Tfw American-born Pajeet

>tfw American-born Pajeet
>four years ago, never had a GF
>lift for ~four years
>be now
>still no gf

Other than giving up all worldly possessions and being a monk living a monstastic life in a monestary and suicide, what are my options? Should I give up Veeky Forums and go to Veeky Forums for financial gains?

I'm not one of those Pajeets who want a white gf either. While a white gf would be ok, it seems that Pajeetas aren't into me either. I also do terrible on online dating too. I seem to attract black ghetto hood rats.

I never asked for these feels.




my condolences

pajeetas HAHAHHA and btw kys but go back to shittystan first nobody gives a fuck about u pajeet ur literally one in 3 billion pajeets ur like ants useless and meaningless nobody gives a fuck what happens to u

>Grammar of an autistic 2nd grade student

Spotted the nigger.

ask your parents to ship you a wife from the old country

I would get Rich Piana'd and have someone be with me temporarily for a green card

You aren't an engineer with qt marriage prospects? CMON man you might as well be white.

Post picture

Basically this get a female Pajeet from India usually you might be considered ugly by Western standards, but in your home country you'll do fine.

I didn't start meeting women until I did volunteer work. Goodwill saved my dick just be warned that you will also meet homeless people.

>born Pajeet
found your problem right there

Why do you think the hood rats are attracted to you?

Surely you can pretend to be a paki and get yourself in with one of the rape gangs?

return to your true homeland, the land of your forebears, and perpetuate your filthy bloodline there, not my America, you dirty poo nigger

Stop calling yourself a pajeet you self hating cuck

dont all pajeets get gfs thru arranged marriage?

>I seem to attract black ghetto hood rats.
How to do this? i need a fuck I haven't had sex since 17

>poo in it
They don't actually say that, do they?

Convert to islam and assimilate into paki culture


Accept who you are and make something of yourself.
Your skin color is just a color, it doesn't fully define who you are as a person.

Stop posting on Veeky Forums and take action towards a better life. You want women, so everything in your power to make yourself an amazing bachelor /sick cunt/
Perfect chad/ whatever gets them wet.


>your skin color is just skin color

are you retarded or something? you need a fat dose of race reality

Pic related

Probably because of my hair.

Fuck you you pig skinned cum nigger. Go back to Europe where your little sisters, nieces and daughters are being pimped and getting balls deep raped by

dude cmon ur jacked getting a normie gf cant be that hard

Hindus do due to their caste system, but I'm Christian and we believe in free will.


Don't underestimate how autism can cancel out all other positive aspects of someone.


good point. and most indians are autistic and/or low iq

Dude you look nice, you cant get gf because autismo

You look like a turkish model, no homo

How much do you bench ?
Also whats your bw and how good are you at pull ups

Also. Natty ?

You look good, you must have autism.


If he lived in india he would be the chadjeet king

gay turk alert

U natty?


leave it to Veeky Forums to create one of the world's only pajeet chads

Where the fuck do you live?

>Fuck you you pig skinned cum nigger. Go back to Europe where your little sisters, nieces and daughters are being pimped and getting balls deep raped by
You must have a shit personality then. No amount of lifting is going to fix your "xd I said nigger!" shitstain of a personality.

>judging someone's personality on an anonymous Tibetan throat singing imageboard

IRL personality =/= online personality

I'm sorry to say this but having a nice body won't get girls to automatically come up to you. Your gonna have to work on those personality gains

This, they will be mirin for sure and some you might even be able to bone just cause of the body, but if you want anything more serious, nice body isn't enough.

Hang in there Paki bro.

Find some pudgey curry stank pussy indian girl to love you.

>Watch as she turns to a manatee by 30.
>Turn into old Pajeet with no other options.
>contemplate suicide
>dress like a teenage polo enthusiast and creep on high school girls
>hey girl you want am me fuk you pussy I giv you fuk and cum in on you
>die old man watching cricket with men in same position as you in family.

disturbingly accurate prediction of poo

i assume atleast lel jk i have no fucking idea nice story tho

>4 years lifting
that's cool but have you actually talked to any girls in 4 years?

>lifting for muh womenz
never gonna make it

>the personality you put forward every day isnt a facade
Veeky Forums brings out the real you

Nigga your shredded. Either you are lying or you have crippling autism because little Indian hoes would be all over that, consedering how scrawny most of the guys are.

Just go back to fucking India. Problem solved, retard.

height and weight? also lifts?

kys for being an internal foreigner

Jeets in western countries have high iq, along with jews and azns.

Not bad, height?

I am close to a Punjabi Sikh family and while they don't arrange marriages, they do try to set them up.

>mfw we have finally realised that we shouldn't have asking how to create chads but should we create chads

You should go to India and find an Indian girl. Since youll be the only fit man in India, should be easy to pick anyone you want.

Yes. The last one, whom I try to have a casual conversation on a platonic level told someone I was freaking her out. I'm never going to make eye contact with a girl again.

wtf negro u handsome as fuck u no pajeet u chadjeet

>low iq
nigger please

nigger please christians get arranged marriage all the time here

Well now you know why arranged marriage is a pajeet thing.
Talk to your parents. They'll find you a loli to marry.

Where is "here"?


>even Chadjeet is tfw no gf
I ain't gonna make it

Hahaha you must be a troll if thats rly u ur super good looking even as a pajeet and ur problem is actually crippling autism lmao

wtf pajeet
Are you a turbo manlet who smells really fucking bad or something?

Maybe your standards are just too high going for blonde thots who only have hots for niggers

Arrange marriage happens and love marriage also happens just as long as they're Christian

>>Other than giving up all worldly possessions and being a monk living a monstastic life in a monestary
Honestly nothing wrong with this.
Actually, it's the ultimate goal of any Veeky Forumsizen, even if they don't know it.
>not getting BOTH physically ripped in the gym AND mentally ripped as a monk


5'9, so I am a turbo manlet by Norway standards. I do practice proper hygiene every day so I'm sure that's not the problem.

I don't understand then, your hair looks fine and your facial hair is okay

Maybe you're real ugly then? but your jawline looks okay

MAYBE you're shooting for girls way out of your league that you lack game to get or you're just baiting

Your problem is that you lift for a gf. It doesn't work that way. Pajeets are considered ugly in the West. If you have zero affinity for being a chad, you won't get a gf by lifting. Financial gains and/or dating the ugliest of the ugliest are the only way for you. go to Veeky Forums if that is your reason to lift.

poo in loo

i find that minorities that are butthurt about women are almost always fetishizing white women.

just find someone from the literal dozens of family oriented ethnic groups in the US.

>no gf
sounds like you're not trying. be honest, how many women have you interacted even non-romantically in the past year? It's a numbers game ya goon.

Most women are intimidated by built roided men

I'm not roided

Try finding autistic indian paki girls that have the same social level as you

>>Tfw even ur goal body can't get girls

Whats your weight?

This might be my favourite kid pepe...

> be Canadian born pajeet
> move to America as a baby
> lift in college for 5 months
> have confidence to ask girls out
> get gf
Wow so hard

Have you tried talking to girl?
You could easily bang some sloots

how do you ask girls out?

All the Indians I've met are social but socially awkward to a degree. I hope this is the case because getting normal only requires some few realizations.

You hang out with on girl exclusively for a month
> first week bring a plus one who knows you like the girl so he can't cuck you
> second week be alone with her and do stuff together (2 times a week is minimum 4 is maximum)
> keep doing this until you have the confidence to ask her out
> get gf
I'm kinda weird so I formulate plans on how to get things I want
You have a way better body than me but you need confidence. I got mine from planning it it
>> btw how do you deal with body hair. You have like none but your brown so do you like shave it off or something

"open boobs"

As if we needed any further proof that this board was full of shredded autismos

Someone needs to make a Starting Strength that helps work out your personality instead of your body because thats what this board really needs

How much u weigh?????



/pol/ is leaking lads

this desu, you could live like a chadjeet philosopher king

So many 18 yearold pol tards are invading this board...

Anyways, user, it seems like you have been focused too much on getting a girlfriend, instead of focusing on improving yourself. I kmow you have been lifting, but to find a girlfriend you have to be interesting yourself.

Which means you have to improve yourself in other aspects of your life.

If you listen to all these white newfags then youll just be just as pathetic as them

Are you 18?

>not doing Starting Social Skills daily
Never gonna make it