How do i get a bigger butt without doing squats

How do i get a bigger butt without doing squats

Is pic related one of the best exercises to do?

only interested in advice from bodybuilders not powerlifters

Other urls found in this thread:

barbell hip extensions
blew my ass up
i was a white boy all quads no ass
ripped 2 pairs of jeans since I started doing them

glute ham raises

>barbell hip extensions
fuck that's truly going to look cringe if i do that at the gym

what else you got?

>Is pic related one of the best exercises to do?
no, retarded meme exercises are not your best course of action

weighted hip thrusts and lunges will be good. also consider oly lifts like snatches

user, don't rob yourself of ass gains because you think you'll look "cringey", it's a very popular and effective exercise.

dont listen to this faggy twink boi, he just wants to secretly film u doing this exercise then jerk off in the gym shower

>glute doctor
>doesn't have a nice ass

idk I use the hip adductor machine at my gym and it definitely makes my butt sore



there are many variations on squat
there are many variations on deadlift

leg press supposedly pushing through your heels more works glutes more. You can set it to whatever weight you want to focus on glutes for the machine.
pull throughs
treadmill with now power
stair machine
donkey kicks
reverse hyper
hill running
kettlebell swing (or dumbbell)

It truly is one of the gayest looking exercises but they work user. Pretty much anything that works your glutes looks pretty faggy just embrace it.

user, who do you think is watching you do the exercise?
wouldn't you say its in your best interest that ... certain gym goers see how much force your hips/glutes generate?

Reverse hypers (pic) and barbell hip thrusts. Good mornings if you do them correctly.










THIS, heavy deadlifts. Learn how to do them properly.

eat some extra food or you wont gain any weight in your ass.

deficit or straight leg deads will target your glutes more than normal deads would

But women love it

>How do I get this desired result without doing the best exercise for said result?

There's no substitution for squats OP

just lift heavy in the machine, you'll be safe.

do this

Oh wow, totally forgot about this cutie. What was her name again?



>"Hey user! What muscle group does that work? ;)"

>"G-glutes. Gluteous maximus.. I mean ass- BUTT

>"hmm.. ok bye :/."

Weighted hip thrusts(this movement) are the only exercise that activates your glutes more than 35%

I bet when she braps the unit of measurement is kilotons

Yes and no

Bret shilling the fuck out of this thread. .

Don't be a pussy, it's a legit exercise

oh now what the fuck

why the fuck dont you just squat you stupid faggot

i just started doing this one, its tough to set up so i try and do my legs late at night

>only interested in advice from bodybuilders not powerlifters

what, are you so afraid of doing squats that you have to come up with some stupid excuse like "only powerlifters do squats" because you're so much of a punk bitch that not only do you need to find a way to chicken out of doing the most effective exercise for building size in your legs, but you also need to find a way to justify it logically instead of saying "fuck you, this is how I roll?" and are you also so afraid of being called a powerlifter that you will run and cower from anything that will make you stronger so you spend your days weak (and also unaesthetic because any good bodybuilder will incorporate the powerlifts into a well-balanced routine) while everyone else who isn't a total chicken shit surpasses you?

and yes. you never explicitly said any of this. but everything in your post says you're thinking it. go ahead and stick to your machines and your 5lb dumbbells, just like your mom.

fuck you, user. just fuck you.

why are you so angry breh?

Can I use this copy pasta?

>the most effective exercise for building size
Also the most effective exercise for damaging the spine over an extended period of time.

What are you? A faggot/bulldyke with low self esteem about your powerlifting?

Look, squats are proven to be 500% shit for building a nice ass for women.

Anyone who says otherwise is a queer or a retard who's just started lifting.

I wanna blow a huge warm load of my cum into her then leave the gym and drive home.

why do newbie morons always ask such stupid fucking questions


Nonsense. ATG high bar wide stance squats with knees out hard are absolutely a glute killer. Try one now and consider yourself proven wrong.

Also deficit sumo deadlifts.

So squats have given me a nicer ass and thighs but what about my calfs? Shit looks like i have chicken legs, calf rises don't help

calf raises

I have been following a program for 5 months now but this is the only exercise in it I have not done yet. And I go in at about 23.00 at night. Being a femanon does not help either.

This just might be the final treshold of not giving a fuck I still have to get myself to do.

what's the big deal if you're female? Its expected that you are gonna do a lot of legs/butt stuff. Nobody will just perv the fuck out (any more than usual) and if they do they will suffer more than you.

Men on the other hand are not generally "expected" to care what their ass looks like (other than a certain kind of man) and that is the problem. A certain amount of homophobia is perfectly acceptable at the gym and this exercise has potential to cross the line.

My advise is to do it at odd hours when theres less flow or at least make sure you are facing a wall and avoid peoples eyeline lest you look like a raging homotron. Also, bear in mind that you can do them at home one legged with body weight for a while.

you're not meant to workout in jeans


Just gonna leave this here

>what's the big deal if you're female?
I do squats and deadlifts but this for some reason feels like I would be overly attention whoring. Also, I have never seens guys do it in my gym. Might be due to the fact that I'm from Eastern Europe and guys here are especially spooked by anything homo related. It is quite sad actually. I was thinking of getting the tougher type of resistance band to do it but then again I don't want to pussy out and would much rather just use the barbell.

Today is
Sumo Deadlift
Dumbbell Forward Lunges
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Lateral Rises
Barbell Hip Thrusts

I'll be facing a wall, no mirrors but I am going to do it!