Tfw stalling on 80lbs bench press

>tfw stalling on 80lbs bench press
>doctor said I don't have low test

>doctor said
First of all, eat more. Second of all, if you didn't get shown your exact numbers then your doctor is bullshitting you.

Testosterone doesn't affect how much mass you can lift, you cretin.

t. dyel

No, but it affects your muscles' ability to recover after being broken down, which is ESSENTIAL to aquire gains.

>Normal T levels: 280 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).
>Get results, you have 281 (ng/dL).
>Doc: You're a healthy young man, your T levels are normal, nothing to worry about user!

crash your test and go to the next doc

or just buy your shit online

It really does. Do we need to shop out the NEJM study AGAIN?!

How 2 boost test

pay chinese kids to farm it for you

>Your doctor is committing literal malpractice and risking his whole career for no reason

If you have low test why wouldn't he tell you? If your test is within the normal range, it's not test levels causing your stall.

Because T levels of 300 is low as fuck, but still """"normal"""" so he can just pretend like everything's fine.

Do you have any evidence that a test level of 300 would impact your functioning? From my understanding, within the normal range, your test levels don't actually matter that much, hence why it doesn't change with age.

Ahhaahahahaha nig nog that's my OHP and I'm a GIRL

have you tried trying?

I-i am trying though, user

heh... your max is my warm up, kid.

obviously you re not built for strength , but you could still look good

>warm up
You act like that isn't what my 9 year old sisters warms up with

Don't talk about my gf that way.

I know she doesn't have a bf cause her mouth only smells like my dick.

My doctor said that my test level of 196 was in the "lower range of normal" for a 27 year old male. Needless to say I put myself on TRT (test cyp 175 mg every two weeks) and feel like a kid again. Hell even my grades at college have gone up.

Joke's on you. I'm a girl.

Low-t symptoms start for most people when test levels are regularly below 400

I only use one hole and it isnt her mouth.

>sticking your dick in a 9 year old's vagina
Ha you must have a tiny penor. Seriously have you ever seen one that size? I can barely even fit my tip in her's.

get a constant amount of sleep and your test should shoot up, remember to sleep constantly for 8+ hours for a month straight and you will feel way better.

Source? And source it impacts muscle growth?