This guy is 14

>this guy is 14
Why dont you have a six pack yet?

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Get up on my level.
Also new Veeky Forums angel

Man I wish I started young

>muscular twinks
in the trash he goes


>didn't start until 21

I looked better then that when i was 16.
>tfw i started when i was 14

just because he is a skinny twink fuck and has abs does not mean he's muscular you idiot fucking normie

miss your autism meds today, faggot?

because im not a twink

stupid fuckin idiot neck yourself,dyel kid

s e e t h i n g

would fuck

I am constantly mad at the person who took my wife's virginity, and her other sexual partners as well.


If you don't have a six pack when you're 14 there is something fucking wrong with you.

I already know this
I just want to start life.

Then you also already know what you have to do.

The reason why it's abnormal for a 14 year not to have a six pack is because all you need to have one is low-ish body fat and normal muscle mass.

So, lower your body fat.

Of course, extramarital sex is cheating

I wish I'd started at 13 instead of 25

Even when they were her partners before she knew you?

I bet this kid had loving and well adjusted parents or at least a real circle of friends who really cared about him. That is how Chads happen. You can have beautiful genetics and be a gymcel like me when youre raised by worthless parents and have no true friends early on.

Yes you're cheating on your future spouse. Also on God.

Or maybe he just doesn't blame other people for all of his shortcomings.

OP's pic is probably the body of the guy who took her virginity.

I know, and that makes me mad for some reason.

Because i have been fat for more than 7 years, after that is imposible yo get thin again.

I can do that if i flex and i started lifting like 3 months ago

Abs are for fags.

We all know thats you OP. Now bend over and let me fuck that twink boi pussy

this guy will cuck every man in the world in a couple of years

You have a point there and self improvement should happen regardless of circumstance. You cannot however deny that developmental experiences do mold psychological profiles

This is what peak women want. They choose it.

i want this guy to fuck my girlfriend

>that bloated adonis belt

into the trash he goes

Someone like him probably already did. My gf's first was the fucking HS quarterback when she was 15. How the fuck do you compete with that? How can you ever give her that?

Absolutely mirin'. Future Chad.

How the fuck do I get into this mode @24?

That cannot be a 14 year old kid. How the fuck can he have that much mass? srs

This really fucked me up bro

missed out on the best years

HIgh test future chad


Cmon now, that kid is like 5'2, if that, weighing probably weighing 90 lbs

Mad jealous 2bh


He's like 110lbs

Because I'm not a faggot with lil' 12 inch arms. These skinny fuckers can't keep getting away with thinking they're hot shit just because they have abs, these faggots also can't keep getting away with post at angles that shows they have chest when in fact they do not have chest but anti chest.

Guys walking around being twinks thinking they're "hord" need to be careful of not getting fucked in the ass.

Jealous late bloomer detected

more like 160
this kid is like 180 tall

yeah but youre not 14. if you were 14-18 you would be mad jealous of this dude. hes mad fit for his age

I'd let him fuck me in the ass

> mfw user feel for jewish tricks like homosexuality.

You just cucked yourself out of the genepool and social hierarchy ladder faggot. Now let us real men keep "trappin'" while you waste resources and energy towards futility and cucking yourself out of the genepool.

Homosexuality is a symptom of something that's fundamentally wrong with your head, that's why you go gay, it's an altruistic behavior you can't even control, that's how natural selection can also work.

He will be our next leader.

I feel so sorry by how far in the closet you are

By not trying to compete with fucking high schoolers? How insecure are you?

I've just been on the fence for so long, since I'm too autistic to go after girls or even talk to them, so I just tried out to see if doing gay shit was for me. Well it did make me hard, but it was hard to cum...

So I'm just in limbo about my sexuality, there's no wonder that I become unhinged when I see gay people.

Are you kidding me? These were probably the best days of her life. Dating the highschool quarterback, losing her virginity, first love.

>Wide child bearing hips
>Narrow shoulders

High school love fucking sucks, more likely it was awkward, incredibly hot and cold and resulted in dumb arguments because neither of them had the maturity to work through shit.

You're competing with a fucking high schooler, when both you and her are adults. You win that contest by not being a pathetic fuck who gets insecure over her teenaged ex.

It just comes across more like you wanting to date the quarterback.

You're missing the point man. I know it was probably the highest highs and the lowest lows, but she will always remember the highest highs, and that's something that grinds on me every fucking day. That's the feeling I get at least. For shit's sake, she wanted me to meet him. I of course said fuck no.

I didn't say the highest highs, I said hot and cold. If her best moment was dating some teenager, you should reconsider your taste in partners.

I'll repeat myself. You are competing with a teenager. You're idolizing some fucking kid, and making him out to be better than you.

High school relationships aren't shit, and the only people who obsess over them are sad cunts on online forums who think real life is some dumb high school movie.

Not user, but I do get where he's coming from. If those years weren't the best in a sexually active stacy's life, that shit Kid Rock "Summertime" song wouldn't have them all dancing and singing along. Many girls love to fantasize about that Chads that took their virginity in middle or high school.

What sort of logic is that? That vast majority of songs about sex and having a great time are written about shit people do in their 20's. Songs are also written to sell, so if you're aiming to sell to kids, you write songs about how being a kid is the best shit ever.

Also, do you think people actually care about the lyrics in songs? They just dance because it's a song they remember and they like the sound.

People danced to pumped up kicks, does that mean that people all want to shoot up schools?

What, are you just supposed to ignore her sexual past?


Having razor sharps abs is an indicator someone is a weak bitch / on roids.

Why would you even ask? And as long as it's not strange somehow, why would you care? People have sex, people always have and always will.


>marrying Chad's leftovers



What is objectively strange in a girl's sexual past?
This is how I feel now, and I want to feel better. I want to do better than to "accept it."

I was in the same situation but I didn't marry, my ex only had 1 previous partner but it was enough to make her seem untrustworthy in my eyes

Lol no muscles dummy

Why the fuck did you marry her then you dumbass?

It's an objective fact that your gf will think about previous partners, if she had them, especially if they were serious.
She will NEVER forget her first time, it will always be a special memory for her, however clumsy it may have been at the time.

It's a fact that girls with no prior partners are the better gf/wife material.
>b-but they're boring in bed
If you think this you literally want your gf to think about another man and what he taught her while you have sex.

Do you regret it or nah? Where do I find trustworthy virgin QTs? I make great money in tech, and cook well. I made myself into a man with practical skills, but I don't know that I like my wife because of her previous 3 partners. I can still get an anullment, but I'll want to start looking first to be terribly honest. I am willing to go all the way to be happy, and I must decide which way to go.

An unsual amount of partners, if she's cheated (inb4 implying those are unusual), pretty much just anything that stands out as weird to you. Having had sex with someone before you, or even a couple people depending on age isn't weird, and you're an insecure moron if you care, especially if you were cool with sleeping with her before marriage.

Unironically this. Even at 2-3 partners your girl has had miles of dick in her. If even one of her partners was a "hook up" she is not and will never be wife material.

>unironically /r9k/ bait

You have to go back.

These are the decisions that needed to happen before marriage. You brought this upon yourself.

Would you feel the same way? Is this a way that most men feel?

No, it's not. Veeky Forums is massively overtaken by /r9k/ shit, it's not representative of the general population.

Most of the people who post that sort of stuff aren't even old enough to be here.

Honestly my plan is to just keep looking for another wife. It feels strange thinking it, but I don't want to leave her because of an insecurity, I would only leave her if I found something I like more.

You know how fucked that is and how autistic you are right?

No regrets my man, trust your intuition

t. White knight cuck who wants damaged goods

Oh fuck off you coping faggot. Ask any guy whether he'd marry a virgin or a slut and they'd all say the virgin.

I'm my wife's first and only, and she's my hundred and somethingth. I'm lucky I never caught anything honestly.

>the two options are virgin or slut

Gee, sounds like an accurate depiction of all the options available.

And before you say "all women who aren't virgins are sluts", I'm not asking for your opinion, most men don't view it that way.
Also, what the fuck am I coping with you memespouting moron? If you're going to use your ridiculous lookism memes here, at least try to make sure they make sense.

think of where we'd all be if we started at 13 user

>the two options are virgin or slut


What are some good strategies for meeting/hooking up with girls discreetly if you're in a relationship? Also why isn't this in the sticky?

Does people feel special in this shithole when typing this?

Not sure what point you're even trying to argue there, or if you're agreeing with me or not.

But just in case you're not, as I already said, most men do not see it that way.

Your ironic straw man is unironically the view most men have, at least subconciously

It's really, really not. Just because you spend way too much time around whiny morons on the internet who use "I didn't even want to date them anyway!" as their way of (ironically) coping with their failures doesn't mean that everyone feels that way.

Going "Oh but they think it subconsciously!" is incredibly dishonest by the way, because it's completely unfalsifiable.

"Bernie can still win!"
- (you)

So many people coping about their fate of marrying someone else's sloppy seconds ITT

Wow, you sure got me! Always good to know the average /r9k/ moron can't actually back up their opinions at all past insisting that they must be true.

I honestly have not been to r9k or even know the point of that board. You seem to have latched onto it. Is this what you are truly angry about?