Is this a Veeky Forums approved workout?
Is this a Veeky Forums approved workout?
Did Tinytrip become a qt?
how do i get a qt redpilled fetal alcohol syndrome-ridden titcow gf?
Like this?
preferably not obese
>tfw no tinytrap gf
i would smash. many times.
plus she is redpilled, which is still shit but far less shit than sjw feminist
how do i get a venti gf?
>she doesn't put mustard on ham sandwiches
Her being hot and redpilled makes her perfect
To each their own
streamers are obnoxious.
Will that workout make me THICC?
How fucking annoying. I feel like teaching her a lesson by marrying her and keeping her pregnant with my children.
>tfw I as on that stream and ironically worked out along with her
>How fucking annoying. I feel like teaching her a lesson by marrying her and keeping her pregnant with my children.
She's infuriated me straight, I want to do the same
I'd take the redpill, because I wouldn't need a blue one.
Stupid mutt whore, I want to kiss her. What a dumb bitch I want her to bear my children.
Stupid and annoying. I'd make love to her and spend the rest of my life with just to put her in her place.
I saw this dumb bitch at starbucks last week. She's a sloppy mongoloid IRL.
>let's measure my calf
>16 inches
>for you Europeans that's... 16 centimeters
Y'all some thirsty niggers.
Shit, I broke my no fap record.
you realize she's both part black and part Jewish right
She'll steal your wallet and your retirement
Dude, get a girl, you need a woman
gud un
Eurocucks btfo