

the one that doesn't roid

activated almonds guy

Enjoy your pizza


>mushrooms on pizza
Filthy fucking animals.

the rock or the pizza

You're memeing right?

big arny so I can copy his routine.

never gonna make it.

you can bulk on bizza

Who's that twink bottom left?

arnie would push you into leaving the planet

clearly the only choice

Arnold>>>>Pizza>>>>The Rock>>>>>>>>>>my cock>>>>>>>>>>>Ronaldo

Probably The Rock. I feel like if I put in genuine effort he'd be chill. Arnold would be cool too but I feel like he'd be a lot more hot / cold on the routines.

The Rock.


Anyone not picking Arnold should leave this board forever. The Rock is cool. But Arnold is literally the GOAT.

Cristiano Ronaldo it is

This guy gets it

From what I've seen The Rock doing, he's a living fitness meme

Arnold on the other hand would educate the shit outta you

and? what does that have to do with anything

Arnold actually still believes in Broscience like "shocking the body".

I've been shocking your moms body with my thick penis inside her vagina eheh

Arnold of course.

And it's working very fine for him, so fuck you.

Pizza. I can eat it without much risk of cancer, eating those other three would result in megetting roid induced ass cancer. Specially that hack arnold, what a pudgy disgusting fuck he is now.

Pizza since its the only drug free choice


oh you're right random arsehole on Veeky Forums, if only Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger had listened to your advice, he might have made an impact on the weightlifting world. guess it's too late now.


Where are your 7 Mr. Olympia wins mate?

why do people always post the shopped version of arnold

This guy.

Tsunaldo please

yeah enjoy your myths and lies about bruce lee hurr he was so strong and the best martial artist!!!

Nice quads

this guy, or Mike Israetel

Why is Mike Tornabene not on this list.

He's unironically my goal body.

>Not choosing the greatest bodybuilder of all time.
Anyone who doesn't choose Arnold should never lift again and quite possibly kill themselves.

Ronaldo is goals tho and natural

Should be
>Layne Norton
>Eric Bugenhagen
>Jim Wendler
>Frank Yang

Asian manlet

How come the rock was never able to get abs?


>doesn't like mushrooms on pizza

not gonna make it

why would you want to train with Isley? he is a huge sperge and literally assaulted a woman from the GB powerlifting team

Get edumacated bro

Nothing's grosser than my stupid little dick

>pro athlete
>makes millions off his physical abilities

He'll save from skeleton mode and hook me up with a gf

e) none of the above
