Biglets can't compete

Biglets can't compete

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nice one, saved

Nice try manlet that's the difference between 6"0 and 5"11

this is just as dumb as the threads making fun of manlets
dont antagonize tall people, theyll think that you just envy them

t. 5'8" "manlet" but relaly dont give a fuck about height

can we start a height-pill that is literally "you can't change it so get over it"? both sides need to mature

That meme is fucking retarded and I'm so tired of seeing it everywhere.

virgin biglet detected

t.butthurt manlet

t. height-is-all-i-have lanklet

Really makes you think.

they are though?

have you seen a lion try to fight an elephant? fuck have you seen 10 lions try to fight an elephant

they dont want none of this shit

You will never be as successful as these "manlets"


Is LA just manlet-city?

If size didn't matter ants would have conquered the universe.

So I'm taller than scatface

how fucking tall is she. who is that

They have, you just didn't notice

>being ashamed of 5'11"

5'11" is the KING of manlets. Embrace excellence wherever you can find it.

5'11" is literally above average everywhere but scandinavia

Meg Starling

pic is shopped

in Bosnia too, every guy there is like 6'3

>both sides need to mature

No, we don't. We enjoy winning at life. We enjoy seeing manlets writhe in their own angst and self-loathing. It amuses us. Stop trying to offer an olive branch. You'll get no respite.

Yeah you fucking dinaric alp bastards. I know a croat who is like 6'5'', he is lanky as fuck though. Stilly jelly of that height.

That's not true.

In Bosnia 6'3" would be the average if they had optimal nutrition, in terms of global natty-height limits Bosnia is at the top but not in terms of current average height. Since they're poor and Eastern European they're only 6.5'.

I just found out after dating a Bosnian for a while, I m 5'11 and everyone of the males in her family and circles of friends dwarfed me.

>tfw dream of being an actor but am in a finance college because i know i have a slim chance of making it

Only Bosnian guy I know is 5'8''. Poor guy.

being 6 feet or 5'11" in south america or some third world country is like being 8 feet in first world

so where i live, at my 1,83 cm tall im the fucking king

Wtf I hate hollywood now

manlet bros, what kind of clothes do you wear? I only feel good in light athletic clothes desu. I feel like a stocky midget in jeans and a hoodie.

>Body put growth into penis rather than wasting it on height
i wish it was distributed equally or at least made me 6'

>manlets writhe in their own angst and self-loathing
>taking memes seriously in order to feel better about himself

Manlets will truly never learn
>get called manlet because you're so short you lack being a man
>call tall people lanklet or biglet because they lack being tall or big????????

I love Chad. Honestly, Chad is such a bro. Especially in later life. I rarely meet a Chad that doesn't wanna talk about fitness, hit the gym and feast on big meals with me, or chill out and play Fifa.
Sure I'm envious of him, but we'd likely act much the same if we had his looks.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but Chad has very often been a great friend to me. He truly appreciates your physique; even if youre a Manlet, he sees your proportions for what they are and compliments your lat spread or glute development. He's also pretty blackpilled and doesn't shy away from dark humour and being critical of women.
Chad's great imo; it's normies more than anyone I dislike