Veeky Forums is retarded and can't train

why is everyone on this board dead set on doing heavy deadlifts and SS and all this dumb shit to become big instead of just training like bodybuilders
where did you get this idea that hypertrophy doesn't work
are you fucking retarded

Body builders aren't natty


This is why

People on Veeky Forums seem to believe that you have to train for strength to make any hypertrophy gains as a natty

>people are so obsessed with being contrarians that they choose the least effective program for muscle mass
holy fuck this board

it's almost like there hasn't been countless studies on hypertrophy training for natties that conclude the opposite

Train like ronnie always said
As many reps as possible
As heavy as possible

The same Ronnie that can now barely walk?

well ronnie's damn near disabled now so that might not be the greatest idea

And won 8 mr olympia yes.
If he would have stoped after winning his first he would have been fine.
How about you try to come anywhere near his achievements before knowing it better?

citation, faggot? oh that's right YOU HAVE NONE

you just pull it out of your ass like your boyfriend's cock


>instead of just training like bodybuilders
Because we want to do heavy deadlifts and squats.

This is literally the Veeky Forums motto, newfriend. Squats and oats.

pretty sure 90% of kids who get on here just wanna get big

You know who trained exactly like Ronnie Coleman always said?
Dallas McCarver.

Nah, nobody here wants to get big, m8.
It's all about reaching 1/2/3/4 in the first 6 months and 2/3/4/5 in the near future.

Seriously If anybody wanted to get big, they'd actually train, instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums. It's all wannabe powerlifters, posting between their sets, during their 2 hour long and 10 sets total workouts

Low rep sets are as good for hypertrophy as high rep sets. Period. Also I don't do deadlift to get big, but to strengthen my posterior chain and thus improve my posture and healthspan.

I do heavy deadlifts because I enjoy doing heavy deadlifts.

But I also do a lot of high rep accessories so I got swole anyway.

i'd rather be strong than look strong
ur the retard

>It's all about reaching 1/2/3/4 in the first 6 months
Temporal estatting is a fucking menace here

I'm sure you gonna get one soon, baby, because you sound like you've got PMS.

The study was 10 sets of triples being EQUAL to 3 sets of 10 reps.
Meaning it takes a whole lot more volume to get the same hypertrophy with heavier sets and the recovery will destroy you.

Bench for chest
Squats for legs
Deadlifts for deadlifts

If you're a fatty without losing the genetic lottery 1/2/3/4 in 6 months shouldn't even be a problem.

Seriously, anybody who even thinks of competing should total 1300 in 4 years of training or find another hobby.

>TFW had a 1290 total after 4 years, with a 320 wilks.

bench is overrated
military press for delts and triceps and upper chest is all you need

Not everyone starting lifting is a 6'3" fatty who played football in highschool.

what about lower chest

what about lower quads?

fucks up your posture and shoulder flexibility for the squat
unless you squat low bar

>ohp for upper chest
fuck off

ok brb doing ohp for upper chest


Can anyone post a good push, pull, legs split then?

squat ohp
squat dead

lmao my wilks is 350 with a total of 1090

I was a skeleton who started at 135lbs and I cut every time I put on 30lbs back to low bf so now I'm 165 from 190 and probably still have 10lbs of fat on me I could lose if I wanted to be a sickunt.

>Focus on DLs
pick one, m88

>implying everyone interested in BB'ing should be on the same level as the top BB'ers in the world

Yes, most people on here are amateurs. It's an interest forum. I'm surprised building is even the focus of this board, considering how unfit bodybuilders are in general. If you consider fit being able to move your body, run, jump and accomplish simple tasks, like say wiping your own asshole.

Bodybuilders like these fellas also have a pretty short lifespan on average (I think 50 yrs?) I'd like to live longer than that. I probably won't, but for other reasons.

Anyway, my main fitness interests are functional strength and cardio. If I happen to look better in the pursuit of these things, that's cool too. I mainly powerlift but I do accessories too, and lots of bodyweight shit.