Halp me get betches on tinder by writing me a bio based off this photo

Halp me get betches on tinder by writing me a bio based off this photo

"I'm a nigger, I like chicken."

Is that you? Don't bother, you look like a fag.

I recommend that you shave your head.

This desu pls

>Where all the white womin at?
>Please respond

Stereotypical negro, eats fried chicken

"I might be lightskin but I'm definitely a nigger."

Sell the prospect of bbc

This, of more subtly "I'm a living stereotype"

"I'm ironically a nigger"

Once you go black, you can never go back... To your ashamed family

I like these two so far haha
I need more tho

Why would o write this in a bio?

Well it made me laugh

muh big black cock


HELO i have six incch diieck, imvery horny especially these days

Come over my place and sit on my face so I can eat my way to your heart

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

"My name is Roscoe"

Hahahaha im usimg this part for sure

Hello tinder
I am a 24 y/o Obama looking mother fucker
Except I like grills both female and the chicken type

Audible kek

I am ded

Want to get back at your father? Im your man

"what up whiteys you know you wanna hop on this bbc
ill eat ya booty like some Churches and go back for seconds
hmu if you lookin for some pnp"

damn, yo actually cute af

"I love chicken but I also have a good credit score"

Is the word nigger funny because you don't have the balls to say it to someone irl or do you guys just have a bland sense of humor?

Found the nigger.


Didn't even mention nigger #
And we'll you do look like a young Obama


You are new. I hope you are black and not a race-trading white piece of shit.

>is the word nigger funny

found the bait
>or the nigger

>because you don't have the balls to say it to someone irl
everyone knows white people are pussy, you don't need to remind them.

Something something.... bait

>mobile poster

Came here to post this.



This unironically is a good idea OP. It shows that you're willing to laugh at yourself, women eat that shit up. Normies also think it's hilarious when black people call themselves or other black people niggers.

I have called someone a nigger. Debate me faggot. Pic related

>that nose
lookin part nigger yourself, friend.

>I epitomize all neutral and positive African American stereotypes

Jesus christ these responses are embarrassing

might as well delete the thread OP, /pol/ is leaking

Say that to my face fucker not online see what happens

agree, uninspired thread

Here's a protip: the shorter the bio, the better.

Ever since i changed mine to "Can play your favorite tunes on the piano." My matches has been way more frequent.

O darn that really steamed my broccoli guys I'm calling the Internet police GRRRRRR I'M SOOOOOOOO ANGRY!!! >:(
There was some thought behind the insult. I honestly don't give a shit if you call him a nigger just be funny about it.
Pretty sure this is bait but for the .2% chance that it's not just know that I would snatch the life out of you irl you look like shit.

"I'm black where it counts."

>is it funny because you don't have the balls to say it to someone irl

You're projecting nigger. On a serious note however, if I were to say nigger on my school campus (the only place in town that I'd run into one) it would result in either 1) a fight, in which case I get kicked out of school anyway or 2) The nigger or the niggers friends or bystanders report me to the dean for racism and I get kicked out of uni even quicker than if I got in a fight

Since I'm not a dumb nigger I'm not gonna risk tens of thousands of dollars of tuition and a few years work just to call someone a nigger.

>I live off the government and survive in handouts
>trying to have a kid for the extra free money

>i'd only ever say it on the safety of my college campus
lmao!!! what a fucking pussy.
those tough black university students must be real intimidating.

Not that guy or black, but that's an awful long sentence to spell "I'm a coward" isn't it?

it's funny because it hurts your feelings and reminds you that you are less than I

but i fucked a woman before

Yeah cus getting gang raped by a 'squad' of monkeys is not on my to do list.
Also not ready to have screaming sjws causing a huge scene.

you wouldn't say it if there were only 1 black guy around.

>hurr durr I'm not stupid so I must be a coward

so have I, many times
one of them was black and I called her a nigger while I fucked her and she got off to it ahahah this isn't even larp aswell lmao

If I had a reason to I would. Why would I call a random monkey a nigger? Why would I even want to degrade myself by going out of my way to speak ooga booga?

OP, here you go...

"Bitches, wanna nigga that fulfills every stereotype except for the big black cock one?!?"

yea right, next you're gonna tell me you're step dad's white.
nice try, cuck.

>s-swear i'm not a pussy guys!
lol fucking loser

sweetie i'm white I don't stepdad i have a real dad

that other guy wasn't even me but you aren't convincing anyone you fag. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by simply saying the word nigger in public nowadays, even if you are 100 miles away from the nearest black person, white liberals will make a scene.

Swipe right if you want to be the next first lady

of course you do! your mom just doesn't like fucking him anymore.

fucking KEK

was going to suggest, "not obama's nephew"

>negro damage control
you can't win against whites tyrone, just stop trying

shoo shoo schlomo

>that reply
why are white people so bad at banter?

White people literally invented the term

>implying you aren't white
>implying aussie cunts aren't reigning world champs at banter

>they also invented the term basketball
great argument, faggot.

the problem with banter with black people is you can't actually make fun of them without it being real
you can say anything to me, call me a cracker, redneck, chav, white trash, it doesn't matter, it evokes 0 emotion in me, but as soon as someone calls you a nigger you all flip your shit in emotional rage

>if I had a reason I would
I bet a black guy could walk right up to you and slap the piss out of you and the first thing you would do is ask ,"what's your problem man?"

>relevant in anypne's life outside of that shithole
thanks for the laff

People like you must not go outside much.

how does that make any sense in the context of what he said you stupid faggot?

Yeah, normal people don't want to be around looses cannons and irrational people. Nobody wants to be around monkeys because you never know when they're gonna start flinging shit.

>Nobody wants to be around monkeys
except white women, apparently.

Because what he says has no basis in reality, tardo. Nowhere can someone slap another dude and get away with it.

>and this fucking faggot says the other guy doesn't go out much
obviously you're a european

>stooping to muh dick posting
soon someone will post the infograph and niggers will cry once again

>bringing up black dicks out of nowhere
typical whitebois

And? Where can anyone get away with slapping another guy?

nice b8 thread, my african-american friend

look at all the angry white guys ITT

>black man slaps him like a pussy
>i-i'm calling the police, sir!

lel, kill yourself pussy.

>nigger logic
just as stupid as always

>mommy i said that word again!
oooh boy i'm so angry!

What are you on about? I honestly can't understand your thought process.

looks like you are



you know that's just a meme right?
i mean i don't want to be too cruel to any black men lurking here but all whites think you're ugly (and stupid)
literally every single one of us

the rare cases of white women and black men always have something else going on, usually the woman is just worthless trash and can't get anyone else but sometimes they are brainwashed sjws
yeah that's right tyrone, you're so pathetic you get put in the same box as the gays and trannies and then a few stupid women take their progressivism too far and you're all like " white wimminz love the bbc"

lol oke

But what if my girlfriend is white?It happens all the time, typically little bitch boys like you who browse the internet all day start walking around like you're He- man and say something to the wrong person. Then when they remind you home much of a bitch you are you come back here and start calling people nigger.

>took the time to write all this
lol stay mad pinky