>it's leg day
is there a better feeling?
It's leg day
skipping leg day
Yes, the feeling of your legs after a leg day.
The feeling of not having leg day because you work your entire lower body at once
I just do deadlift and leg press. Barbell hack squat and Romanian deadlift on my leg days, is this fine because afterwards I'm dead tired
OP here
great post
That's called leg day faggot
I dread leg day, I feel exhausted to the point of sickness after squats. I hate it.
never gonna make it
>that feel when leg day
>that feel when adductors are killing me
I enjoy leg day!!! But unfortunately I tore the acl in my left knee 2 weeks ago and going for MRI and more than likely surgery....DAMN!!!!!
wtf it's leg day for me too, I've been excited for the past 2 days
"leg day" is stupid.
You should be training your legs 2-3x per week.
But no, there is no better feeling than heavy squats or barely being able walk after high rep accessorises
but i do train my legs 2x a week
How does Veeky Forums feel about sodium? I'm feeling wrecked post workout (the next day), forcing me to take too many rest days. Feels like dehydration, but I chug a lug. Maybe I'm low on salts?
you gotta push through it man
Why dedicate a whole day to legs, though?
man, just stick with your high volume bodybuilding routine and use leg press instead. Strength training is not for you
Yes, its called breaking PRs
why not?
Question for people ITT who actually like back squats: how long did it take you to perfect your form?
With low weight I'm okay, but as soon as it gets a little bit heavy, my form goes to shit and I can't help but lean forward a bit. I don't want to fuck up my back so I'm sticking to weight I can lift with proper form, but it feels like I can't even progress because whenever I go heavier I start fucking up. It's so frustrating
That is leg day you twat
Back day. Upper back doms is the best doms.
because chicken legs :(
anyone else just do leg presses, treadmill and squats for leg day?
i do squats in the machine to keep my back and knees safe
until i get back enough coordination to do it right
>still getting doms
I'm sorry you've stopped making progress friend.
You can get DOMS no matter your level with high volume
>t. user who did HIIT plus some ladder sets
>is there a better feeling?
Leg day DOMS
>cardio the morning after leg day
prove me wrong!
>leg day after backpacking for 3 weeks & losing 8 pounds bc have no money
That was something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, I quite literally could almost not walk.
For me enjoyment of training goes: back>legs>upper body
I got no leg day, i squat every session like every man should
Squatting everyday is the second biggest meme next to nofap
Reminder to not use the leg press.
yes, but i didn't say every day
>Putting your shoes on the bench
Fuck you if you do this
Rotator cuff day is my favorite
frequency is just a means to achieving greater volume. I did 3 x full body workouts a week for several years, and I just switched to a PPL. I only do legs once a week, but my total volume for every legs is much higher...I also have DOMs for the first time in years which is nice.
yea how fucking gross, right?
*lays on other peoples skin cells and sweat*
>Steps in dog shit, hobo piss, and some drunk prick's vomit on the way to the gym
I bet you wear your shoes indoors too, faggot
4 plate diddly went up easy as fuck yesterday lads
post some good feels
Pls answer
Can do 1pl8 for reps easy but as soon as I go over like 165 or 170 lbs I start to collapse forward and get freaked out. It's my main stalling lift. I do need to start hitting it more than once a week though.
Can i make strength gains on a cut? CNS improvement? How should I train heavy lifts like DL squat and power clean while on deficit?
6'2" 185
OHP: 125lb x 2
Bench: 170lb x 3
DL: 330lb x1
which is precisely today for me... no better feeling than having sore quads the day after.
have you tried low bar?
a little forward lean is not the end of the world, just focus on staying tight, bracing hard and pulling the bar in your traps
>not having gym shoes
how's life on welfare?
because ppl faggot
because it's like 60% of your musclemass, fagtron
Never understood where to put the bar without snapping my shit up but ill try to look for some vids.
because football players and autists