>Boogie doesn't even look differe-


Nice cope, booger.



So he's content with being a fat blob? Ok.

Boogie. Please go away. Go lift something heavy and get the fuck off of the internet for 5 minutes.

Also this "Statement made as though /insertboardhere/ is one person that ends with a-" style of OP is cancer, it's sick, it's piss, it's revolting, it's insulting, please fucking stop making these OPs you mayogoblin

>diet coke
I thought the fat fuck wasn't supposed to drink soda.

>diet coke
shit triggers me so much

Supposedly this is a shoop and the original tweet actually says gogurt and water

Man this faggot is such a fucking drama queen, he has to film and blog every fucking second of his live, I wonder how he will rationalize the backlash when you first lose weight and get fat again when you don't have discipline.

Why was he going to McDonald's out of all places anyways?

it piss mtard

Supposedly he was on the road going somewhere and his wife wanted a chicken sandwich. I have no love for the fat fuck, but I do appreciate complete and accurate stories.


Please stop posting threads about yourself you fat fuck

You are not a celebrity

Nobody cares about you

Go away


I care about boogie. I hope he makes it.

Is this real?


Then follow his twitter, we don't need threads about fat people on Veeky Forums other than FPH

Why so much hate over this guy?
I mean, he is just trying to get healthy so he can live longer, i can't see the issue

His wife is fat too

Veeky Forums can't handle that he's fat and more successful than they'll ever be

Because he makes tons of $$$$$ from youtube yet still wanted the taxpayers to pay for his surgery.

We hate him because he's fat.

He hates us also
Some Veeky Forumsizens were previous neets and strived to improve themselves but boogie took a short cut

Nice bait.
I just hate him because instead of exercising any amount of willpower, he got extremely dangerous and life-changing surgery just to manufacture willpower. It's shameful as fuck, but then he goes on Twitter and brags about it. Makes me feel bad for all the fat fucks on here who are actually trying.

Because he's fat

he is already into soda