/FPH/ Fat People Hate General

Uncommon edition

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Shit wrong pic but that kind of fits



nice bench though!





jesus fucking christ I don't know what pisses me off most about this



To all fat people.

At least don't take up smoking.


if we're gonna make a robe that's "one size fits all" and still manages to fit her, that ain't no robe anymore, that's a damn carpet

the toss, like she's too good for steps

delivery and postal services always attract assholes who don't do their job, why is that?

>an everyday feminism comic

It's because only the most ambitionless end up in such a position long term. The few mail men who do it "passionately" (if you can call it that) usually get promoted pretty quick.

dunno, her driving on his lawn to avoid walking 5 metres is pretty far up there too. The the truck's dampers succumb to her weight is a nice touche as well.

>FPS top left hand corner
>Fat People Stories

>Tfw I love these threads due to being skinny with no muscle mentality contemplating, "Well, at least i'm not fat."
>Decides to build muscle regularly 2 months, noticing how hard as fuck it is to get started

Seeing how you have to work out when you're most awake, not do it on an empty stomach while at the same time not eat anything for 2-3 hours, pick the perfect time to work out... it's no wonder a lot of fatasses stay fat. On top of that, you have to spend hours being sandwhiched beside 10 people who are fit enough to put twice the effort on the treadmill than you.

Still I love this thread as motivation to not land myself to having a permanent gross guts one day.

Thats a goddamn beautiful lawn. My lawn would look like that if I wasn't in California and we didnt have that five year drought. This pisses me off to no end. Taking care of a lawn is hard work. I hope that fat bitch got fired. How the fuck did she get that job in the first place?

It's not as crass as you're making it out to be, buddy. Just start with a good set of size adjustable dumbells (up to ~60kg for starting out), get a good bro split or PPL you can do with them and do it every evening. It'll get easier every day.

90% of those could have been in the free space.

that purse is just too fucking perfect.


I mean what's the point of it if you're just gonna fill in every space in 5 minutes?

>get a good bro split or PPL you can do with them

That's pretty much half the problem. Most of the guys I know are either too busy or too poor to sign up for the gym.

At this point, im desperate enough to ask co-workers to help be my spotting buddy.

Rei is the easy path; Meaningless, static positivity.

Asuka represents what Shinji learns during 3rd impact. Existence is meaningless if there is only numb bliss (like in instrumentality). You aren't existing if you are in a state of constant positive feedback and no "grit". What he realises is that life is worth living not because it always good, but rather because other people as well as the tensions, rejections and pain they bring with them are what makes your existence real in the first place, while instrumentality is a fake, meaningless existence. Which is why he ends up rejecting instrumentality and chooses life, and therefore rejection and Asuka.

I really like Eva because it's quite relatable even if you come from a similar place as Anno and probably a lot of people on this board. It's presents a mature way of accepting and dealing with the struggles of daily life. BTW this whole non-existence-thing is interestingly enough a thesis Hegel talked about quite a bit.

HAES people are rejecting any sort of negativity because they think not having to better themselves and not having to deal with anything but constant confirmation and happiness is what will make them happy, while reality is literally going to come crushing down on them (and their bones).

Their active striving for this lethargic non-existence and rejection of actually dealing with and solving problems is what's differentiating them from the casual middle aged dude with a potbelly and it's the main reason I'm utterly disgusted by them.


I started out cycling on Saturday and Sunday morning and doing 1h of PPL ABCABCx with a couple of DBs at home.

And you just know she wasn't even fired for this

I'll probably do that, especially since im now starting my vacation, thanks.

Why spend time smoking when you can eat instead?

The hardest part is starting, brah. The next step is sticking to it. For Ever. Improve yourself. Get better.

God, every second of this infuriates the fuck out of me.

This just sounds like a motivation based version of but from the other direction.

I'm on a starvation diet (as I have a deadline that I have to be fit by) and no access to a gym. Squats and situps to muscle exaustion three/four days a week. Bought a cheap exercise bike for cardio. Set of dumbells. Now I'm fitter than I ever have been, and my muscles are building fine.


well, she does look like a powerlifter tbf

Is he turning into an earthworm?

At least post the frog tech version faggot

>Seeing how you have to work out when you're most awake
Is this a thing? I roll out of bed at 5am, and without shower, shaving or shining, go to the gym next door and work out for about 45minutes before coming back home and eating and getting ready for work. I think I actually slept on a bench there by mistake two months ago -- sitting, bench between reps.

Nice, I could talk and listen about this anime all day.

>listening to black people


sturdy, stable, nice colours, i'd rate this bench a 9.5/10

This is literally the bench of my dreams, shame it belongs to such a fat bitch unworthy of its majesty.



Wow, what a great bench! Is it worth it dating her just to get access to it, lads?

She's obviously not a powerlifter but she doesn't look half bad. Certainly does not need HAES

This comic is completely on point though. That's why insecure, weak-willed fat people buy into fat rights instead of being responsible for their disgusting selves.

that is obese, borderline morbidly.
let me ask you something, are you American?

Post more roadhog skins

>government job
>getting fired for anything short of mass murder

Cmon now

Literally an oversized baby, fit only to satisfy some cretin's disgusting fetish.

10/10 post. Read it twice. Please post more like this.

>too lazy to walk for 10 seconds to the doorway, drives all over the lawn damaging it
>too lazy to wear a uniform
>won't even take the extra step to the door, just throws the package potentially damaging it

Incredible, even she is disgusted with how she looks but would still rather listen to another fat person over her own body.



Ok, so you donĀ“t need that insulin anymore for obvious reasons.

>diabetes is just a jewish trick to separate poor wimminz from their shekels and make them feel bad.
really waxes my walnuts

type 2, which is most fatties, isn't insulin. It's something to get the ketone levels normal. t. beetus fattubs mclardcake here

natural selection at work

You guys think I could fold her belly such that it resembles a vagene and fuck it?

insulin is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, but it's usually a last resort

dumb fatty

>everyone thinks something including myself
>I'll just pretend like everyone including me is wrong because the truth isn't convenient

you can lose weight by just eating less you know?

That rattling in your engine? It's just your car expressing itself. Ignore the mechanic telling you it's your transmission. Ignore your dad telling you it's your transmission. Hell, ignore the manufacturer who says it's the transmission. Listen to the person who knows nothing about cars in regards to car health

>have to work out when you're most awake
>not do it on an empty stomach
>while at the same time not eat anything for 2-3 hours
> pick the perfect time to work out

where did you learn all of this bullshit? stupid excuses like this are why you keep holding yourself back. you know what's infinitely more important than all these things? whether you work out or not

>and says she's determined to be around for her children
What are the odds of her making it to 40?

I'm so glad Everyday Feminism didn't shut down, they almost had to close due to lack of money but thankfully these memes will live on

Well I regret eating today.

That this is considered remotely ok. Ugh

>fuck you kid I'm not the one with a dead mom
'ad me a giggle

back to your containment board, faggot

her right arm tatto is gonna look like pic related in no time

>no stretch marks
>little cellulite
would bang desu

Here's a /v/ classic

You're not in a safe space faggot. Crawl back into your box

is...is that cheese? I have no idea what i'm looking at here.

Why is a large chunk of swiss trapped inside game spoot

i think its a spongebob meme?

It's supposed to be a group of people ogling her because of her wet t shirt but because she can't draw well it looks like laser cheese

Why would she not wear some kind of jacket on a rainy day?

Swiss defense system exclusive to game spoot. Targets all fatties, tub o' blubs, hambeasts/planets/galaxies and turbofats

that cashier is clearly more surprised by the cheese with 7 expressionless faces in it story than the buxom wet tshirt contest happening

>take the tumblr tags away and this statement is indistinguishable from /pol/
>claiming horseshoe theory is bullshit

>made up to shame women
/pol/ would never say this.

is she still relevant? i remember a couple years ago everyone either celebrating or hating her..im glad i forgot about her

Social construct is a social construct, just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it's a social construct.


Dude that first pic is hilarious

she's got a good body, i'd like her to smother me

mirin' those neck gains tho.

call Homer I found his wife

>not knowing what song that's from

Do you even trap bro

>falling for bait

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded