If you are over 100 pounds overweight, you have less than a 1 % chance of losing and keeping it off...

If you are over 100 pounds overweight, you have less than a 1 % chance of losing and keeping it off. Have you swallowed the weightloss redpill yet that what you are attempting is not going to happen?

if you have allowed yourself to become 100lbs overweight you are obviously not very strong in the willpower and self control department, so I believe it

It fails so damn much because all people do is change their diet for a short time, and not change their lifestyle to go along with their diet.

>papa john's

At least post a decent pizza if you want to bait replies OP

Correct answer.

>less than a 1 % chance of losing and keeping it off.
The statistic counts each diet attempt, self reported from people that have tried diets not verified or monitored by the data aggregator, and not the chance of each individual to successfully diet.

To put this in perspective, measured the same way a person who tried to quit smoking 20 times throughout their life and only succeeded on their last attempt would have a success rate of 5%, even though they have successfully quit smoking. Put them in a room with four other people that have not quit but have also tried 20 times, and the success rate is 1%, even though one out of five have successfully quit smoking.

Most people also have no idea what constitutes a good diet; the diet and fitness industry as well as lack of education about nutrition in school are largely to blame.

Also note more weight a subject loses, the more likely they are to keep the weight off; this is likely because in order to lose larger amounts of weight, one must change their lifestyle long enough for it to become a habit rather than a temporary change.

>It's not my fault I'm fat! Even if i lose it I'll just gain it back!
Cope harder fatty

I was 100 lbs overweight actually, I went from 125 to 77kg (185cm), and kept it off. I think it's different when you do it in your teens though, your habits aren't as solidified as if you were in your 20's or 30's and living on your own maintaining that unhealthy lifestyle.
I was at my heaviest at 16 and was at a healthy weight at 18 before I moved out of the house, so now that I live on my own I know how to eat and exercise.

>When you lose 100lbs but go back to eating the same shit you were before
Its like people learned nothing from the presumed years of calorie counting and meal prepping.

Is it only for those who are at least 100 pounds overweight? I was only 70 pounds overweight (and classified as obese) 9 months ago. Now I am on the edge of a normal bmi and overweight bmi. Yeah I had to change my lifestyle but with trying anything, it always takes multiple attempts until you get it down.

>If you are over 100 pounds overweight, you have less than a 1 % chance of losing and keeping it off.

Yet people say losing weight is "easy". Name an easy thing with a 1% success rate. Harvard has a 5.4% acceptance rate for God's sake.

the people applying to harvard are already the elite of the elite desu, most people don't even bother because it would just be an auto-rejection

Most fatties are stupid and count eating a salad for lunch twice a week as a diet.

I have lost around 80, and kept it off

Feels pretty good.

Good job

Sure, it's self-selecting. Only fat people who (at some level) want change will attempt to diet.

But even if I concede the point on the comparison it doesn't change my core point, easy and "1% success rate" don't really go hand in hand.

Losing weight is easy. 100% of the people out there can do it, unlike getting into Harvard. It's just that the process isn't nearly as gratifying in the short term as stuffing your face and getting fat.

Good job! I lost 100lbs but I started at 350 so I'm where you started now.

I wish I could have my beginner losses at this weight, holy shit.

>100% of the people out there can do it, unlike getting into Harvard.

100% of people can get into Harvard. They just need to stop being lazy and study.

>diets fail

There is no such thing as going on a diet. There is only changing your diet. If your diet change is temporary, then the results from a change in your diet will also be temporary. If cake and hamburgers made a person fat, they can't expect to be able to eat cake and hamburgers after losing weight and not get fat again.

i don't think it's so much that losing weight is that hard, as that the people who let themselves get 100lbs overweight are inherently broken human beings with pathological drives to overeat, a total lack of self control, and a total lack of willpower


A pathological drive to overeat sounds like something that would make weight loss not-easy.

People on fit don't understand the difference between conceptual vs practical difficulty.


weight loss is easy in practice, as long as you're not one of the people in that category I described

they have the deck stacked against them

See it's funny because I say this about Harvard and people laugh. But say the same thing about weight loss and people are like "ah yeah just stop being lazy just stop eating omg its so easy".

But really what is the difference? You make a bunch of stupid mistakes and not study when you're younger, then you grow up an idiot and can't get into Harvard. It's the same thing as making a bunch of stupid mistakes eating junk food and not exercising growing up, and growing up not being thin.

It's almost like people struggle with different things.

>mfw I've lost over 50 kg and kept it off for 2 years

>used to weigh 330lb
>now weigh 215
>haven't been above 250 in 8 years

>mfw people try to diet through "willpower" instead of educating themselves on real nutrition, sleeping better, and reducing stress

>But really what is the difference?
A limited number of people will get into Harvard; it's a competition among a large pool of people for a set that can numerically never include all the applicants.

Weight loss is not a competition. If you eat less and move more you will lose weight regardless of what others are doing. If do well, but the guy next door loses more weight, it doesn't mean you gain weight.

They definitely struggle with different things, and if everything was as simple as making the right decisions, you'd be correct. But deciding to move more and eat less is something everyone CAN do. Not everyone has the ability to get into a top tier school regardless of how hard they try.

>If do well, but the guy next door loses more weight, it doesn't mean you gain weight.

I hate when the guy next door goes on a 2 week water fast and I get fat as fuck

It generally happens to people who are just born into fucked up situations. Your parents are too fucked from their own problems to help you, so you just eat poptarts and coke all the time, probably developing mental disorders as well. Your parents probably have obese diabetic relatives so they consider it to be normal and not a big deal. You're imagining a normal person who becomes 300lb because he likes cake too much-- that doesn't really happen

>Not everyone has the ability to get into a top tier school regardless of how hard they try.

"Muh genetics"

>years of calorie counting

I'd be resigned to beetus and heart disease if dieting took that long. 2+ lbs a week feels like real progress and keeps me pushing forward. Progress fuels determination.

Genetics. No one is genetically obese, some people are genetically retarded, a good amount of people are genetically too stupid for Harvard. Also the competition thing.

>"I've tried everything to lose weight but nothing ever works"
>"Have you ever tried not fucking eating for a few days?"
Than how the fuck have you tried "everything"

>Harvard would enroll a class of 10 million people every year
You can't get into Harvard because you don't understand simple math. Harvard has a finite number of slots. Non-obesity has room for everyone though

Harvard doesn't reject worthy candidates. So competition doesn't apply there either. Student A being smart enough to get in doesn't make student B dumb.

what kind of deficit are you on at 1lbs a week? 1000 calories? are you lifting at the same time?

2lbs a week sorry*

Yes that have and that doesn't work you fucking retard, why the fuck do skinny teenage idiots insist on shitting up this board when you clearly don't know the first thing about fitness? Starvation deiting is unsustainable, but plenty of fat people try it because they listen to idiots like you.
What actually works is making long-term changes to a healthy sustainable diet. And most fat people haven't tried that. You would know this if you learned about fitness instead of just attaching fat people to try to make your own insecurities about being a skinnyfat failure

1/100 implies there is a choice. If you give yourself a choice to fail or not, you will fail. I will be the 1 because failure is not on the cards.

Death or victory.

They reject 94.6% of applicants. I think you are thinking about Devry.

You have to bring in literal retards to make your point hold up to scrutiny. Do I get to start including digestive disorders and thyroid problems in my argument?

Yes for some disadvantaged people they can't study enough to get in. For your average person it's completely possible if they applied themselves. Same as weightloss.

Everyone here is just mad because I'm pointing out that their weight loss logic applies to intelligence too and they're losing their shit.

900 cal deficit plus 100 or so of light cardio. 2200 TDEE. It's a big deficit and there are side effects but seeing drops on the scale every week is a must in order to keep going for me. Like a momentum thing.

I plan to lift after I buy some weights and get closer to 200.

94.6% of applicants weren't worthy and should've studied harder. Nothing to do with competition.

highest was 380
lost 70lbs
I'm going to make it regardless of what anyone says
suck my soon to be fit nuts

Keep kicking ass user! We're all gonna make it.

Make a change in your ENTIRE LIFE. Move out if you need to and only buy food that's healthy. It's NOT hard. I did it and i thought I'd hate it, but it turned out to be pretty effortless once I was on my own and I could choose what was in my fridge.

My mother hated it, she pathologically didn't want me to ever be happy because she's miserable and didnt want me to ever be in a relationship, and once my body started changing she'd come over and bring me donuts and sweets to try to sabotage me. Be mindful of that. Assholes in your life will try to comfort you into being a piece pf lard so they can be happy. I love 100 and I'm I. A good relationship for once. Let it happen to you. It's not impossible or too late

I've helped over two dozen fat fucks lose a metric ton of weight and keep it off because of fasting. Some were encroaching on 400+ lbs.

Not a single one has put the weight back on. Except for the 440 lb guy who got down to 160, then ballooned back up to 180 where he's been for 8 years.

Fasting is an incredibly effect weight and hunger management tool. In fact In every circumstance the ONLY thing I ever instructed was to stop fucking eating for two weeks at a time with two week refeeds. As time progressed they began to adopt healthier diets and more active lifestyles on their own accord with no other encouragement.

Holy shit you're an idiot, I doubt you could even qualify for community college.
Please just stop talking

I cleaned up my diet at 30, and the habits stuck. I think it helps to couple lifestyle changes together, like a move along with diet. That helped me atleast

Tell that to Asians.

Excellent counter point

I call bullshit on this. Starvation dieting has been consistent shown to be a terrible method of long-term weight loss and I've never met a legit nutritionist or personal trainer who advises it. Fatties like Boogie have done it and it doesn't work. The "99% of diets fail" is because of idiots who try starvation diets

How am i supposed to counter? Do you want me to give you an actual lesson on basic math and reason in a Veeky Forums thread? You're level of retardation doesn't deserve a counter. Anybody who says "100% of the population can be better than the other 99.99%" should just be called a retard


I lost 30 lbs starving.. granted I was morbidly depressed but it happened. I gained back like 10 of it over the next year

>Anybody who says "100% of the population can be better than the other 99.99%" should just be called a retard

It's within their ability though. Which is all I've argued from the beginning. It's effort that makes the difference.

My math may be bad but I'll take it over your grasp of the abstract. Or English.

was 400 now 300lbs and still trying lose more weight and where did you get the 1% from? let me guess your ass.

No, they cant. If you have iq of 115+ and work hard, sure. But lets say you have iq of 95 and you arent particularly conscientious. Well, tough luck, m8, you arent gonna make it in harvard most likely. If you have an iq below 85, you are only not making it in harvard, you are also very likely going to be a criminal/struggle with unemployment. A sizeable portion of the population isnt smart and conscientious enough to get into harvard and go through it.
They reject 94.6%, because they only want top5% of all of them, because limited amount of slots.

There's no effort in having parents who are a legacy. There's no effort in having wealthy parents. There's no effort in being a certain race. If the criteria for admission was blindly based on test scores and grades and not capped at a certain number then you would have an argument. Get a better analogy.

I've lost 150 pounds in the last 2 years. It's entirely possible that I could gain weight back but Im pretty confidant I won't go full retard like I did in the past. Ive fundamentally changed my habits and lifestyle, it's like I'm a completely different person.

Harvard is overrated, there's nothing actually elite about it once you get it.

>Get a better analogy.
I really should. I worry that it'll be aggressively misunderstood like my Harvard one was, but I definitely should. Everyone is fixated on "number of seats" like it's a silver bullet for my argument, when in reality they're attacking the model and not the concept.

Ignoring that you're just making the intelligence equivalent of the "muh genetics" argument, how do you think IQ is assessed? If you learned some basic problem solving concepts you'll get decent marks on an IQ test. You're making the equivalent argument to "I don't know how to work out, so it's just harder for me to lose weight". But like with weight loss, if you're willing to learn the steps you can do it.

that statistic doesn't mean "1% of people who try succeed" it means "1% of all morbidly obese whales actually bother to lose their weight"

>Ignoring that you're just making the intelligence equivalent of the "muh genetics" argument, how do you think IQ is assessed? If you learned some basic problem solving concepts you'll get decent marks on an IQ test.
No, not really. Iq is largely genetic. Basically every attempt at improving someones iq failed. Iq is a finnicky thing, its easy to drop it down with shit like disease and poor nutrition, but really really really hard to improve in any significant way in the long term. You cant really and train to be good at iq tests. You can train for shit like SAT, because SAT obviously doesnt measure your fluid intelligence, albeit it correlates with it.
Psychemetrics is one of the most succesful areas of psychology with the best results there are. Science there is pretty settled, there is nothing to argue about.
Also, you are equating going to harvard with losing weight, which isnt really a good comparison. Going to harvard should be more equated to getting ifbb pro card or some shit like that. Its a far greater achievement than simply not being morbidly obese. Not being obese and being decently fit would be like getting good grades at school basically. i mean, if your country has good PT classes in schools, it literally is getting good grades at school, lmao.

Jesus Christ let's add "lack of any common sense at all" to the list.
Seriously just stop

I used to be about 100lbs overweight. Now been at a healthy weight for 3 years. Just eat healthier and exercise.

Alright man I'll leave you alone.

How tall are you?

Living abroad now and Papa John's is, for some reason, the junk food that I miss the most. Never thought I'd miss it, but I do.

>Not being obese and being decently fit would be like getting good grades at school basically.

I like the broad strokes of what you're saying, my biggest problem with using good grades as a comparison is that grading in schools is basically fucked. So saying that could mean VASTLY different things to different people. Whereas Harvard is more or less a shared concept.

In the end, all I'm trying to say is that for something to have 1% success rate doesn't really jive with everyone on here calling it "easy". Harvard having a higher acceptance rate shows that difference. Getting straight As in school has a range (from quick googling) of 1% to 40% depending on who you ask, so it's harder for me to use it as a model.

Some things are hard and take work, self-sacrifice and discipline. Losing weight is possible; all your figure shows is that 99% of the people who let themselves get 100 lbs overweight don't have the strength of character to make the fundamental changes in themselves needed to do it permanently.

Not everyone has what it takes to, say, get into Harvard, or climb Everest, or even live an active healthy life and feed themselves like responsible adults. It's sad, and it sucks to be them, but life is unfair, you're entitled to only the happiness you earn, and there are huge inequalities in just about every aspect of being human.

>Not everyone has what it takes to, say, get into Harvard

This thread has been down that road. Everyone here spergs out at the mention that they can train intelligence even though they fully advocate training the body.

been there done that fuck you OP, it's been 6 years now and I'm starting to look better than guys I envied back in HS.

Other "impossible" accomplishments done by me:
>quit smoking
>recovered from a felony

I guess 99% of people like to tell themselves they can't do it so they don't have to.

Do whatever the fuck you want to but don't discourage fatties trying to lose weight, because it's 100% possible.

t. fat fuck with cheeto dust on his fingers.

Daily reminder that this is Veeky Forums and 95% of the people on here are the ones IRL who sit in the back of the bus muttering to themselves.

Then how come the wealthiest black families have an equal or lower IQ than the poorest white families?

Go back to /pol/

op you are fucking retarded. This statistic is from the average idiots who doesnt know how weight loss works. You cant just train like a madman and eat barely anything to loose all your weight, because you will return to your old eating habits. The only proper way to loose weight is day by day reduce your calorie intake and get adjusted to it. If you eat like a 300 pound overweight man you will become a 300 pound overweight man.

I was 6'4 and 392lbs when I was 19.

This is me at 198lbs when I was 24

Me now at 210lbs at 26.

You CAN keep the weight off but you will have to have a life style change. You will always battle food cravings, binging but with time and practice you can get a control these things a lot better than when you were fat.

I can confidently say I'll never be that big again and I am part of the 1%.

This is sauce police
Surrender your sauce

Papa John's is super delicious and you're a salty hater. Stay mad.


I guess boogie is that 1% then he's already ready looking thinner by the day

Good job, buddy. Your face looks like that of an obnoxious loud cunt but that weight loss is pretty damn amazing. Mirin.

1% isn't 0%. I may be fatass but I'm making an effort. It's either workout and feel good and try to improve myself or just sit alone, depressed and lonely

Ok the people who have lost weight will say it's easy because they've already attempted changing their lifestyle multiple times. Hell I even say it's easy especially if you are big af because the weight drops quickly then. The problem isnt about the difficulty of the tasks or lack of tasks you have to perform, it's about taking the iniative to do so. That is why the success rate is so low; people in reality dont want to do it.

Your daddy having lots of money doesnt make you the elite of the elite, buddy.

This. I was about to disagree with you for a second there, idk why.

Unless they have a legitimate eating disorder, they can do it. Most fatasses dont, they just eat like shit.

Because harvard isnt the only option you dumb fuck? Not everyone wants to kill themselves during hs to be the best there is. Instead, they would rather have balance in their life and go to a public university where their education is ensured and they arent spending an arm and a leg for 4 years. Yeah, ivy leagues get you better job opportunities and a better education, but is it worth it?

Mirin' forearms, damn.

took my weight at the gym today, 250lbs, woof.

>You're imagining a normal person who becomes 300lb because he likes cake too much-- that doesn't really happen

yes it does, not every fat fuck has muh traumatic childhood, some of them are just gluttonous

sure it does, it makes you part of the societal elite

either that or your academics have to be ridiculous in high school, near perfect or perfect GPA and loads of extra curricular to even have a chance

so yes the people applying are already elite students or have elite connections

"Loads of extracurriculur activities" lying about being in clubs you attend one meeting doesnt count lel. Sometimes I wish I could go back to high school to bs my way through it, get perfect grades, play a sport, and start up bs clubs ane organizations.

>tfw down from 315 to 238
I will be part of that 1%

dayum, looking good senpai, keep it up!