Why isn't this the king of fit?



Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?

Find a more aesthetic person you just cant

every /roid/ thread should start with that picture

Who this bitch ass nigga?

that shit's terrifying it's like uncanny valley

Pretty sure his "Muscles" are implants. I read about it somewhere or watched it.

look at the progress

Wtf i was ABOUt to call him JUSTin but thwn the pictures loaded up and i cant bwlieve any of i

Seriouualy, is thia FtM or a plastic surgery freak
At this point what didferwnce doea it make

fine a more masculine man

you cant

why the fuck did he do that, he was actually good looking before

yeah he was on botched, he wanted doctors to do some stupid ass shit to him and they wouldn't
he curves out his own implants, like make prototypes then goes to doctors so they put it in
he's so pathetic he can't even do one pullup


This whole forum is mad jelly

If your muscles are made of plastic but you're not using steroids, are you still considered natty?

plastic is fantastic

>mfw when i actually look like this

No just a different type of fraud

ok so the weirdness appears to be a lack of
and his gay posture. Boy, he's pretty ripped though.
>A fag can beat you up
Time to train harder

>face is so naturally unattractive that even after hundreds of plastic surgery operations he's still a 3/10

Some people have too much money.


all i mean every definition from triceps biceps calves hip tries is implants, he's just a twig with implants, one thing he designed a lot of it himself for his body

Looks like one of the Altmer from Oblivion

he's housewife to some rich ass homo

This guy's face looks like post-op Bogdanoffs. He's a freak.

Unironically looks like a skinnier Piano man here

That rich homo can do better I think.

>Some people have too much money.

Spot the poor fag trying to fit in



I actually thought his abs might be real


I think he got his girl prego

That's some uncanny valley bullshit

that dick-tied-to-your-leg-with-bandana is a pretty cool idea

>dat bulge

I guess his dick is plastic too?

Nigger all of those "muscles" are literally silicone implants to look that way. He doesn't train at all and has always looked like that

Fags like this should be hanged.

>ab implants
why tho

if he wouldn't tell everyone he comes across that they're implants, you wouldn't think they are because they're crooked. Mindgames, son.

yea insane

doctors piggybank


Brazilian fuckboy of some billionaire who spent a considerable amount of money into putting a considerable amount of plastic inside his ken doll.

There's nothing wrong with this man.

fake lats, pecs, delts, abs, biceps, quads and calves is what I spotted

I just found my new attire for Halloween. Thanks Veeky Forums



>skipping leg days
>befriending niggers
even average fat fuck would rekt him

>skipping leg days
Lad his muscles are 100% plastic, he's skipped every gym day.

>normal guy and guy you wanna beat the crap out for all that gayness

all those implants just so he doesn't have to lift weights for 1 hr 3x a week what a retard