Began working fulltime

>began working fulltime
>40 hrs work + commute time on bus literally makes it so I cant lift or do anything

I'm done

But you find time to post on Veeky Forums

commute time on bus allows him to post?

is your commute time on the bus like 3 hours? how do you not have any free time in the morning or evening?

2 hours...

>implying you cant find 1 hour 3 days a week to work out when you are only working 8 hours a day with 2 days off a week
learn time management friendo

>implying 40 hours a week puts you in the mood to do anything but eat, sleep and shitpost in your free time

wake up earlier bitch, I work two jobs, one is full time, one is 24 hours a week, the part time job is at a gym though, so I workout everyday regardless of how I feel, just get a 10 hour a week job at a gym, and workout after every shift (thats 3-4 times a week), it starts to become a habit after a while, every new city I go to, I always get a second part time job at a large gym chain/popular gym chain, that way I get free workouts, I always have a gym, and I never have any excuses to not train.

oh I also forgot to mention I move around lot for my regular work, so the most time I usually spend in cities/towns is about 18 months to a year. good luck user.

>implying lifting isnt the favorite thing you do in your life and is the only reason you havent ended your life yet


working 40 hour weeks in a warehouse full-time was when i made my best gains and got to eat a fuckload of food because my job was also a workout

sure i didn't have a 2 hour commute.. but fuck's sake, that's 2 hours. you could still work out 4 times a week and only dedicate two 1-hr periods during the weekdays. you just suck ass at time management and probably aren't motivated or disciplined

>be me
>45hrs 5 days/ some Saturday's
>3-3 1/2 hr commute (city pleb)
>mfw I still work out 1 hr 4 days

You will never ever make it

Bus pullups.

Work out in the bus. How far is work if the bus commute is 2 hours, and why dont you have a car?

time for home gym m8

Same with mine buddy. What I do is I wake up between 3 to 4 AM, and try to leave with everything ready within 45 minutes. I then hit up an open gym in the area of my work, which if I time it will give me up to about 2 hours I can spend within where I can lift/cardio/etc.

My sleep schedule is ass, but I can fit the rest in.

40 hours a week is fucking nothing
I bet you have weekends off too you fucking piece of shit.

>Posting on Veeky Forums requires a significant time investment

If OP had said anything about having a home gym, then you'd be cutting him deep.

fuck you loser i work part time but im also have class m-f and rugby practice and i still lift eat my fucking ass

wake up early bro.

shoo shoo wage-a-boo
Some of us like to relax and dont feel pride in breaking our backs 60 hours a week for mr shekelstein

Not trying to be that guy but I work 63 hour work weeks, you just have to find a way to make time bro. I know sleep gains are important, but you may have to cut them.

>tfw get up at 5 not home until 8 at night
I train on my lunch and work on my neck abs mew on my commute so stop being a puss and make time

>implying some have a choice
Regardless 40 hours a week+weekends off is literally baby tier.

how tf is your commute 3 hours


>work 12-13 hour days 7 days a week doing labor work
>still manage to hit the gym for an hour to hour and a half 4 times a week

Stop making excuses

nigger you're lying. when do you eat and sleep

>tfw work 3-4 days in a week (alternating every week)
>12 hour days
Stop making excuses.

Get up at 4pm since I work night shift, it's out of town at a work camp so I just mosey down to the dining hall eat, get on a bus to site at 5:10 start shift at 6, get back at like 6:30, eat, get changed hit the gym 7-8:30, showered and in bed by 9.

And that's why you have no gf.

>tfw work 8 hours a day but have decently long commute (1 hour each way by subway plus my 5 mile bike ride to and from the station)
>so basically every day is wake up at 6:30, leave house at 7, get home at 6:15
>by the time i get home, get situated, shower off quickly, eat, it's like 7:30 already

lol when i was in police academy this was my schedule

wake up/shower/eat 5:30 AM
PT at 7:00
Class 830-1130
Lunch 1130-1300
class 1300-1630
chill with gf/dinner 1700-2000
gym 2030-2200
sleep 2300-0500

repeat. Quit being a bitch

Are we e-statting our work hours now?

Alright, stand aside peasantry.

>work in corporate law
>work 7am - 8pm M-F "base hours", plus frequent sleep-cycle-disrupting late night work, and alarm-clock-email-ringtone early morning work
>work a full weekend per month, plus bits of work on the other three
>haven't had a full 24 hour day off since july
>still manage to get to the gym for a hyperintense 45 minute workout every other day or three

>dinner before work out
>eating half an hour before work out
>only 6 hours of sleep

i see you never made it
that is why youre nothing but a cop

24 hours in a day

Pick 1 to go to the gym.


Go back to school kid

Sounds like a dream, amigo.
Do you work as a trainer or cleaner or what?

of course, this entire board is about e0statting how everyone here is a ripped rich person in engineering/computer/law/medical school making six figures and having tons of sex/girlfriends

>work 7 days a week

Says the college kids thinking they will be CEOs. ha

flip my burgers bitch i have a real job. and guess what bitches love badges.

I never said I had tons of sex/girlfriends.

>work full time
>go to school in the evening
>still time to lift and read easily

either you're fag hole buys a car or you start getting up earlier

>says the traffic cop that trains with a full stomach and goes to sleep straight after without the mandatory proton intake

says the spoon fed pussy who needs 8+ hours.
has no real job.
has no real source of income.
PS: im prob banging a few chicks on your campus.

u mad? Come talk when you start paying taxes little boy ;)

>its a 'who's the bigger wagecuck' episode

you are right, i have no real job
im a professional artist, i make money of sales, participating in talks, royalties over publication of talks or work, museums
guess what, it pulls a lot more pussy than being a traffic cop
i pay no taxes tho
since its all based on chan culture basically i get paid to shitpost irl. except instead of being ostracized for it i get social status, money and trips around the world :^)
as a bonus i get all the time i want to train

Cry baby. On weekdays get up at 530, and immediately go to work. I get home at 1930 without having eaten yet and I can work out 3-4 times a week easily.

If your working 40+ hours a week and you don't have time for the gym, then you don't have time for a lot of other stuff so you should have plenty of cash lying around.

Why don't you get a benchpress a bar and some plates? Just workout at home, you can do it whenever you want, before AND after work and you can listen to whatever heavy metal you like during.


Quit reading right there. im sorry m8 had no idea.

I commend you, breh

Wow heavy man. 1.5 hour lunchbreak than 3 hours chilling around and 2 hours for the gym... seems like a day to relax for me

traffic and shit

>be me
>12 hour commute to my job in the city
>28 hour shift
>6 days a week
>still find time to spend 12 hours a day in the gym

It's like you fags don't even try.

You know what would be even more relaxing. If i stuck it in your pooper.

>traffic cop
>proud of his life

also lifting is for feggits
i train boxing so i guess that evens out whatever insecurities you may project over what i do for a living
my main point here is that you have a shit job that includes putting your literal ass on the line for barely above minimum wage