Strongest cunt who ever lived.
Strongest cunt who ever lived
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lmao, if you need a suit, you can't lift it legit. fat roided faggot pussy btfo.
weak dyel kike nigger detected. gtfo my fit you piece of shit
he's so big he's was basically on lift support, needs assistance breathing at night, and is gonna die in a couple years if he doesn't lose weight
This is literally the opposite of fit, doesn't belong here.
from what I understand he quit strongman, just couldn t live with that kinda size against those 400lb giants he had to go up against
He's slimmed down massively since taking the title
lmao if you think comp weight is what they are all year round
yeah, nah
Lol fuck of true geordie
I'm terms of static strength, yes he is, by a large margin
Still fat tho
He quit strongman the day he won World's Strongest.
Since then he's lost a lot of weight and is doing more cardio.
>lost a lot of weight
lol no he hasn't
he's still 170+kg. he's still trying to hit PR's for the British Strongman. hasn't lost any significant weight
yeah he's not a healthy weight at anytime of the year you dumbass
Can't wait until he gets fat and saggy and his arms say "TNO DEAST"
If Kaz competed today he would be stronger. If Big Z still competed, he'd be stronger.
Eddie will take his one and only strongman win and run away with it now, because he knows he'll never get that lucky again.
Plus he just looks lame with those stupid ass tats, his dumbass eye scar, the unbelievably cringey mohawk. Just all around tryhard lamer. Not a humble champion like Brian, not a passionate badass like Pudzian. Just trying too hard and it shows.
Can't ever be an eddie fan. Can't do it.
lmfao, congrats i guess
Imagine what this fucker would look like if he hopped on tren and cut to 9% bodyfat
t. Thor halfcuck
Thor is a faggot, only in it for the attention.
Brian is the people's champion.
Literally won this year.
Never forget kaz and reinhoudt won WSM and ipf worlds back to back. Reinhoudts total stood for like 40 years.
>this is the opposite of Veeky Forums
>being the strongest man alive is the opposite of Veeky Forums
>being huge is the opposite of Veeky Forums
really makes you think, user
i compliment his strength, but in terms of raw shoulder strength no one can beat big Z
Reminder that this man won WSM 5 times and had a six pack the whole time.
Meanwhile eddie slaved for years and barely fluked out one win and now will never try again.
>a humble champion like Brian
Brian's a faggot and no fun to watch or follow
Eddie's a character but he's fun as hell to watch, and his zeal is inspiring
From this post alone I can tell you've never seen either one of them compete.
>not Mariusz
seriously I just read his wikipedia page, this guy is a superhuman.
my man.
also a very capable MMA fighter, all around athlete.
went to prison for trying to stop a local mafia boss and arranged a resocialization meeting for the guys he met on the inside once he got out.
Won one of his titles while injured.
he has to be the smallest champ in terms of everything, I remember he'd wear damn near high heel shoes to help in Atlas stones lel, incredible career and actually had a personality
>strongest man ever
>can't rip a shitty tattoo off his own chest
tattoos kiddos, not even once
can't stand this cunt
another faggot that cant breath while talking
yes you mong. he's not healthy or fit. he can pick up heavy things and put them down. fitness isn't equivalent to lifting.
Tbh at this point he should switch to bodybuilding and cut down, he would look absolutely insane
He might also live a bit longer if he did it, too
You clearly dont understand what fitness means because it does not require being very healthy. Fitness literally means being physically fit in a way, and he is, since he's the worlds strongest man. That is fitness.
Why the Hafthor hate? He's a cool guy, just like all of the worlds top strongest men are.
Yeah, at this rate dude won't live to 50.
It's why he stopped competing I believe.
He's going to get cut. Hell if he gets into bodybuilding and doesn't look like total shit when he cuts down then he could get fairly popular
Okay, go ahead and lift more if you're such an expert
He's quite aware of the dangers.
He swims a lot
>Strongmen are not healthy
>Bodybuilders are healthy
What the fucking fuck? Even golden age bodybuilders like Arnold have had heart surgery and are only alive due to shitloads of dosh.
lol no
let me guess, you are a fat "power lifter"
You clearly cant speak proper English because being strong LITERALLY means you are fit. Jesus youre either stupid or fucking illiterate. Fitness =/= Health. You can be healthy but not fit, you can be both healthy and fit, or you can be fit and unhealthy as well.
You sad motherfucker, fitness doesn't just mean strength, only a retard would think that.
what a fat unrepentant fuck
No, stupid.
fit =/= healthy.
Running 10 miles isn't healthy
Lifting 500 pounds isn't healthy
Carrying an excess amount of muscle mass isn't necessarily healthy
Fit =/= healthy.
straps and a suit LOL
fitness is not health
>You clearly dont understand what fitness means because it does not require being very healthy
lmao this cannot be real
fit, adjective, physically and mentally healthy
Your hideously overweight strongmen who can't breath without assistance because they're so fat aren't healthy and aren't fit
the condition of being physically fit and healthy.
"disease and lack of fitness are closely related"
synonyms: health, strength, robustness, sturdiness, hardiness, vigour, lustiness, stalwartness; More
>needs assistance breathing at night
Everyone over 280lbs need a CPAP to get a proper good night's sleep.
Your neck becomes to fucking massive and block your trachea when the muscles are relaxed.
Yeah, you can live with that, but good luck actually making recovery from training, when you're 70% 1RM is over 300kg.
Lol this
Love to see your fat baiting ass do it then.
>Running 10 miles isn't healthy
>Lifting 500 pounds isn't healthy
Actually, both of those shouldn't be a challange if you are a healthy human male, you fucking DYEL.
Got pics?
not really, he's still an obeast
Yes strength is just one of many things that makes you fit.
You can't do either of those you virtue signalling faggot.
Just becuase they're held up as lofty and amazing athletic goals DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE HEALTHY OR ARE CONDUCIVE TO A LONG HEALTHY PROBLEM FREE LIFE!!
Are you fucking retarded?
Have you been brainwashed that thoroughly by the fitness machine?
He 'dropped' down to 177kg but then put it back on again and is 186kg. he's not slimming at all
running 10 miles is nothing. that's an hour and half at slow pace.
every healthy fit human should be able to do this. not that you'd know you fat fuck.
Lifting 500lbs everyday is fucking stupid As is running 10 miles a day (which is a beginner level feat totally uncomfortable to lifting 500lbs)
But every fit human male should be able to do that
Let me guess.
You're some useless faggot runner who thinks their 10mile jog makes them the peak of fitness correct?
the only healthy people that should be 280lbs are 6'8 monsters
i think every human male should be able to sexually satisfy a 6'0 female african
no you dumb nigger. that's literally the benchmark for being a functional human being
Not even the fucking military requires their new recruits to run 10 miles you faggot.
You think you gay ass 10 mile slow jog makes you some kind of super healthy person?
You're stupid as fuck. Running is part of being healthy. Long distance running is not espescially healthy.
Neither is advanced weight lifting
Neither is any of the athletic endeavors people do here you retard.
I mean...did you actually fucking think that would be all you needed to be healthy or that it was super healthy?
i like eddie but it's just plain obvious at barely above 6 ft and 150 lb behind the majority of WSM competitors who are titanic freaks of nature most shy of 7 ft and weighing close to 500 lb that he wont be able to compete for very long.
in about 5 years some kid will stroll in at 7ft+ height weighing over 500 lb and deadlift 1.3k lbs. the bar for these events are just insanely high
Eddie is /ourguy/
neither should spelling haha
no you dupid fucking idiot. if you can't run 10 miles you might as well be a corpse. not that you should do it. read it again you illiterate minority
lmao at all these newfags who dont know eddie is /ourguy/
10 miles isn't that far and military fitness tests are laughable
Also got in """trouble""" for threatening to assault """migrants""" with a bat if he found them in his truck trailers.
that's not how it works. Brian shaw and hafthor are the outliers for now, strongmen are usually around 6'1"-6'4". Eddie has far more static strength than those two giants too, as his lower height probably gives him better leverages. Taller =/= stronger, those 2 really tall guys fare better in specific events but not strength-wise
also, the reason Eddie won is because this WSM had fairly "normal" events, as in 1x overhead pressing (viking press); 1x squat and 1x deadlift, which he all clearly won. His weakness is actual strongman stuff, like tire flipping, plane pulling etc.
based Mariusz
>In an interview in 2009 Mariusz said that he treats sport as a hobby. He is not doing it for money as the money is relatively low in Strongman and MMA (he said that the winner of World's Strongest Man can get 60000 USD, and the winner of Grand Prix in USA from 100000 to 150000 USD). He owns a very successful company (a school for bodyguards) and various real estates. Those are his main sources of money.[26] Pudzianowski also owns a truck cargo company named Pudzianowski Transport.
more like PuCHADowski
>If Kaz competed today he would be stronger. If Big Z still competed, he'd be stronger.
Lol no. Eddie Hall warms up with their all time pr's (literally)
you're a joke kid
I never said fitness means just strength, that's something your delusional mind pretended I said. I said strength only is fitness, but so are many other things. Fitness does not include in itself being healthy, only being physically powerful/fast/dexterous etc.
That's why I said *today
Modern training methods and roids, Kaz could easily beat Eddie.
It's been said if Kaz was powerlifting today he'd have a 3 lift total over 3000lbs.
you seem to have a hard time with implications and equivalences.
fitness implies strength
strength does not necessarily imply fitness
I don't get why you need to overcomplicate things. Everyone knows that. Your usage of a word does not redefine it. Let's move on please
>10 miles
>long distance
You sound like a retard. Being able to run 10 miles isn't even the equivalent of a 2pl8 bench when it comes to endurance training. It's not at all ridiculous to assume that any person calling themselves "fit" could get through a 10 mile run.
How'd he get the scar tho
His secret is his diet
>My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and two to three pounds of bacon. Between meals, I eat lots of candy. In the morning, it will be several 3 Musketeers and/or Snickers bars; I need them for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 PM, is a double meal of a Polish pork chop, sauerkraut and potatoes. An hour later, I work out, then take lots of supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolate. Dinner is whatever meat I can grab—steaks, pork chops, bacon—plus more sauerkraut and potatoes. At 9 or 10 PM, I work out again. Afterward, I have a protein shake and more chocolate. At 3 or 4 AM, I wake up and have more chocolate, then go back to sleep until morning.
Any cunt can run long distance at a slow pace. It's the speed that proves your fitness.
There's no equivalent for lifting. You can either do it or you can't
that insulin pandering diet of insane sugar comsumption
Running ten miles means you're very fit, but it's literally middle aged dad tier in terms of achievable fitness goals
actually fitness literally means the ability to procreate. whoever is better at passing on genetic material. that won't be a 400lb guy who's gonna die by 40.
Run ten miles
Can't do ten pushups
Go away endurance only fag.
You're litterally no better then I CAN DO 1/2/3/4 SO IM FIT NOW retards.
You're embarassing yourself
So he basically did like 400-500 lbs
>has autistic tattoos
>looks like shit
>does the virgin roar in every picture
only thing he doesn't have in common with Veeky Forums is hes actually strong.