What is Chad called in your country/region?
>Chad Thundercock
>Chang Wang-Long
>Tyrone B'bisi
What is Chad called in your country/region?
>Chad Thundercock
>Chang Wang-Long
>Tyrone B'bisi
Stefan Stålkuk
Alejandro Penelargo
>implying there are any chads in sweden
Where the fuck do you live
>Das so'n echter arischer Halbgott der scheiß Wichser mit seiner ollen Meistergenetik
>Ich wünscht ich hätt' sein' Bartwuchs dummer Nutten, altah
Donald Trump
Pode crê
A litteral translation would be "big richard".
U know when u get home after work and find ur wife fucking another dude in the bedroom (bettet looking, stronger), well, thats big Richard right there
Lord Chadburt Thundertallywacker-Smythe III
>Mfw the left thinks people like this are naxis
Čedo Kurčeviti
It's Chang Thunderwang, you chalkboard.
Phil McCock
Constantinople is Greek clay, nigger.
Pekka nikkanen
Every chad I know is called Alex
Henk de kankertank
You seem confuzzeled my friend
Fug :DDD
>tfw my name is Alex
>Jock Pinn Tàirneanach
it doesnt even matter anymore
Logan Thaderton
>Mick McBigdick
Žydrūnas Savickas
Can confirm, aul Mick with his big schlonger driving his tractor around like there isn't a big queue behind him
these were initially funny because for every virgin trait, there was a chad trait that mirrored it to a ridiculous degree. now its just random descriptors of things that dont correlate. fucking ruined
Chad Stark
I thought so, sweden
What would the leaf Chad be?
Swedish Chad is a combination of Tyrone B'bisi or Ahmed Alraed Al-Qadib
Ricardão Pau de Trovão
Wer hat das gesagt und warum denkt er Kolle hätte arische Genetik?
>leaf chad
Chang long wang
kek, first name Jock is perfect for a scottish chad considering what jock means over in ameriland
thats not how you spell Laird Tulkinghorn
>fit, alpha white male
>racemixes with a jungle asian and has a kid
what did he mean by this?
This ain't Vancouver
Olav Mountainpike
shes the wife of the fat fuck in front of them, not the man carrying her
Antonio Pitocohete
Epic ;)
"Typowy Seba"
(Typical Sebastian)
CHANG fucks XA TSE and eats RAMEN while you eat BOK CHOI and RUN UP 10,000 STEPS
more like chuck thundercuck
he the nice guy carries the woman like a supreme gentleman so that the fattie can fuck her later while he faps to the sound of their moans
more like this pls
Make Ukkoskyrpä
Sandākokku Chaddo
JIMBO eats METH and fucks MANDY while you eat COCOA PUFFS and DEADLIFT
Kollegah, donde está mi coche?
Ćamil Kitarović
Hast du das ohne Scheiß irgendwo aufgeschnappt?
Chadburt drinks tea, eats scones and gives Elizabeth a jolly good rogering while you catch lord Enfield at silly mid-off off of a googley
RAJ eats MONKEY NUTS at the CINEMA with ANYA while you hit the MEELS HARD and DEFECATE on the STREET
anyone got the chad vaporwave ? Searchin it since week
Wong thunder dong
Alfa Make
Dong bi Long
Marco Antonio Stallone
Fero Hromokokot
Aziz Cohen
Yossi Maccabi
Charles Foudrebite
epic, man! this'll get those libtards for sure!
Yeah, really "Chad" to carry another guys wife and children while he leads the way in front of you.
You're betas.
>leaf chad
Chadley DoRight
nice b8 really made me think
not bait. you're a beta male if you care for another mans wife and children, no exceptions.
Santtu Jyräkyrpä
Yeah honestly, Billionare President.
Has had everything he wanted since birth.
Silvio Berlusconi
>Impliziert dass Kollegah Chad ist
>Chad heißt auf deutsch Felix Blume ...
Passt eigentlich bei der linksgrühnversifften Scheisspolitik die wir fahren.
Nuovofrocio di merda l'equivalente di Chad è sempre stato Giggino, il Berlusca deve pagare per scopare e riesce pure a farsi ricattare dalle puttane
shhhh. look at the dubs
24. September, Bruder.
BRUCE drinks VB and eats 4n20 PIES while you hit the GYM HARD
SHIELA still refers him because of his genetically superior FACE HEIGHT AND FRAME
Buntes Trier 444 Nicht mit mir
Wenn die Linken mehr Stimmen als die AfD kriegen bring ich mich um. Allein schon die ganzen SPD und Linke Plakate mit ihrem Kitschgelaber unf die MLPD Fetzen mit Lenin, Marx und Che jeden Morgen auf dem Weg zur Arbeit zu sehen war die letzten Wochen schon Frechheit genug. So ein Wahlergebnis würde mir der Rest geben.
Identity Evropa
Mike not so much
Chong Thunderdong
Die Wahlplakate sind diesmal wirklich inhaltsleerer als je zuvor. FDP ist am aller besten, die Teile sind quasi unpolitisch. "Digitalisierung ändert alles, Zeit auch die Politik zu ändern".
>mgw MLPD hatte in meiner Stadt bei der NRW Wahl weniger Stimmen als wohnhafte Mitglieder, obwohl alles voller Plakaten war
Someone make a tinder profile for Tyrone b'bisi