How come some people can get 100kg bench just fucking around on a meme split not even actually trying or aiming for anything, but then other people have to min-max the fuck out of a proper science based routine built by a team of professors and still barely struggle to hit a 100kg bench?
How is it possible that a brobrah can out-do science like that?
Nolan Gray
g e n e t i c s
my aesthetic genetics are above average but my bench genetics are well below average.
Connor Martinez
genetics. heres the list of things affecting your athleticism
genetics > roids > diet > working hard as fuck> what routine you choose
Carson Ward
I actually had a theory about this See, Chad's doing memesplits usually don't do legs. They likely have a chest/back/shoulders/arms/legs split and either ditch legs completely or do chest again. Coupled with not doing THAT much intensity (probably a few lifts in between laughing with friends), a lot of cardio from sports, and having a mom who cooks decent wholesome food for them, it's no wonder they see massive growth and leanness. Chad can't deadlift or squat for shit, but any incel here easily can. All the food they feed their bodies goes towards those muscles; they take priority because they're the most taxing on the body. Chad has a good bench because it's what he focuses on; it's likely the heaviest lift he does period. He's lean because he does sports and (most of the time) eats right, not by his own volition but because his mom or guardian or whoever loves him and knows how to cook with whole nutritous foods. Meanwhile (You) are following some routine somebody told you is good for you regardless of what your goal is, eat bland but nutritious food at what you calculate for yourself is the right amount based on meme calculators, not what your body tells you is the right amount, and finally because any and all time you don't spend in the gym is spent sat behind a screen getting mad at things you shouldn't really even think about. To summarize: >Chad does sports to stay lean >Chad only works vanity muscles >Chad eats healthy, family-made food (most of the time) This is why he succeeds. Genetics may be a part, but more than likely it's just he's had a chain reaction from good parenting. Wise parents = skinny, nourished child Skinny, nourished child = gets into sports from early age Getting into sports from early age = Masculine hormones take priority, muscle development and leanness Masculine + Leanness = Sexy to girls Sexy to girls = Socially successful Socially successful = Chad
Elijah Thomas
People are different, even within one gender. Why are you not suprised almost all women can't bench 100kg?
Michael Mitchell
it depends on your ancestors
if you are close related a neanderthal a chimp, or some insane genetic freak you are most likely to have good strenght genetics
Anthony James
>proper science based routine Because this is bullshit that doesn't matter. Strenght and muscles are build by consistently challenging yourself at the gym for a very long time (5+ years). Thats it.
Oliver Hall
the fuck? is this a pasta?
Jaxon Murphy
Out of the few hundred people iv seen bench at my gym, only about 3-4 of those did 2 plates or more.
Connor Smith
>tfw can't hit 2 pl8 bench after 3 years of lifting >also 5'6"
fuck genetics desu
Carter Howard
As a former curlbro/memesplitter I'll explain It's because of the volume I used to bench every other workout (and I worked out almost every day), high volume stuff to exhaustion. That plus a dedicated "chest day" with flies and machines took it to the next level. I neglected squats and deads for the longest time so that I could do more chest and arm shit. It doesn't matter if your routine is retarded, volume will get you results, period.
Muh genetics isn't much of an excuse. I have long arms and my bench is still my strongest lift because I did it (and still do it) so much. I think a lot of people here seriously neglect it because it's a normie lift.
Chase King
This seems legit
Daniel Parker
What's your squat and dl?
Aiden Turner
are you gaining at all
Jeremiah Butler
>tfw 1pl8 after one month
Robert Cook
Colton Brooks
same senpai
i look really good and niggas trying to talk numbers with me, im just like uhhh yeahh... I bench press
Adrian Hughes
How can I get 100kg bench? Max is 82.5kg at 60kg bodyweight.
Robert Howard
>tfw plateud at 175lb bench but still have a huge chest.
Anthony Gray
people don't want it to be true and pretend it isn't, but that's how it works basically, a cheetah can work out every day and eat meat but a lion eating garbage and sleeping all day will be bigger
Camden Gonzalez
I've done bro splits 5-6 days a week for the past 4 months and I got my bench from 65kg to literally 100kg last week
Isaiah Morris
Uh, put on more weight you skeleton
Kevin Hughes
why is he so comfy
Christopher Morales
Out of all the people in my gym I see almost no actually progressing or even trying to. They hit 1plate and just stay there never going any heavier and then wonder why they dont get any bigger.
Ayden Miller
>aesthetic genetics are above average >socko trip nigger you aint foolin nobody.
Jack Nelson
Fatty here, lifting almost 2 years now and gone from 280lb to 220lb in that time, still fat but fitter and still losing weight. I hit 2 plate bench after 1 year for 1rm, can rep it for 4-5 reps now, can do 2 1/2 plates for 1rm but I avoid it as it makes me want to gorge on food. Also hit 500lb deadlift after 12 months but same deal again, stopped doing 1rm as I'd binge and just eat for the rest of the day.
Watching the twinks and suitable sissy sluts in the gym, I think unless to you're gonna juice, ya gonna need to eat more and get a little fat. I really struggle to add weight at this point and I know it's because I'm limiting calories, not sure I could even pull 500lb now. I've played with this over the last 2 years of slow weight loss and the biggest influence in my strength is how much I've been eating.
Aaron Morales
This. I've not seen anyone hit anywhere near 2pl8 just fucking around, not within a reasonable timeframe at least. The people who do hit it are doing solid routines and assuming follow their diets well.
The amount of broscience trying to explain why a fictitious character can do something is just dumb.
Samuel Gutierrez
Most people in reality need up to 2 years to actually achieve 2 plates, matter of fact. Other than that, most people don't have a proper form, and thats the case for all compounds. There is this one guy who does 160kg squats at my gym, but he barely goes beyond 90°, but thats how he counts it, he thinks he is doing a proper Squat and thats how and why everyone online is an Eliteathlete
Angel Ramirez
LMAOO @ all you fuckers claiming it's "genetics" for your shortcomings and it CAN'T POSSIBLY be your own faults.
>Oh someone else is making more gains than me, I spend hours a day reading on Veeky Forums and /r/fitness and follow their advice I wonder what's wrong
Ryder Brooks
>5'8 >6" wrists >all around small framed sissy twink >easily bench 2plate and a bit more, 105kg 1rm, after 6 months of texas method Nigga just do GOMAD.
Nathan Scott
There are shit tonnes of reasons for this, your body composition, length of limbs, ratio of muscle fibers etc. You just focus on bench press, because it is what every normie will ask you about. You just don't know about all those people, who have genetically strong lower body. My grandfather was a greco-roman wrestler, my father would never do squats and still be able to fart out 3-4 plates, but he would have to work hard for his 2 plates bench. The first time I went to a gym I would squat 2 plates just like that, but I had to work really fucking hard for my bench press to get anywhere near decent numbers (fun fact - according to symmetric strength my dips are way too good for my bench numbers prolly because of levers and shit). tl;dr stop focusing on one meme excercise
Tyler White
I hit 115 kg yesterday, I've been doing Wendler's 5/3/1 for the past 3 weeks and my 1RM before starting was 107, got there with meme splits. Maybe you have shitty form, shitty stance or you're not focused enough
Adrian Diaz
>225lb deadlift >215 squat >100 bench >60 ohp I don't get why my upper body is so weak.
Cooper Turner
You should hit 2pl8 bench in 2 months like everyone else on Veeky Forums, if you don't you're not even trying. Anyways I have to go, I have to take my 6'4 body and 10 inch dick and use it to fuck my 10/10 gf in the house I bought with my $500k job. I bench 600 btw.
Isaac Rivera
>but he barely goes beyond 90°, but thats how he counts it, he thinks he is doing a proper Squat if you break 90 degrees it's a proper squat.
James Lewis
it is a proper squat when crease of your hips goes below top of your knee
Austin Bailey
It's weird really. Been working for 4months total( one month break inbetween,, couple of weeks and shit) still nonetheless some of my body parts grew bigger, lats, triceps.. yet my chest sucks and I got stuck at 1.5pl8 when rest was doing jsut fine with my siht diet and inconsistant lifting. why is that? ANd I actually benched more than anything else cuz I felt like that's what I lacked.
Jace Flores
genetics, anthropometry
Parker Powell
There are mental geniuses and physical geniuses, who can you not know this. All of sports is based on this, and black quotas.
Ryder Parker
When I struggle with a rep I instantly chicken-wing it. My elbows flare out to 90 degrees from my body and the bar moves to where it's above my neck instead of my sternum/chest.
How can I prevent this from happening? Is there some body part that is weaker than the other? e.g. triceps are weak so I use front more pec/front delt
Julian Rogers
high volume for both chest day and arm day, something that ss lacks
Jacob Roberts
>tfw pretty much these stats in kgs F E E L S G O O D M A N (OHP is higher and deadlift lower)
Carter Stewart
Wow that really sucks. The only way you're at 60 ohp though is if you just started lifting, they should even out once you have to switch some lifts to intermediate and others not.
Jose Johnson
This, only on Veeky Forums people call you a Dyel if you hit 100 kg (while the majority of Veeky Forums obviously cannot even bench 40 kg without struggling), but in the real world you are probably one of the biggest and strongest guys around.
Joshua Watson
Give it time user, almost everyone has a weak point, yours are the bench press, it's not a shame if you need 4 or 5 years for it, you will be still stronger than the majority of people in real life.
Ethan Rodriguez
82,5 kg at 60 kg is extremely impressive desu, but yeah, eat more.
Dylan Sanders
No, it's:
roids > Diet = working hard > genetics > routine
Diet and workout is 100% more influential about what your body will look like than genetics, isn't that really obvious mate? Only fat people think genetics are more important than diet and sport.
I'm not sure about that, I think the endomorph/ectomorph line of thinking is apologetic bullshit. A skinny guy can perfectly get fat as fuck or ripped as fuck depending on his diet and exercise.