How the fuck are you supposed to get the dumbbells up to setup for the first rep, without someone helping you?

How the fuck are you supposed to get the dumbbells up to setup for the first rep, without someone helping you?

If I'm lifting heavy, I can never get that shit up myself.

Other urls found in this thread:

kick it up with your knees, lean back, done.

you put it in your knees and then you use them to impulse the weight up

spend 2 years developing inhuman arm strength so you can curl up the weight

>I'm lifting heavy, I can never get that shit up myself.

Start lighter and then when you can do it yourself go for it.

Torn shoulder recipe right here.

Ur fuckin retarded

Deadlift them into position, this is one of the advantages you get from deadlifting, being able to pick up heavy dumb-bells and get them into position.

Oh wait, none of you guys deadlift....

lmao no you fucking skeleton

16" cold flexed bicep.


I DB bench 45kg for 3x10 and I have never had an issue kicking them into position off my knees.

do you even knee bro,
btw you are supposed to lift with a friend anyway, dafuq are you doing?
you lift alone? why? this makes no sense to me.

i stopped doing dumbbell bench/incline bench at around 80 pounds per hand because of this reason. even if you can kick them up with your knees, you get shitty shoulder retraction because you're trying to balance the dumbbells, not fuck your shoulder up, and lean back... while retracting your shoulders at the same time. it's impossible.

thread full of mostly pussies

thats how

Ya man Jeff got you

I carefully swing them up into position while standing and then sit and press. Only 45's, i don't injure what kind of weight you're talking

>he doesn't lift alone

haha.. what a fucking loser.. you're never going to.. make it..

At about 11:25 Rip starts talking about it.

>How the fuck are you supposed to get the dumbbells up to setup for the first rep, without someone helping you?
You're not, if you're not strong enough to get them up yourself and rep them then you shouldn't be lifting them.

and no kicking, you risk injury right there

hlo mister "ill just flex my ceps but not autist like u"

So first I'm a skeleton and now I'm a fatty. Flat bench is not the issue, you just lay back. The issue is incline or shoulder press where you really have to yank up any significant weight. I have seen a 275er completely tear his shit trying to get a 100lb db up for shoulder press. There comes a point where you just need to use barbells for max effort. If you're doing sets of 10+ reps then whatever.

>risk injury
>someone here doesn't wanna get freaky big

Lay on the floor, knee them up, no torn shoulder, plus can safely drop them without needing a spotter.

If you can't get them up yourself and rep them then it means that other parts of your body are still weak. Use your brain, where are you from?

u kick them straight up with your knees while you are sitting position and when they are up above your head like in OHP, you lay on the bench and start from the finish position of the movement. but yeah, generally doing heavy 4-6 reps its good to have someone help with first rep.

> only does 80% ROM

uhhh okay.



how heavy are you going?
kick one knee first then then fall back then the other knee follow. its more stable than kicking both at same time and flying back

flat bench and incline bench are the same, just less distance to kick for incline bench, you might be weaker in that position so cant do same weight as flat bench

Curl them?
>too weak
Deadlift them?
Brainlets everyone!