Why am i sleepy all the time ? no matter how long i sleep i feel sleepy. My eyes are closing by itself

why am i sleepy all the time ? no matter how long i sleep i feel sleepy. My eyes are closing by itself.

Better check yourself out for parasites and H Pylori.

you're probably gonna die

I have the same problem. I've had dark circles underneath my eyes my whole life. Had blood taken multiple times, nothing abnormal. I take melatonin, and while it helps me fall asleep, I still wake up a lot, and feel exhausted in the mornings.

I've never once woken up feeling rested. Had a lot of doctors look at me, but no solution so far. I even get some allergy shots (just things like roaches, some trees that aren't even in my area, and a couple types of mold), but I still have the same problem.

low t

you probably drink too much caffeine
try not drinking it for a week or so
also you should have a stable sleeping schedule.

Thyroid problems
Most likely hashimoto's (talking from experience)
Check your endocrinologist because it affects your test levels

Wouldn't that show up in blood tests? I've had multiple done at different points in time. That's what makes this so annoying.

How badly?

Could be a plethora of things that can cause excessive tiredness. Answer a few screening questions.

>Any recent fever? Cough? Sore throat?

>Any changes in bowel habit? Any excessive cough? Any new lumps? Any problems pissing? Changes in weight?

>Any changes in temperature tolerance i.e feeling super cold all the time?

>Excessive urination and thirst?

>Any changes in your mood? Do you still enjoy things you liked to do?

>Any pain thats there 24/7?

>Any heavy periods (If female)?

>Any heavy periods (If female)?
i don't have any smug anime girls for this

Common problems

- low iron (can be caused by numerous things)
- early symptoms of diabetes
- stress

See a doctor tho

Im always sleepy too, but for different reasons.
For some reason my body wants to sleep for 12 hours at a time.
When I try to do 8 like a normal person I end up tired all day.

>tfw man
>tfw have hashimotos

It depends
You need to check your antitpo levels Sucks but it's treatable
>taking pills for the rest of your life

I know this feel. Started meds when I was 5 and have taken a wide variety of medication including dexedrine a type of amphetamine.

ok so im in the marines. i just got a deployment opportunity to help with irma relief. Im in college too. return date is to be announced. but i have to say whether im in or not TONIGHT. WHAT DO I DO. IF ITS LIKE LONGER THAN 2 WEEKS ILL FAIL THIS SEMESTER

anemia is the first guess

I've been taking pills since I was a wee boy, with pills how much does it effect my T-levels?

My test improved in two months of therapy
I should check my levels again soon
I think you are fine but you should check your levels too

I had the same fucking problem 3 years but. I managed to solve this alone. I hit several sleep facilities, docs, meds but nothing worked really.

i recommend taking 3 days off and combine it with the weekend. i do not advice this when you commute (you will be tired, i'd be scared af). Anyway:

1. dont consume caffeine
2. power through everyday and go to bed at a certain time. Add +10h and program an alarm clock.
2a. GO TO TOILET BEFORE SLEEP. If you wake up, before alarm clock or inbetween, stand up and power through next day. DO NOT GO TO SLEEP AGAIN.
2b. when preparing to go to sleep, shut down every electronic device (phone, tv, pc) and prepare night hygiene (brushing, shower, shaving, exfoliating whatever). Should take around ~45m to 1h
3. take zma before sleep around 2x recommended intake (only during those 3-5 days)

tips to stay awake:
- sports/physical activity (pref. low impact)
- video games
- playing instruments
- cold/chill shower or temperature changes in the rooms
- food (do not eat too much) and water
- chewing gums (replac ethem every 30min-1h)
- visiting friends or forcing yourself in situations where sleeping is not appreciated/tolerated or possible (bars, stadiums, shopping)

avoid sleepyness:
- stationary hobbies like reading, tv, streams
- hot/warm rooms
- meditation
- talking via phone without moving

gl brother. I really hope it helps you. My life has been a lot better since then and people realize and comment on this.

Hormones dont get tested in a normal bloodwork.
Unless you demand, test free test shbg hgh igf t3 t4 fsh lh e2 prolactin no doc will test for that. And even if you demand it 90% will say everything is fine while you probably got values of a 90year old woman.
Go get a bloodwork ask for those values and demand to get the results and look theough them yourself. If you see you are somewhere on the low end ask about it and say you want to try everything available to get it in proper range