Meet Canada's future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh

Meet Canada's future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh.

He works out, practices MMA, worked as a criminal defense lawyer, speaks 5 languages fluently, has a killer fashions sense and is basically an all around badass.

I think Veeky Forums should look to this man for inspiration.

>new balance
d r o p p e d


no thanks

Who is constantly accused by ignorant idiots to be a Muslim secretly seeking to impose Sharia law on Canadians despite being Sikh, a religion sort of known as anti-muslim.

There are enough ignorant idiots that are going to look at his turban and think 'muslim', and vote for someone else. I'll be very surprised if he get a sizeable majority of votes.

>Jagmeet Singh

I think this sandnigger needs to get out of my country

Canada and trudeau fucking love muzzes, what do you mean?

Back to the containment board faggot


canada will not be a majority white nation in 20 years so i don't know why you think this

what the fuck is it with canada and chinks, somalians, and hindus?
why do they all flock there?

There are plenty of places to look at for inspiration, modern day politicians are not one of them.

it's like america, except they get treated better and the living conditions are better


is he a sikh? If yes, he's bro-tier
otherwise he needs to poo in loo and go back


he is sikh.. but also a communist.

I'd vote for a Sikh desu


There's less white trash and nigs to keep them away.

You think whitey is bad. Wait until the Mexicans and blacks find out what the Indians and chinarman think of them


only if he promises to remove kebab
fucking dropped

3pl8 is honestly not at all bad for a normie

fake weights

>Jagmeet Singh

Canyuckistan is fucked.

alright not bad
opinion disregard

A NDP ever becoming Prime Minister, thanks for the morning laugh mate.


loving every laugh


No thanks



Clearly a Sikh, you braindead Amerilard.

Better this than Arabs and Spics tbqh


>implying i give a fuck
lol, you mad Rajinder Singh?

Very progressive. Even better than the son of Castro.


Came here to post this fampai


Social democrat, although anything left of Genghis Khan or Pinochet is probably communist to you.

Yeah and North Korea is a democratic republic.

I'm not mad, although you should be mad at the shitty Amerilard education system that failed you.

>Comrade Sikh Gainz on the Far Left
>Castro Jr in Center Left

Meanwhile, this is the Rights poster boy (dough boy)

>looks like shit
>not white
>nu-male beard
>can't even deadlifts lmao4pl8
Lol no

>numale faggot grows up reading about every other culture for "muh progession"
lel, faggot non-american

>does he believe in establishing a proleteriat dictatorship
>does he believe in from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs

Not a communist. It's not hard to grasp, its like left wingers throwing out fascist to anyone or anything they want to discredit

> 3 plate deadlift

is this achievable natty??????

No but we have a faint idea of the world around us.

good for you, faggot.

>I don't understand adapted meaning.

He's a commie by virtue you fucking nog.
>Let's make people more equal
>By giving them more money
>>Where will you get the money?
>Other people
And the Canadian government keeps wondering why businesses keep moving to America.

Socialism is a death spiral until eventual collapse. The only time socialist economic policies have worked are when they are in conjunction with a nationalistic social policy.
>Nazi Germany

sad to see western civilization and it's race slowly fading away. ((thanks))

keep dreaming white boy

we will poo all over canada and will use leaf to wipe you can do nothing about it



too busy watching cuck porn to learn anything, faggot?

>He's a commie because he wants to make rich people pay a little bit more for the society they benefit from

I don't know if he actually does, politics tends to work out a little differently. What tends to happen is the truly wealthy use collective action and combinations and their combined weight of money and power rule out any change. If he was a communist he'd say fuck it, use the state to seize their assets and hang the ones who stick around.


At east I don't live in one of the capital cities with you.
>tfw lakeside small town master race

nice banter there, shitskin

You're a fascist faggot, there I'm using adaptive meaning.


>He's a commie because he wants to make rich people pay a little bit more for the society they benefit from
And who gets defined as 'rich'? Huh faggot? You think the uber wealthy people are just gonna sit in Canada whilst they're taxed to oblivion?
What you're doing is incentivising tax evasion. If the penalty for tax evasion is less than actually paying your ridiculous income tax, then people will do it.
So what ends up happening is that wealthy hide all of their money but the gov still needs to pay for stupid programs it promised, so it just taxes the middle class and the poor. Congratulations, you made the wealthier even wealthier and the poor poorer
>inb4 raise the penalty for tex evasion

>What tends to happen is the truly wealthy use collective action and combinations and their combined weight of money and power rule out any change.

Fuck me. No they do not. I would recommend picking up a first year microeconomics textbook and also Milton Friedman's Free To Choose. Also read the Wealth of Nations.

t. Economics Grad

I'm a National Socialist so lol I don't care.


how did you get out of your cage white cuck?

This. He should go lead the sikh nationalists back in India.

>economics grad

Delusional idiot. Probably less attune of the real world than your average sociology major.

>wealthy don't use collective action

I'm done here, you're not worth responding to anymore.

go back to fucking your sister faggot

this tbqh

Lol fucking loser


You got BTFO, just admit it.

>not shit it down

this board gets worse every year

Sikhs are fucking awesome you faggots, they are literally the highest example of decent human beings.

I had several terrible events befall me including the death of my parents in a car crash and let it overwhelm me into homelessness, alcohol and basically accepting I wouldn't be alive in a years time.
Nobody gave a fuck about me (not that I would expect them to) aside of my local sikh community who literally fed me and provided somewhere to stay as often as they could while I pieced my life back together. I have no doubt I'd be dead if it wasn't for them and they have never asked for anything in return other than for me to pay forward the good nature to others.

Fuck you if you talk shit about sikhs. I guarantee most of them would take a bullet for you if they felt it would benefit your life. Despite them not knowing you.

>making a point to literal autists

Is he Sikh? They're awesome people, as a general rule.

>implying they dont poo in street

I know its futile.
But if at least one person decides to look into how great Sikhs are as a community instead of assuming they're just another inward looking religion then it could have some positive effect on the world somewhere eh.

Hes got some pretty sikh gains

LOl fuckoff you fucking faggot canada is a white country not a fucking tiny dicked poo in loo hole

It's clearly a reference to "activate it" my very new friend.


Git out of my country terrorist

t. Unemployed construction worker who's parents or grandparents probably fled a shitty dirty part of Europe and were looked upon with disgust when they arrived

keep doing what you do bro

>future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh
>the absolute state of the designated shitting nation of Canada

open bob

mmm very seckse

Couldn't possibly be as shit as Justin the cuck though right lads?


>I take things literally the post

I'm not white but caucasian


Times have changed user and so have commies. Get with the times

Very impressive actually, but he wouldn't get a second glance if he was white. People point to exceptional people as if they are the norm; and, really, they just aren't.

Just another globalist cunt imo though.


>cant argue anymore
>replys with insults
>that tumblr passive agressive "im not responding anymore"

He was right you were wrong you commie faggot.

we're squatting right over you. guess where our poos will loo

>not tiny dicked

I like this guy.- and fuck off /pol/



Lmao who gives a shit


>works 7 warm months year doing construction
>spends remaining 5 winter months collecting EI
>every year without fail

fuck off back to portugal you leech