Am I supposed to feel it in my traps? I only feel my lats

Am I supposed to feel it in my traps? I only feel my lats

elbows should touch your sides slightly, if you want to hit traps

>autist rows

Not OP, but I'm doing Stronglifts too. I love it so far but barbell rows are no fun, I don't really get it, and I feel stupid doing them.

Is there a replacement? Pullups maybe? Or like a row machine I should do instead?

could just do normal rows, you don't feel as much of a spaz doing them mehdi is a sperg

By "normal" do you mean dumbbell? There's a million types of rows.

normie rows, you know what they are

just do kroc rows as heavy as you can for sets of 12, fuck form on the way up but lower them as controlled as you can manage
you'll feel it in your everything

Why is that idiot pulling into this chest?

it's supposed to hit your lats not your traps

the barbell should hit your stomach

DB rows, t-bars, rear delt flyes. Underhand grip bb rows might be worth a shot, more comfy for me

Fuck strict form. Cheat and try and control the eccentric part of the movement

Is there aything wrong with replacing rows with pullups?

>neglecting the vastly superior pendlay because you're too autistic to get that face down ass up

t. nerds

>less time under tension
>vastly superior

>light weight
>tiny ROM
>person who pioneered them stopped doing them because he tore a bicep
>muh yates

If you want fun do t bar rows

>tiny rom

What are you talking about you moron? Its basically the exact same as a pendlay, but you don't rest it on the floor. Your arms are still go from straight up to you gut.

>not doing power cleans

The problem isn't ROM, it's that people who do regular BB rows almost always try to lift more weight than they legitimately can, and end up cheating horribly. They do this ridiculous full body bouncing/jerking motion that basically removes the lats from the lift entirely. The pendlay row is easier to do strictly without cheating. Sure you can cheat if you're a dumbass, but it's easier to do them strictly.

This is the one 'lift' I do on a machine. My gym has limited floor space for deadlifts, cleans and etc and my back gets enough work from everything else that I don't really care too much.