Give your best advice you have. Ill start

Give your best advice you have. Ill start.

Do neck curls. I know it seems like a meme but it works. Also remember to finish off muscles with light weight, high rep. This isnt for every muscle but chest and biceps are a must.

>wanting sleep apnea

Don't skip leg day.

Do lateral raises and facepulls at least twice a week.

Don't be afraid to do some fluff work on the side even if it's only the big 3 lifts you care about.

All beginners should do ss+gomad


big neck = sleep apnea, when you have it you know you've made it

This is for fat people with big fat necks not big muscly necks

This. Lateral raises are easily my favorite dumbbell exercise and they've made my shoulders so much nicer.

Get 8 hours of sleep always

nope do your research

I did. You were wrong.

provide some you dopey berk

Use monday as leg day. Just get it out of the way because we all know you won't do it if you wait til friday.

Never put your tongue in a prostitute

>Says to do research
>Doesn't site any of his claims
The burden of proof is on YOU, faggot

Plus you can avoid waiting for a bench on International Chest Day

Do pulling exercises twice as often as you do pushing ones to avoid externally rotated shoulders.

Isolate your rotator cuff muscles with external rotation work and learn shoulder dislocations with a band or dowel rod.

If you're trying to build your bench, do flat barbell bench press. If you're trying to build your chest, do incline barbell/dumbbell press, chest dips, cable flys, and pec-deck.

What program you do for your first 6 months don't matter nearly as much as staying dedicated for the decades to come.

To improve your mind=muscle connection, stretch more and increase your reps before increasing your weight. For example, if you're going for more chest activation on your incline bench, do 135x6, 135x8 your next benching session, 135x10, 135x12, and then 140x6 and start again.

Meant internally rotated shoulders.

>6 sets of 135 reps
Holy shit

I've done this 4 times and all thats happened to me is I wound up on this site with no friends.

Those are meant to be reps. 3x6x135, 3x8x135, etc. I fucked this post up.

Honestly do leg day twice a week . No reason not to

That way my upper body has less recovery though, or do you work out saturday through thursday?
