/plg/ Panzer Lifting General

This thread is for like powerlifting or some gay shit like that

Latvian Waifus Are Best Waifus Edition

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First for panzer is a meme. Srry. Thnx

Renaissance periodisation

second for bullying is bad

dont you D A R E

make fun of my latvian

I'll have you know I can like

say hi and ask how someone is doing

and I can understand and respond to like a couple of simple questions or statements

Third for I am glad to have been born to experience the joy of lifting


Dynamic lower
SSB super narrow stance pause Squat 8x2
Pause Deadlift 10x1
Hypers 2x20
V Grip Row 2x20

Looking through their PL templates now. Not sure what to make of them desu.

Well it's 1am but tomorrow is lower body in my hypertrophy phase

>oly squats 4x8
>good mornings 4x8
>free weight quad assistance 3x12
>ham curls 3x12
>calf and ab garbage with arbitrary reps because I might even skip it

Pick my ab and quad assistance and I'll do it.

Israetel is best buds with CWS, use his principles in volume blocks and run juggernaut programs for strength/peaking. They even wrote a book together, power couple!

>hypertrophy phase

why not just get bigger and stronger at the same time

Rest & fucking around on Excel day.

Because I'm cutting to set myself up for a nice long bulk and I was approaching a stall before I cut anyway. Might as well try it since I've never done it before, at the end of the day I'm still lifting barbells and trying hard. Even sheiko says to bump reps up to 8 when going up a weight class. Now pick my quad and ab assistance.

you can, it's just more efficient to do pure hypertrophy if the only goal is putting on size


is this still a thing?

you dont need to do a dedicated cut and bulk just adjust calories and use the mirror

bump reps to 12/15/20, do multiple sets

>what is concurrent training

you know theres 2 types of muscle fibre right? one needs heavy weights

The organisation of the microcycle seems pretty off to me, I can't really imagine CWS programming this way

I mentioned Sheiko because he really loves his PL specificity. If someone who values doubles and triples that highly recommends going up reps, there's definitely very good reason behind it. I'll try it and tell you how it works out.

>look in a mirror
>adjust calories

I looked, I'm fat, now I'm eating 2000kcal a day, soon I'll be less fat, once I don't look fat I'll increase calories. Not doing anything special.

Pretty sure CWS has his programs up on Juggernaut, RP isn't even 100% Israetel's work but it's where he posts his blogs. I don't think the templates are written by anyone noteworthy but I could be wrong. Where did you get them for free anyway?

you should always have low reps and high reps unless youre really close to a meet, does no one think for themselves??

ill tell you how it works out, WELL, because its a basic principle for every training programme there is, dont drop higher rep stuff you will get weaker

eat/drink another 200-300 cals on training days in carbs, preferably before/during/after training


the whole heavy low rep -> fast twitch and lighter high rep -> slow twitch isn't really clear at all

from a practical standpoint, if you start your day with some heavy low rep shit, you will take energy away from your sets at 65-75% for higher reps, which is why I think Mike Israetel and CWS make the recommendation to have dedicated hypertrophy blocks and not try and powerbuild (but this is optimizing performance for top lifters, for normal GDEs just do whatever you enjoy)

I think I figured wl shoes aids youtu.be/jHDf_g4ZrU4

Wtf is with that squat variation?

I am thinking for myself. That's why I'm trying out a new kind of program instead of listening to you.


this rubbish has to stop

>intensity dl attempt new 3 rep PR
>volume squats
>back extensions
>light rows

The Veeky Forums volafile. There's a zip file called RP files or something. Has the PL, diet and male Physique templates.


The link was about something different to block periodisation

Link? I only have the pastebins

Doesn't matter. Stop listening to "coaches" who competed in like two meets and don't have any clients with all time world records.

Actually CWS specifically recommends beginners spend more time in hypertrophy phases than advanced lifters.

You mean CWS? Because CWS said both of those things.

Tomorrow, I'll be doing dumbbell bench, wide OHP, floor press, barbell rows, and BTN pulldowns.

Today, I'm just going to a barbecue (which is also a baby shower, somehow). Hopefully the vegetarians throwing it will have actual meat.

making the movement as hard as possible, im weakest in the bottom of the squat, this variation is brutal

its easier to maintain muscle than grow it so makes sense

what did you figure out exactly

I meant that the difference between concurrent training (low rep strength training + higher rep hypertrophy) and doing dedicated hypertrophy phases is probably not going to make or break you, it's probably a few percent increase in results

volafile org /r/fit

Dude could say grass is green and I would still ask somebody else and then probably go out and check for myself, because he's a giant faggot.

Yesterday was:
Squat 3x3-6 @9
bench 5x3-6 @9
DL 1x3-6 @9
Chinups 3x3-6 @9
Squat 90 kg 3x6
Bench 70 kg 6, 6, 6, 6, 5
DL 120 kg 1x4
Chinups BW 6, 5, 4 reps

Tomorrow is
Front squat 3x3-6 @8
OHP 5x3-6 @8
Back extensions
DB rows 3x whatever, not too heavy
arm and calf pump stuff

What's off about them according to you?

I haven't looked at the peaking block yet, but the hypertrophy and strength programs seem solid to me.
Progressive volume overlead, decent excercise selection, some autoregulation, etc.

>a few percent
That's pretty unrealistic because most people aren't training optimally. The reality is that dedicated hypertrophy training could be the difference between not having enough stimulus to grow and having enough stimulus to grow. A lot of intermediates spin their wheels, including myself, and if I can hammer out bucketloads of volume and maintain steady progress, then run a strength block and PR every single week, that sounds pretty fantastic to me. Certainly better than my previous training results. The big upside of this kind of programming is that it tells you exactly how to push yourself and create overload, whereas a lot of programs just say "add this many lbs to the bar every week/rep pr" and if you can't you're in a stall and no overload means no progress.

Saturdays are for sumo


>fucking and coaching the world's strongest MILF


What are your meet numbers

I was always weaker in them than flats, turns out I need to hip hinge in them even more to have bar in vertical path

basically Im forcing myself to lean foward even more

I have no meet numbers. That's why I'm following advice for beginners and just learning babby's first self written program.

Fucking his clients? Sounds like a good business model.

Already answered faggot
Banana and chicken
Going to get drunk very soo first time in a while so I'm excited

on what reps total you get your dl higher or lower considering only 1 set?

below 3 is minus 2.5kg, 3-4 is staying 5-6 is upping 2.5kg?

You're a fucking idiot. Do starting strength and go to an actual meet. Or better yet hire a live in person coach instead of relying on the Internet and your own limited intelligence.

I'd say the vast majority of it is the spreadsheet being eye-AIDS, but I just don't like the organisation of the week. I'd never program the main squat variant after deadlifting like on day 1, day 3 is just deads and fluff and you could use the time better etc.

Can you link them?

The templates are written by designed by Mike Israetel and James Hoffmann.

Here's a self-critique from mike on them. They've seen some small changes since then, but main points still stand.

>go to an actual meet

always keking at going to meet while being weak, whats the point? you know that point of sport is competing and you arent competetive?

I stalled on SS a long, long time ago. I can't even progress weekly if I eat at maintenance. And peaking for a meet as a fresh noob on SS is beyond retarded. Not sure what the point would be if you didn't peak since you can just max out in your own gym.


Russian Squat Program- doing a comfy 6x2 @80% recovery session. Cant wait to start the intensity stuff next 3 weeks.
Then i will fuck around and do some shit for traps, forearms, and calves.

lay-out could definetly be better, totally agree. Took me a while to figure out how to work with it.

I think deadlifting is programmed before squats since they seem to program the biggest movements first. Big compounds -> smaller compounds -> Accesory -> Isolation.
Especially for hypertrophy this seems smart.

How is day 3 fluff?
For me it's:
Row (or other back movement)
Shoulder isolation

How would you change it?

The point of powerlifting is to powerlift.

>stalled a long time ago
Am I missing something here?

How often do you rotate your variations? And did you adjust the percentages for DE days to make them more specific to raw?

> Trenning
Sheiko squat, bench and some other bullshit


I remember when /plg/ generals had a pastebin and a Dropbox account with all kinds of e-books and resources.

What hte fuck happened to it?

Loosely based off izzy's novice routine

what is some supportive flat shoe

I am a certified plg historian and the exact reason it is no longer posted is because people are lazy.

Like any wrestling shoes

Lower your box height.

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

this is the closest I have for you my friend

i like it

how are you POWERlifting when average gym joe is at your strenght level

lmao we POWERlifting now when able to squat a bar?

Wrestling shoes are definitely not supportive.

By the way, same for the other lifts but it's multiplied by the number of sets (so for example to progress bench I must get 25-30 total reps

I like your digits

What I'm looking at is deads, upper pull movement 2, delt move 2, abs.

I suspect some changes may have been made to the templates by now.

Israetel and CWS's book describes anyone with 1-3 years training age as beginner. It's not something for first day in the gym novices. Nobody wants to train first day in the gym novices except Rip.

Who's the girl in the picture?

You are powerlifting when you regularly attend meets. powerlifting programs assume that you actually fucking compete. If you don't compete programming is irrelevant and you should just do a body part split like any casual gym goer.

so if I start playing basketball I should be in team even tho I suck and If im not I should only play HORSE and do some casual layups beacuse im not in a team

nice logic, ask me how I know you never competed in any other sport

Holy shit you literally can't stall as a beginner. Cns development improves on a weekly basis regardless of hypertrophy or weight gain.

Also, I don't like programming any serious squat movement (maybe get away with it with fronts, SSB or less related stuff like lunges, split squats) after deads because the fatigue from deadlifting first will impact squatting a lot, whereas doing them the other way round doesn't really impact as much.

Powerlifting is individual, dumbass. As a novice you are only competing against yourself.

This, in order to participate in a sport you have to train to participate in the sport first.

Depends on what you call a beginner. Someone with a 300 wilks would technically still be a beginner and would be able to stall.

ohh, you're welcome to attend to shott putting or javelin throwing training than, we will get you to compete right away, we need weak fucks like you

Isley are you there

You running 4 or 5 day?
I'm talking about the 4-day hypertrophy cycle.

But, yeah, without the squats it would definetly be too little.

for me there is significant impact both ways.
Quads are the weak link at the bottom if my deadlift, so frying them with high bar squats first would not work either. Candito programs squats first and deadlift second, but this comes with the effect that you actually don't do much deadlift volume at all on his C6W.
That's my experience at least, maybe you suffer less from tired quads during your deadlifts than me.

Lmaoing at your life.
I literally did my first pl meet on a weeks notice.
My first strongman meet I had 6 weeks to prepare.
Stop being special snowflakes and sign up for a fucking meet.

What is your idea of supportive shoes then my good sir?

Ah, I had the 4 day strength in front of me at that point. 4 day hyper looks a little better.

Flat sole?
Probably adidas or Nike or a dedicated pl shoe like Metal or Sabo

Last day of week1 c6w&knuckols. Bench
Whatever the fuck come up on my shuffle, which is mostly hands up music cause im a faggot
Had a huge plate of fries and a chicken for lunch
Bit lazy, but otherwise pretty great.

All right, thanks. I've found the Dropbox links I wanted and everything. Untouched, as if it's 2014.

Shit is here if interested:

Also, tripfags need to update their PR's:


When people say something like "3x3-6@8", does that mean that the first set is @8, or all of them?

If you're given a rep range you lower the reps to keep rpe8

Perhaps you'll find wrestling shoes suit your description

I dont use a box, i go as deep as possible and pause

Max effort every week, assistance every 3 weeks and dynamic squat every 12, dynamic deads every 3

Work upto 85% of raw max on dynamic day over 9 weeks, adding 5% each session and backing off every 3 weeks

All. So the first set may be 6 reps, the second may be 5 because you got tired, and the third may be 3 because on top of fatigue you took a really short break or something

A lots changed since then.

+22.5kg on squat, +35kg on bench and +35kg on deads. Cleared up my shoulder and it's recently started again. Injured and fixed both hips. Started coaching. Moved gyms. Passed referees course.

Back then I remember believing I'd never make it to a 140kg bench.

To clarify, does that mean you would only be doing 85% on week 9 of the DE wave? So it would look something like 65,70,75/70,75,80/75,80,85?

Also any particular reason for keeping you DE squat for 12 weeks, or is it something that just works for you?

What do you guys think of the fatigue recommendations of RTS?

Mike T says the fatigue accumulated over all exercises is what should count. Would doing extra back work really fuck up your recovery when it comes to the bench and the squat? Doesnt seem likely to me

Rebeka Koha