>PPL vs. PLG
What is best program for aesthetics? Have been doing nSuns (powerlifting program) and my lifts have increased a lot. I dont really care for strength but i heard you need a good base to start aesthetics programs so i went on this program. What is a good base to stop this PLG routine?
basic ppl
aesthetics v strength its all the same, muscle
if you want to be aesthetic, do lateral raises and dont be fat
you dont have to powerlift
>plg is a program
this is some of the best advice i've ever seen posted on Veeky Forums
above all just don't be fucking fat, and do your lateral raises, rear delt raises/face pulls, and curls
what is a good base lifts to transfer to PPL or something better for aesthetics?*
i meant a powerlifting program.
arent most of these just barbell work? How does this differ from any other PLG routine?
You be the judge lmao.
You right. At least people on nSuns 5/3/1 look like they imporved a lot.
>never hit 315
Jesus Christ what a genetic dead end
I'm about to hop on Coolcicada's PPL, deadlift variant
any advice for a DYEL coming from SS?
JUST do it.
okey doke
>275 lol
Why do amateurs like that post programs? They jelly that others make actual progress and they try to ruin it for newbies?
Fuck off
can you paste the nsuns program?
Learn bb movements on a beginner program and then switch to a high volume routine like jacked and tan 2.0. Thank me later.
Holy shit. This is why I love Reddit. HAHahahahhahahahaHhahHah
What the fuck haha. I did 165kg squat after 8 months working out in prison and 185kg dl, although my bench was shit at 100kg but c'mon this sounds ridicilous. But to be honest, was hopped on speed when I did that pr squat.
>to be good at programming you need to be massive and extremely strong
Not even defending him specifically, but this is a red herring fallacy.
It is the same mentality as
>he's big bro he must know what he's talking about
Knowledge about biomechanics and strength and conditioning comes from textbooks.
i agree with your point, but his "programming" is just taking GSLP and making some pretty nonsensical changes to it, like treating barbell rows as a main lift and having you AMRAP them before squatting or deadlifting
that's just fucking stupid
>in prison
This is true. Gzclp is a better beginners program anyway. Although the original gslp is better than the phrak shit
using an organic squat plug motivates
post original gslp
Yes in prison as in no supplements and hard to hit them proteins babe.
Read the book. It's short and everyone can understand it.
i took a look at GZCL-P before and i really like it, i wish something like that was around and popular when i started lifting
I have no clue why gzcl isn't more popular around here
False. One is muscle based the other is neurological.
>another powerlifting routine is ppl
because outside of /plg/ 99% of Veeky Forums's userbase are complete newfags who think programming is a shopping list of sets x reps, or will only do the programs that get shilled on here the most (which is usually rippetoe shit)
just look at any routine rate thread, there is rarely any mention of progression plans, periodization, etc. it's just a bunch of exercises and arbitrary rep ranges and set numbers
>strength is purely neurological
if you don't know what you're talking about why even post
>Before going any further, I’d just like to point out that training with a focus on gaining mass to dominate at powerlifting is directly supported in the literature. One study found that in elite level powerlifters, performance in all three lifts was strongly correlated (r=0.8-0.9 for some) to muscle thickness in the prime movers (although bizarrely, it was most strongly correlated to subscapularis thickness in all three lifts, just as an aside). Another, hot off the presses, found again that one of the strongest predictors of performance in national-level lifters was muscle mass per unit height. Big is strong.
>progression plans, periodization
Because you dont fucking have to say you progress the weights or change qhat you do when everyone does that already
strength is the recruitment of muscle fibers and the size of said fibers.
>periodization and progression plans are just adding weight
thanks for proving my point newfriend
Learn to read. You didnt even quote right just so you could try to be cocky.
Get over it and fuck off.
Go google neurological muscle firing.
>False. One is muscle based the other is neurological.
clueless DYEL newfag, stop posting
>didnt address his mistake because he lost face
Good job admitting you're an idiot. No replies for you.
When you're a novice, yes it is.
>what is recruitment
read better
Yeah lol. You're right, but even in plg gzcl isn't popular. Probably not specific enough. I tried shilling jacked and tan 2.0 and I feel like it had a small effect.
>PLG routine
What does this mean?
your implication that strength is neurological, and not a combination of neurological adaptation and muscular adaptation, is wrong
next time if you want to save yourself some embarrassment, just don't give your worthless DYEL newfag input on things pertaining to lifting weights, because this is clearly not your area of expertise
Phallic Lifting for Gains
it's a cock pushup routine
Shut the fuck up or I'll pushup my cock into your mouth I want a serious answer
stop it user, I don't want any more locker room parties
Panzer lifting general
Thank you
finding good BB info that isn't nonsense/broscience/roiders only is difficult but renaissance periodization have a rock solid approach. they encourage waving the volume up and down just like for a powerlifting hypertrophy block, except you don't move onto strength and peaking, you just repeat the block over and over with exercise variations etc.
Basically each mesocycle (defintions explained within the link) is 4-6 weeks. at the beginning of your meso, you use volumes that will JUST result in enough adaptation to spur growth, and you increase it over the course of 4-6 weeks until you're doing literally too much to recover from. when you hit this, you reduce the volume back down to what it was at the beginning (with the appropriate adjustments made, all explained in the link) and start again only you add a small increment of weight to everything.
i can tell you now, the workouts at the end of each meso are long and extremely brutal. you will want to die. read the link all the way through and you will definitely come out with very few questions about bodybuilding. i'll keep an eye on this tab if you have any questions about it.
>can't squat 315
>shills a program
some people have no shame or self awareness
>doing the exact same fucking shit the whole week
>only 5 exercises a workout
>no tricep pushdowns/curls/
>only one set of deadlifts a week
No thanks, brosplit masterrace
>more than 1 set of deadlifts
enjoy your CNS burnout
deadlifts aren't as taxing as that at low weights. i mean 3x/week 3x5 squats vs 1x/week 1x5 marginally heavier deadlifts is a joke
>one set of deadlifts a week
Enjoy your shitty gains
that's just your work set though and it is AMRAP
Deadlift muscles don't show faggot
Of course they do
so I'm a noob who decided to do Phrak's GSLP. After seeing that image above, I'm kinda put off.
Along with doing the program as in that image, I've also been doing a combination of these exercises at the end of each workout:
Lat pull downs (3x8-12)
Face pulls (3x8-12)
Barbell curls (3x8-12)
Tricep ext (w/ cable rope) (3x8-12)
Leg raises & twists (using Cpt's chair) (3x12)
Seated calf raises (3x20)
Farmer's walk (3x~50 steps)
I don't do all of these at the end. I try and work calves & abs every day + 1 or 2 more from the list (if I do curls, I do tricep ext as well).
I've started doing Scooby's rotisserie core workout the day after day 3 (so at most I have 1 rest day)
I like the micro progression with the current program & was planning to run it until I reach 1/2/3/4, then switch to PPL to focus more on aesthetics.
My current lifts are (5rm):
OHP: 36kg
Bench: 56kg (Might deload after reaching 1pl8 because I have form issues)
Squat: 74kg (Going to deload due to form issues)
DL: 85kg
Should I switch over to GZCLP before hitting 1/2/3/4 on this program?
I should also mention that the micro progression was a big part in why I chose to do that routine.
I'm skinny fat and wanted to recomp (or do a very slight bulk) rather than commit to a bulk, so I thought that scheme would be more manageable.
if you're going to switch as soon as you hit 1/2/3/4 to bodybuild (which is what you really want presumably), then unironically run SS at a slow bulk. no other routine will put you where you want to be faster. if you reach 3/4 but haven't hit 1/2/ yet, then do PPL for squats and deads but stay on SS till you hit 1/2.
get off that garbage routine you're currently on, because, as you thankfully have no realized, it was made by a guy who hasn't even got to where you want to be, so what makes you think it's going to do it for you? proper strength program is critical, even at the beginner stage.
If you're progressing stick to it. GZCLP is overall the better program imo and especually if you want to switch to gzcl style programing the switch might be better earlier. Since you're doing random stuff right now it doesnt matter unless you actually want to do a program.
>Deadlift muscles don't show faggot
If you want to look good for 'da club' name a better way to get thick, solid and tight. Proper assistance for arms and shoulders and chest and you will look like a brochadfrat faggot of your dreams.
low bar squats, heavy weighted chins, hanging leg raises and DB bench presses
deadlifts don't do shit for aesthetic muscles, especially at the kinds of volumes they're usually performed at.
why are you doing all that bullshit afterwards with a 36x5 OHP
just run starting strength as written, and then switch to GZCL-P after you reset once or twice
deadlifts are great for building glutes, hamstrings, erectors, and traps, even at the pathetically low volume most people perform them at
when you stop treating your precious cee enn ess like a faberge egg and do volume on deadlifts at least somewhat equitable with what you do on squats (little lower probably), that's when you find out just how much muscle they build
Whats fit opinion on erich elms 5 day routine for intermediates? its like LowerUpperxLowerPushPullx
Didnt your owner tell you to swallow?
here's the routine by the way
Day 1 Lower (Monday)
Squat Variant = Squats 3x3-5
Deadlift Variant = Deadlift 3x3-5
Single Leg Exercise = Single Leg Press 3x5-7
Leg Extension 3x6-8
Standing Calf 4x6-8
Day 2 Upper (Tuesday)
Horizontal Push = Bench Press 5x3-5
Horizontal Pull = Barbell Row 4x4-6
Vertical Push = Overhead Press 4x6-8
Vertical Pull = Chin Up 3x6-8
Triceps Isolation 2x8-12
Biceps Isolation 2x8-12
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Rest 1x24
Day 4 Lower (Thursday)
Hip Hinge Variant = Glute Bridges 3x6-8
Leg Press 3x6-8
Single Leg Exercise = Single Leg Press 3x6-8
Leg Curl 3x8-12
Leg Extension 3x8-12
Seated Calf 4x12-15
Day 5 Push (Friday)
Horizontal Push = Bench Press 3x8-10
Vertical Push = Overhead Press 3x8-10
Close Grip Bench Press or Dips 3x8-12
Triceps Isolation 3x12-15
Chest Flys 3x12-15
Day 6 Pull (Saturday)
Horizontal Pull = Barbell Row 4x8-10
Vertical Pull = Chin Up 3x6-8
Weighted Back Extensions 3x8-12
Biceps Isolation 2x12-15
Face Pulls 2x12-15
Day 7 (Sunday)
Rest 1x24
>only 48 reps of resting a week
enjoy your no gains
oh but I just read the routine seriously and this is pretty much what I do, breddy gud
problem with PPL is that you can't deadlift anywhere
Just go to r/nsuns. It's basically just a 5/3/1 variant.
>problem with PPL is that you can't deadlift anywhere
yeah and I love them
I was split between doing the said routine or pic related
I'm gonna conventional deadlift but probably 1x5 instead of 3x5, dont wanna fry my CNS and then have the rest of the week fucked
the bench 5x3-5 kinda worriesm e too but lets see how I adapt
Alright. Might just switch to SS and go from there
>It's basically just a 5/3/1 variant.
Everyone says this, but it's a variant of a 5/3/1 variant which basically isn't 5/3/1 anymore because the periodization is good.
What nsuns is, is blasting your body with as much relative intensity and volume that a beginner can cope with via stripsets. If you're eating a lot, sleeping well, recovering well, and have lifted for long enough (~6 months) to cope with high volume, that's fantastic, it'll make gains a lot faster than SS/SL will, or it did in my case
>Which is best for aesthetics
>a bad aesthetics program
>or a non aesthetics pseudo plg program
Tough choice.
Doing U/L/x/P/P/L I do pyramids for all the main lifts (bench on first upper, deadlift on first lower, ohp/pullup/squat respectively), that is, work up to working weight 1x5, then strip off to about ~90-95% (depending on how easy the 1x5 was) do another 1x5, repeat again, that way you're not too exhausted when you get into the rest of it
3 sets of deads isn't going to fire your cns you fucking pussy.
>Might just switch to SS and go from there
whatever you do, ditch what you're doing now. SL, 5/3/1 for beginners, literally any reputable strength routine.
I'm going to try it then
I'm telling moot if that shit fuck me up