking track that shit. None of this guestimate tracking either, buy some scales and fucking use them.

Next, exercise. You can find couch to 5K easy enough. Get a job that requires moving, it's an easy and productive way to get a decently active lifestyle. You want to 'tone'? Then lift weights in your spare time.

What you will want to do, is to READ THE STICKY, after that, read /Fat/ on this board. After all of that, look into what exercises you can actually do, what do you have access to? Do you have any physical limitations that may cause some exercises to be bad for you? Get an idea, come back and ask for more help if you need it, otherwise best of luck.

Hello. Please be in Delft, I would like to go on a romantic date with you, then kiss you on the lips, fuck your brains out and pass out sleeping.
I can dance btw.
Please respond.

>being the fattest at 13
You were most likely """"""""raised"""""""" (if you can call this "raising a child") to be a fat mess and don't even realize where your fatty fatty mistakes are made, you fat piece of shit. Try to think as well as your "a little extra teehee" brain allows you to think about all those hidden traces of fatlogic burned into you like marking on a cow.

You sound like an old hag who hates everything
Just do your cardio 4~5 times a week, 30~45 mins a day of jog or bike machine plus lifting weights. And eat around 2200~2400 calories to start. Lose your weight from activity, not by starving yourself or else you'll turn into a skinny fat mess. Don't use weight scale as an indication of your progress, instead use measuring tape, fat measuring caliper or do a monthly progress picture for checking your progress.

>You sound like an old hag who hates everything

I am a male in my early 20s

Grow up, bud.

OP have you tried green tea in place of coffee? It is a minor change but it made a big difference due to me having heightened stress hormones and more sedentary lifestyle at work. Anyway, I would try that, do planks and ma6be handstands to circulate blood.,

How did you manage to hit 200lbs, OP?
Are you like 1.80m? I'm geniunly curious.

Cut every drink except tea/ black coffe / water

do IF 16-8

Eat alot of green veggies, lean proton

go for 5km run before work/study/whatever the fuck you have to do, run on empty stomach, eats up fat like nothing else.

Go for a walk after work/whatever the fuck your doing

If you think your muscles are burning after couple days, take a cold bath ( doesnt have to iced at this distance)

Keep it for a 1-2 months and you'l be leaner, happier, healthier and richer

we all gona make it femanon

fuck I always run after breakfast.

Was that retarded?

what you want to burn? the breakfast or the fat?

Also you will feel more hungry due to burning your breakfast energy on the run instead of the time till next meal

I know.

Show your bulge cheekie!

This is OP- Lot of comments about diet potentially being bad or not working out enough. Every day Mon-Fri I do 30-60 min of cycling (trying to move on to elliptical), weight machines for maybe 20 min, 50 squats, and the majority of my meals are made at home. (I never eat fast food or potato chips or whatever.) So I was hoping I could get some more specific ideas.

Running--- I've never been a runner in my life, and there's not a place where I live right now to run. When I still lived in the city I walked 5+ miles a day, so that definitely helped the exercise situation.

As for toning individual parts- I've been hearing mixed things about whether general workouts are effective for someone like me. (Clearly my lower legs are a lot smaller than my thighs for example.) Even when I was 120 I had flabby thighs and arms, although I did have a nearly flat stomach.

Stop being in-denial, you dont get to 200 lb by eating lean protons and veggies with decent amount of movement unless you are eating elephant portions

Either keep saying you are doing just right and kys

Or put your head in the sand and listen

your choice femanon


And the 200 lbs was from being shuffled around to various relatives as a kid, and eating crap like US public school lunches + boxed mac and cheese, not to mention I never really played with other kids. I'm 5'5 and was probably smaller at that age.

I just thought of something--- I played aquatic sports in high school and didn't really lose much weight even though we had practice every day. (Then I probably dropped 160 to 155.)

how tall are you, hm?

I'm 5'5 - OP

Check over one week everything you eat, including those little snacks (one chocolate bar here, one ice-cream there...). Calculate the average calories intake on one day. Compare this to: bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutcal.htm
Chances are that you're overeating and don't even notice it.

Then, get a proper training routine. Doing some half-asses cycling or elliptical at low speed will do jackshit for weight loss. 20 minutes of weight training seems like nothing, too. 50 bodyweight squats will get you nowhere (it was part of our warmup when I did judo - when I was 8).

For slimming down, the best thing might be HIIT training, three to four times a week, combined with a light diet, and a general active lifestyle (biking, hiking, swimming in your spare time).

You could also do the opposite and start a serious lifting routine to gain muscle mass (will fix the problem of flabby arms and legs), and then make a cut to slime down. The risk is that you stay in a permabulk.

You should eat about 1390kcal a day for fat loss.

thats not how a 5'5 grill looks at 200 lbs.
go larp someplace else.

>tone upper thighs, upper arms, and stomach
You cant, you stupid thot. Let me explain how this works.
1. When you are in a caloric proficit, your body will build muscle, provided an adequate stimulus, and store fat.
2. When you are in a caloric deficit, your body will use up your fat and muscles for fuel. Strength training and sufficient protein intake will preserve your muscles.
Hence cycles of cuttng and bulking. This information is the exact same regardless if you are a man or a woman. Of course as a woman you arent going to be able to become as muscular as men are, especially in the upper body department. Thicc thighs save lives, glutes are gonna make your ass bigger, etc. Upper body training isnt gonna make you go out of proportion anyway, unless you start taking steroids(why the fuck would a woman do that anyway, if she isnt planning to become a pro in some strength sport?). Flat stomach will be achieved by cutting down, thats it. Cardio is important for actually being healthy and shit. Technically you dont need any to cut down. TECHNICALLY. In practice, it helps due to increased insulin sensitvity and better fat metabolism and some other shit and getting yourself an athletic heart and driving down your blood pressure and heart rate will help you in the long term a lot.
Basically, you use the exact same training methods as a man. Get yourself a good coach/a good program and go lift weights. Dont fucking waste your time and put in proper effort to do what you wanna do.
Here is a motivational picture for you.
Here is some general advise. You dont do this shit, because its easy, you do it because its hard. Dont waste your time in the gym. Get in, do your work as prescribed by your coach/programm as well as you can, get out. Sleep well.