Is lookism the final red pill?

Is lookism the final red pill?

Evolutionism is the final red pill.
Women are attracted to traits that were beneficial throughout the millions of years of human evolution.
That includes an imposing physique (physical strength, height, robust bone structure) but also behavioral traits (like aggresion, dominance and social skills) and "pretty" traits (facial symmetry, clear skin, strong hair - all indicators of overall health)
Deep down we're all monkeys breh

It's the ultimate bluepill. It's information culled by the most lonely bitter and insecure Elliot Rodger types in order to justify why no one likes them in terms of evolutionary science. There are some good health and beauty tips from all that I guess, but mostly it's
>my mandible isn't perfect so I will never ever find someone
>my canthal tilt is wrong that's why I never lost my virginity
It's fucking pathetic on all counts.

Lookism is the notion that appearance is a very important factor in how others percieve you, and thus strongly determines your success in social/dating situations, but also in the workplace

You sound like an uggo/manlet in denial
>Just don't think about it guys and it will go away!

Bump for interest

Yes. Just make a fake tinder profile with a Chad and you'll see the difference.

Fyi the only universally attractive trait to be found so far is hip waist ratio and symmetry. So your "redpill" bs doesn't make sense in a world with anthropology and knowledge of other cultures to compare

>the only universally attractive trait to be found so far is hip waist ratio and symmetry

Even if this is true, the "unversality" of a trait is not the only criteria by which such things are judged. Just because some pocket of the world somewhere finds fat attractive doesn't wholesale negate the rest of the world that's repulsed by it.

show me a real Chad



How do I become this? Starting from round face, big nose, acne scars and gap teeth.

Jesus Christ is there even a point in lifting if I'm ugly?
I bet this guy can approach 50 girls say he wants to fuck them and not get rejected once

You guys make it sound like only Chads ever get laid or have good social lives or good jobs.
I'd argue that personality plays a bigger role in the sense that you need to be charismatic to a certain degree and not just a pretty statue in order for people to like you.

yeah you are right! Personality is very important for all life's aspect


if everything is about looks why are you sound so autistic even without showing your face?

1xF noose hangs


The real red pill is clean your damn mirrors


>is body dysmorphia a redpill

Wealth and social status trump all. Looks and physique are flashy bait, being a decent, intelligent well rounded socially skilled person set the hook.

head transplant


Get nice eyebrows an eyelashes

> looks an physique are flashy bait
> wealth and social status trumps all

lmao your retarded. justin bieber and brad pitt are famous as fuck and rich and theyre also good looking too. theyre the ultimate slayers. teyre probably also intelligent too since they found their way to get famous..

too bad Bieber is losing his looks due to balding and finasteride sides

Crap now I actually feel sympathetic for the guy

These are fucking male models. They dont even make up 0.1% of the population.
Ok, you're not as good looking as them. Now what? You just gonna cry about it? Thats the most pathetic shit ever.


isn't that the Brazilian guy from a few days ago?

I love that thread. It was motivational af

We're all going to make it brah

I think you're missing the point here. I bet you think that guys like that, because they're marginally more physically attractive than the guys just a notch below them, must get marginally more women, attention, opportunities, etc. This isn't the case. They get EXPONENTIALLY more. An 8/10 will have little trouble sleeping with, say, 50-100 women. A 9/10 can get thousands. Scale down to the average man, a 5/10, even a 6/10 is lucky to find ONE partner equally as attractive as them. We're just acknowledging that not only is life not fair (nobody disputes this) it's so much more unfair for men than anyone thinks that it's almost unbelievable. Of course you still live your life, do what you can, (we're not killing ourselves, well most of us aren't anyway) but we are still going to vent our frustration, and we have every reason to.

>Still making the main focus of your life something so pedestrian as mating and reproducing
Evolve already, would you please?

OP, stop swallowing pills and decide for YOURSELF what's important in your life.
Seriously, you shouldn't be crowdsourcing your goals and values.

motivational how? He was 8/10 face wise from the very start. He achieved nothing he did not already have from birth. He didn't even need to lift to get sluts from tinder.

just went somewhere else you autist

>are you gonna cry about it

You know, I actually just might..

drink shit tons of water, cut dairy or whatever the fuck is triggering your acne, teeth arent that hard to be fixed, that and a good physique and ur nose will be unnoticable

looks are really one component of success. i'd say that they are as important as your job and career, but you really need both a high-paying job and good looks in order to be successful in the West today

if you have one and not the other you're only gonna be able to shack up with fugs

Do you..have 33 pictures of Chad?

I have yet to find 1 girl finding Jordan attractive. I've asked severel. I don't know what the fuck it is. They find Gandy, O'Pry, Ballou, Nessman, etc, attractive, but not Barrett.


Looking at male models. crying about flaws you cannot fix and dreaming about getting some procedure that will never happen (e.g lefort III) is not very productive.

Are looks important? Sure, but you don't need flawless male model looks to do well with the ladies.

There's some very legit advice on improving one's looks on Lookism, but apart from that, it's a shit website.

This desu
I went on their forum once and this is what I concluded too, bunch of insecure autists thinking you have to be a perfect 10/10, perfect jaw, 6'4 to be happy and get a girl
Pretty sad

You know where you are... right?

His face looks really wide, gives him a kind of alien look.

It looks great in certain angles, but his features are just weird in most angles. It's pretty common among models actually

>He didn't even need to lift to get sluts from tinder
He literally could not get a girl to look at him before lifting

That's his side of the story. He created the thread with the purpose of showing off, so of course he sugarcoated it. Especially considering he is a Brazilian thug, who are famous liars.

Barrett looks really weird. His only positive part is his jawline, the rest is gay shit. But if you check his instagram, at least half of the likes are from teenage girls from all over the world, it's not mostly gay men like it happens with most Instagram superstars.

Where did that come from?

Anyway, sure he could've lied about everything, we can't know, but these stories pop up every now and then of some skinny kid who becomes big and ripped and starts slaying. Even if he had a good face to begin with, fact is the gym helped them go from loser to player.

>become this

he "became" that the second he was popped out of the womb buddy

Nah, his face is definitely the result of a low bodyfat too, he's working to look that good.

Sounds to me like you're just making assumptions to try to stop others being motivated by stuff, ignoring the pointless /pol/ crap at the end.