/run/ - Running General

Injuries edition

>Training Plans


>Sharing on Strava with the /fitizens/

>Pace Calculator


>running injuries and how to treat them

>How to Buy the Right Running Shoes

>running form

>Sprint Training Advice
>A number of current and former professionals and coaches have posted in this thread. Read it thoroughly.

How far have you run this week?
What are you working on?
How was your last run?
Any new gear that you've been enjoying?

Other urls found in this thread:


My legs are sore 24/7. Can't be bothered to rest for more than a week. How to I recover faster?

Also, opinions on pic related?

Say whats a good way to stay conditioned during the winter time? Ive been running at a track and i want to be able to maintain my 5k gains year around. My gym as a good little section where you can push a sled, any other ideas on what i can do?

>inb4 just run in the winter

Ive had two teeth die on me doing that.

Muscle soreness or?

Winter running is great because you don't overheat

>teeth die on me

the cold has killed my teeth before.

Has anyone tried to get big and have their running performance Cucked? Went from 75kg to 90kg and can't get anywhere near my previous trail running segment times. Inclines are tough and long distances (20k+) feel heavy.
Is there a sweet spot between size and speed or will I have to choose one or the other?

Maybe you are training too hard too soon?
try shorter faster runs?
Train harder in small increments?

>switch up from 160ish cadence to 180 and focus on landing on midfoot/toes every step

>knees are no longer stiff as fuck post-run

Oh my what a fortunate turn of events....

I am able to comfortably run about 5km. What's a good program to improve this distance? Should i just start with a novice program?

Depends how you got big? And why?

Muscle or fat? Bodybuilding or ? what sport?

>am able to comfortably run about 5km. What's a good program to improve this distance? Should i just start with a novic

What I did.
Keep your pace and gradually increase your distance slowly.
Increase your pace over the 5k.
Do both and mix it up.
Whats most important though is to record your km splits. aim to have the same pace throughout your run or start slow to fast.

since theres no injury thread right now

Im not into running but I have a running related "injury"

my calves were always prone to cramping, especially after heavy leg day. however only very quick cramps from overexertion just after the workout on the way home

a couple weeks ago I woke up with a crazy cramp on my right calf, lasted about half a minute and was very painful. fucked up my calf for weeks

now this night it happened to my left calf, fortunately I managed to stop the cramping a bit earlier

what both have in common is that both times it was after more than a week of not liftan because I have lots of stressful shit going on IRL right now

soo how do you speed up recovery from a strong calf cramp and how do you prevent your calves from cramping in the future?

I guess being too sedentary is a big factor. maybe I should go for a quick jog in the mornings or evenings

Will a prowler and squats help me get a good 5k time?

>always be bad at running
>decide to deal with it and force myself to run
>start to get decent at it
>eventually run my first 5k
>start to get good times
>worked for months to get to that point, very proud of myself, easily the best runner in my class
>in the best shape of my life
>go rock climbing
>fall about 10 feet and land wrong
>rip, tear, snap
>complete tear of my achilles
>it has been 5 months and I can barely run
>lose most of my gains
>tendon still feels tight, despite daily stretches

Back to square 1, I guess.

>complete tear of achilles
>it's been 5 months and I can barely run

Bro.... achilles-injuries are minimum 8 months of recovery, you shouldn't be out trying to run.

Okay. I will take it easy. It just sucks a ton, that's all. Peak physical condition of my life and it was all taken away from me because of one little mistake from a fall I have done hundreds of times.

Eat after you run. Something small.

if pic related, you are running wrong or have some kind of disease

>tfw post-run wank

puts it all into perspective desu

It'll help but not a lot

Isn't there a reason why we have those sprint vs. marathon memes where people who do marathons are skelly mode and sprinters are built like a truck? Getting big can give you speed for a short burst, but long distances are going to give you hell. It might be possible to find a sweet spot, depending on what your running goals are, but a full marathon sounds extremely difficult if you're natty.

Best way to improve 2 mile time in a month?
At 15:30 now, ultimately want to get to 14:00 but I don't expect those results in such short time.

Managed to reward myself with shin splint in my right leg, couldn't walk on it the first days but now it's a lot better.
But I'm going to be smart and to my cardio on a stationary bike tomorrow and on Friday (two weeks since I got it) I'll do a short run and see if it flares up again.

/end blog.

>Running 5km
>about to break into the 22min range
>hit the 4th km barely on time with 4:34pace
>stop and start puking my guts out

I was so close. Went from 27min 5kms like a month or two ago to now on the edge of 22s. It's been my goal to break under 20min for the 5km for so long.

How do I not feel like puking? I ate several hours beforehand and it was a nice pasta, I'm not ill, what gives???

Anyone here do fasted morning cardio? My body clock has reached old man stage now and my eyes are wide open at 5am despite not needing to wake for at least another hour. Considering just doing some cardio and getting some free time in the evenings. Anyone do it? Anyone know much about the muscle or fat loss associated with it?

foam roller it

how do i stay running conditioned in the winter months?

By running in the winter months

fuck that

>running form
This girl has glute-amnesia and is lecturing on running form


How do I get into serious running? I wanna run short distances very fast. Is 100m the shortest sprint?

I don't know shit about distances.

I'm thin and weak because of drug addiction and I literally just quit a week ago when I used to use 24/7 every 20 minutes.

Also I'm doing SS again starting tomorrow. I've been doing cardio for a week.

Just went on a run last evening for the first time in 7 years, 6.6 miles. Had to walk some of the steep parts and felt like dying at the top. Shit sucked.

> I wanna run short distances very fast
Hill sprints, 400/800 metre repeats, 5ks. Build up slowly, take proper rest days, get some proper footwear, make sure you arent heelstriking if you like your knees.
> a week out of drug addiction
Good on you for quitting, but again build up slowly. Unless it was weed you might still get withdrawal symptoms and other shit so dont go thrashing yourself, especially if its a drug that affects your heart.

Make sure to give yourself sufficient recovery time. Im stuck in an overtraining rut, my short distance times have gone way down but when i try and do longer distance my legs just burn and ache, it really pisses me off.

VO2 max and age?

47.9 (estimated from 5k PR)
22 Years Old

Doubt you'll find anyone here who has had their VO2 max lab tested

54.86, 21 years old. I can do a half mile in 2:20 but the fastest mile time ive recorded is just under 6 minutes.

>Ramped up training like crazy last 3 weeks
>Triathlon this Sunday
>Short training run tonight
>Shin-Splints killing me after run

Pray for me anons

I don't think its possible not to feel like puking in a 5k done properly

How do you guys run whilst on a cutting diet? Could barely do 3 km on a FUCKING TREADMILL while on 600-700 kcal deficit. How many carbs should I be eating? Is 90g of carbs daily the reason I feel like dying whilst running 3km?

>falling for cut meme

> hyped for evening run, need to blow of steam
> properly stretch and hydrate before hand
> start running
> instantly get really bad side stitch
> like double-over-in-pain bad
> decide to push through it
> five minutes later, it's not getting better
> suddenly get a really sharp pain in knee when bringing leg down
> trip and fall the pain is so bad
> give up and start limping home
> get really nauseous along the way

Am I dying?

I run 5k daily on the treadmill, and I average 90g of carbs on a 1000kcal+ daily deficit. Keep an eye on your heart rate, if it's too high, slow up a bit. Your body will adjust to high speeds and inclines with time.

how much extra do you generally eat to compensate for running? i am trying to watch my weight and don't want to over-eat despite running lots every week, and i know that cardio "calorie burned" calculators tend to be inaccurate.

>streching before a run.

Shin walks.

What is the average heart rate I should be aiming for? On average my heart rate is around 165 bpm.

All the time? Seek medical help. Otherwise look up training zones and depending on your goal thats the heartrate you should be aiming for.

Just about to start training for my first marathon. The Phoenix Marathon In Arizona next February. I started running last February and usually do around 20 or 25 miles per week usually four or five runs that are four to six miles a piece. Over the next few weeks and months I will be stepping up and increasing the mileage and doing longer runs in anticipation.

My dream is to find a super cutie to Marathon train with but that is probably just a pipe dream. I just enjoy it so much. I get up at 5 a.m., take a dump, and then go out for my run and watch the sunrise. It really is just a magical way to start the day and just makes you feel so awesome.

I get up at like 5 a.m. and run and watch the sunrise. It's a pretty magical way to start the day. And I do it before I eat anything, but I haven't found that that really makes a difference or at least any that I have noticed in terms of Fitness or fat loss or anything. occasionally I'll have a banana or something before I go but like I said haven't made that much of a difference. If I'm doing a longer run then I'll probably eat something, but the other day I did 10 miles fasted. And it was fine. I highly recommend early morning cardio though. Going on a run and watching the sunrise is just such an awesome feeling and so often I get this euphoric High that just sets me on the right track for the rest of the day.

When I run I always feel it mostly in my right hamstring and I can't figure out why. I pay attention to the movement of my legs to make sure they're both doing the same symmetrical motion but it's still a problem and I've had it for years. Not sure if it's tightness either because rolling my hamstrings with a lacrosse ball doesn't seem to really help.

how do you guys deal with exercise-related transient abdominal pain?
I'm pretty hypochondriac so whenever I get it while I'm running I start to panic, visualizing an aneurysm in my abdominal artery about to burst. I've been trying to rationalize to myself that it's nothing, but so far the only thing I could do is stop and sit on the ground until it goes away, which sometimes can be up to 20 minutes.

Did someone manage to prevent it or lessen it?

Cross country bro here. Trying to hit more than 45 miles a week currently. Last run was 11 miles at like 6:50 pace average

Honestly isn't bad at all if you have the right clothing. After 10 minutes you warm right up desu.

Your end is neigh

what I have done that has helped alot with not getting injured is just paying attention to how I run when I get tired

It's taken me a long time to adjust. If I bike and work and run then I am pushing 3k a day. I'm maintaining (I think). Sometimes I look skinny, other times I freak out and think I'm a fat fuck.
>no lift

yes but the cold air burns your lungs and can cause inflammation

Stop looking for excuses not to run. It is okay to say "No I don't want".


That's not an excuse, though. You can literally get throat cancer if you run during winter.
Just get a fucking gym card and run on a treadmill during winter.

>Ive had two teeth die on me doing that
Wait, what?

t. tropical user who's going to try running in cold weather soon

>You can literally get throat cancer if you run during winter.

>Sometimes I look skinny, other times I freak out and think I'm a fat fuck
Glad I'm not the only one who gets this. Also, fuck the feeling of doom and damnation when you're put into a situation where you can't run and exercise for a couple days.

>3 months running
>Still hate cardio
>Shins and Achilles hurt during runs

I mean I've gotten better doing cardio but fuck man me Achilles feel like they'll tear and the pressure on the calves feels horrible. Stretching isn't helping what do

Running in the winter is fucking glorious. Nothing beats feeling the heat slowly build up inside you as you literally warm yourself in the dead of winter by sprinting your ass off. Then marching home and hopping right into the warm shower tops it all off. Just make sure you have warm clothes, like a beanie, hoody, sweatpants, long socks, and DON'T FUCKING FORGET TO WEAR GLOVES.

Nah man doing a 5k plan till november to get my speed up then switching back to endurance training to get ready for next years marathon season Id rather do long runds then sprints in winter
I suggest useing vdot for these threads
its pretty useful for getting realistic goal times etc

know that feel.

Thanks man I'll give it a shot, have been wasting these sunrises in bed unable to sleep lately so I might as well. I doubt I'll do over 10miles soon anyway so fasted sounds like it can work

I want to beat my co-worker in a 5km (~3.1miles) run in january. His best is 20:42, I'm at ~24min. Is this realistic in 4 month? I'm not sure how to improve. Run longer? Run faster?

Zhe nike running app will generate training plans for you based on current abilties and runs you want to do per week

I enjoy running but find I ALWAYS get quite sick about a 3-5 weeks in. Usually a fever that takes a week or so to go. I hardly ever get sick too.

sounds like you are either doing to much to soon or you arent eating enough to recover
there also was some study showing that when pople start runing they get sick more but in the long run they get sick less

Currently at 24min too and want to break under 20, would like to hear what you end up choosing

I just tried it and it wants me to do 2km runs? Is this normal??

Finished Week 4 of C25K. Still feels bretty good. Feel like I'm completely drained of energy, and have to slow down quite a bit to get through the last run, but going to give W5D1 a shot the day after tomorrow, and maybe repeat W4 if it doesn't go well.

I'm travelling, so no access to gym, but can anyone recommend a good beginner routine for some simple bodyweight exercises to do on off-days? Googling it got me some pretty meme looking results, so I figured I'd consult with you wise pro/fit/s

probaly speed runs

also check the next weeks they get harder as they go on

What do you mean had teeth die on you?

I live in Buffalo, NY. I'm out there before 6 every morning, rain or shine, whether it's warm or down below 0 degreees Fahrenheit. Just throw on some extra layers, put a thin layer of Vaseline over your face to prevent windburn, nut up and do it.

Recalibrate your goals. 24ish to 20ish is, frankly, unrealistic.

>running in the winter causes throat cancer
Is this some bullshit you made up? I've literally never heard of this. Anyway, just get biker scarf or whatever it's called, those elastic things that keep the air warm but still let you breathe. I have a non-edgy one without the skull.

>being fat

Comfy 20km so far this week. No injuries. Still humid as fuck though.

>Want to run today
>Ran yesterday and the day before that and don't want to overdo it

Do I risk it?

As the guy who posted me some acid for the very first time once said: "Go slow and keep with the flow".

>implying I'm fat


t. recently injured

Zero miles this week so far: getting over chest cold.

>didn't check training plan
>assumed it was 4 miles today
>get back and it's actually 5



what's her problem?

She didn't go fast

she had one of those wireless japanese vibrating buttplugs in her

She forgot to shit prior to running and got the RD.

I heelstrike because #TBE heelstrikes

easy work

What would you say is a reasonable time to go from 24 min to less than 20?

Finished C25K a month or so ago and figured I'd move up to a 4x per week plan with 2 tempo runs, 1 distance run, and 1 speed run.

My speeds are shit right now (9:30-9:45 per mile for tempo runs). Should I stick to this plan or do I need to do something different? I want to run longer distances but also increase my speed.