/uni/ Thread
Trying to find the best gym here. Trees and the one in the Events center are OK but kinda far away.
/uni/ Thread
Trying to find the best gym here. Trees and the one in the Events center are OK but kinda far away.
Become resident-> use resident gym on 4th floor of monte -> become fellow/faculty -> still use it while at work in between seeing patients.
>Go to u rec at night
>too many people
>Go at 6 am
>Still too many people
University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta
Its always fucking crowded, really nice tho
my nigger, im going back in the spring. CS full meme.
fuck rsf
looking for a gymbro, I live on the west edge of campus, so I go to the new Arrillaga Rec Center
sup dude
Université laval boiiii
I wish Uni gym was a thing in my country - must be hella comfy and also a good opportunity to socialize.
poo in loo?
reeeee stanfurd trees
Soon but not yet
Plymouth University (UK)
Any UCLA bros here?
we got the best uni gym in the world desu
I hate this place. I should've gone to UNSW.
>forced to deadlift in racks, because management is retarded
>One of the EZ Curl bars disappeared since last year
>Sauna has even less seating after the renovation
It's going to shit pretty damn fast
Just walk up the goddamn cardiac hill freshie
Fuck you
It's lonely here and the Mormons want to convert me
whats up PSU bro. You go to IM building?
I'm in Pocatello; I feel you.
Any cowboys here?
Mormon culture is so weird, an 8/10 girl will completely disregard any Chad if they're not Mormon, but if they're talking to a 3/10 dude and they mentioned that they're a returning missionary, they're practically asking where's the engagement ring
Join the judo club, I'm the president, we get our competitors in damn good shape. Bellefield is the best cozy gym for early morning lifts.
ayyy lmao
University of Portsmouth
I'm going to grad school at UofM in January.
New transfer here breh
Mostly White and sometimes the gym by the Rec Hall. IM is always the furthest gym away from my last class of the day. I hear it's usually the most crowded anyway.
They've been brainwashed. You can deprogram them if they're smart, most are not though.
Yoo nau. Go jacks baby. What year are you?
I go at 1030 after I get out of class. No one is there. Get good shitter.
Basically live down the street from University of Minnesota, but I'm graduated and working now.
Anybody here go to U of Washington? Want to get into graduate school there in a year or two for a PhD in immunology.
Stfu Mo, don't talk about the Library publicly
>Tfw everyone forgets about Bellefield
Feels good going to the least busy gym on campus
Here. Wooden is gonna be crowded as hell in two weeks
How the FUCK did that asshole bend all the barbells in IM East? Bench is a huge fucking pain because of him.
Where my Poos at?
Go to the one at CMU, none of those nerds use it anyways
I got into Washington for a PhD program in Materials Science last year, didn't accept though. If you have any questions I might be able to answer, I'll give it a shot.
You are not alone.
Texas State
Wya fags. So many skinny people at the rec
Hey friend. Non Mormon USU here. Do you use the ARC or the field house?
Aww shieet, I was a new transfer last year too. What major?
I prefer bfit. Much comfier tbqh
And I don't carry quarters on me so I'd have to leave all my shit at my apartment
what are you studying m8? also edinburgh here
I keep reposting it and I never get a response
I graduated in May, Rec Hall was my favorite, but I think they renovated IM. Did the weight room get better?
i'm doing an msc in bioinformatics hbu?
SRC was surprisingly sparse today
Just use the YMCA down the street
Arc, I go three days a week
That's cool. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one here that browses Veeky Forums
you forgot
>one-fourth the size that it actually should be
>completely unusable during peak times
just spend the money on a membership to another gym
/rac hall/ here
senior with 0 friends reporting for duty
how's the new IM edition?
What up faggits
If you ever see someone wearing stans and non wireless earbuds, it's probably me
I wanna jump into the gorges.
I just finished my workout in the rekt hall 20 minutes ago.
go blue
Hlo usyd fellow
lots of rec boyos up in here. /meetup/ when?
aggies ww@
do u go to IBC still, or did u change over
to the new place?
Yo yo niggas
I'm a guy with a purple blender bottle and a pair of Brooks if you ever catch me in the mornings
IM sucks, full of freshman chinks and pajeets
university lads what times are the university recs not fucking full? im a stickboy and scared to go if theres a bunch of people
early morning, especially saturday/sunday guys then are usually the not caring type and all the dudebros are either sleeping in or hung over
Applying to OSU and OU but can any Ohio fags help me out with recommendations for places to apply to? I'm looking for in state to keep prices down
Been going to the new place since it opened. I like it a lot better than IBC just cause everything is so new and nice lol. Feels like a commercial gym.
Not enough mirrors though.
HEllo my friend do you go to arena?Arena gym in the morning?
yeh buddy
>new rec center. Built in 2013. 13 full cages with deadlift platforms
>fuckin 10/10
>absolutly full of Chinese kids that the uni imported right from the homeland to make a quick buck
>procede to take up all the racks and struggle to bench much more than the bar.
that's what i'm sayin
rec hall confirmed /ourgym/
hey dude do you know how the rec class are? I'm looking to try out muay thai or bjj
Yo man
Arena evenings 2-3 weekdays
What do you study bro
Mechanical first year here
The new one is pretty great. Can't powerclean on the open platform though which is dumb
Anyone /Princeton/ here? Dillon is stupidly crowded with dyels right now, but that should die down within the next week.
I already have a pretty consistent lifting partner, but it's never bad to meet more Veeky Forumsizens here
Are you in the corpse of cadet
Dont know whats worse between professors giving out tests after a fucking hurricane or you STEM gobbling faggots that gym dodge like crazy. Theres hope in the freshman but not in the rest of you bitches
STEM fags benching 95lbs
UArk anyone??
>always crowded
>2 squat racks
>have to push past normie zombies to get to any benches
>not investing in a home gym
feels so comfy benching in the comfort of my aptmt
I'm thinking of going there, what's it like user?
Ayy, use the Huff?