Veeky Forums humor thread
Veeky Forums humor thread
If I wanted humor I'd ask for your one rep max
4plate deadlift
Hahahaha. You replied that quickly almost like you thought that was impressive,
dyel as fuck
If i asked your 1 rep max i'd wanted for your humour
If i wanted to ask for your 1 rep max i'd just ask your mom
If I wanted your mom I'd ask her to ask my one rep max
>implying my mom is even cognizant of my 1rep max
If I wanted humor I'd just browse the catalog
If i wanted humour i'd look at your dick in the gym showers
If humour gym showers I wanted dick gym look.
virgin reply
chad shitpost
I was a12 year old girl once to.... Oh wait no I wasn't. You're a weak bitch
>kill his pray at night
>12 year old girl
>180kg deadlift
the record for 12 year old deadlift is 315lbs
This right here
WTF did I just read. LoL
lol wasn't this a green text story once
That shit is why we need pol.
Iv always wanted to be like faggish until he lost his shit though.
I have a few more I am at work so posting on the DL
Sum muh
Catfish man
A very good read
A bit long
I think I'll try this.
Someone actually took the time to make this up
>Starred in "Blacked" at age of 9
oh muh guh
Brethren need not worry for I am endowed with the fittest of humour to share
The tail of the ghost puncher
I have some more epic green text just at work so bear with muh slow pace
A quickly while things are quite in the office
Hahah my boss is not even in the office
More green text
This should be adapted into a japanese anime
>not doing 5pl8 hammer curls
I keked so yeah
>being this autistic
am w8in 4 d sequels
am a manlet but laffin hard on this
oh boi bein so insecure
>not using the jokes to feel better
>not using the only wepon enemy(?) haz
>if you'll be my bodyguard I can suck your long black cock
what did chevy chase mean by this?
I literally started crying while laughing
My sides are in another multiverse complex
∞/10 worth reading
if humor rep for wanted I ask I'd one max
OC coming trough
>is half brothers with dan
>look in the rearview mirror
>see humanity
>drive even faster
fuck man I'm at work
probably the hardest i've laughed at anything on this forum outside of fph
lmao manlet gains
Movie when?