How are guys attracted to muscular women? Women with gains is freaking disgusting...

How are guys attracted to muscular women? Women with gains is freaking disgusting. Girls aren't supposed to lift to the point where they have bigger biceps than most guys. Their body is too manly and she might as we grow hair under her arms like a man also since she wants to be like one.

It's called having high test. You wouldn't know much about that, OP. How about you try actually lifting and being bigger than the chick you're with, or, you gay. Best of both worlds.

>high test
>attracted to manly features
pick one, homo


>bigger biceps than most guys
>most guys

Most guys are skinnyfat manchildren. Why should I care if a woman has bigger biceps than those guys, as long as she doesn't have bigger biceps than me.

I got oneitus bad for a fit girl who is proud of her biceps, and they can't be any more than 14", bigger than most dyels, but still small and feminine.

speak for yourself you dyel halfling

a woman with gains shows she's willing to work towards something and wants to better herself, that automatically puts her in the top 5% of the female population. even an average skinnyfat man will be significantly bigger than the average instagram fitness chick, including the ones on gear. a guy of a respectable height who lifts will absolutely dwarf her.
honestly if you're intimidated by them (which you obviously are) then it's a clear sign you're a low test beta manlet

I'm not. I don't know a single guy @ uni who is. None that I know of at the gym either. Just look at their fuckings gfs. Petite, feminine, with a great set of tits or a great ass.

I like em

Your girlfriend made YOU do the dishes, didn't she?

How are women attracted to guys who aren't rich? Poor men with nothing are freaking disgusting. Guys aren't supposed to be poor to the point where they have less money than most women. Their assets are too pathetic and they might as well be a stay at home dad.

I like women I find attractive.

They could have muscles, or they could not.


>How are guys attracted to muscular women?
im a lonely pervert attracted to most things on the internet.

IRL pretty much only attracted to conventionally pretty girls

being super high test makes you a little gay
not "gay" gay, but just a little bit
didn't you know?

Would a girl be attracted to a wide hipped narrow shouldered submissive guy as long as he isn't more feminine than her? Please just admit you're gay and stop encouraging young girls into ruining their beauty

these are acceptable, girl in op's isn't

This. All of my "fetishes" disappear when I'm not online. The internet has so many readily available weird things for you to look at it changes your perception but as soon as I am with a girl I forget all of that. Speaking from personal experience though I'm sure some maggot will try to shoot me down.

Wtf are those lips. Looks fucking disgusting

WE GET It, you're sexually intimidated by women who lift, christ get a grip and stop projecting your insecurities on everyone else.

>she has bigger biceps than me

How about you stop being such a bitch

Found the dyel

i actually did see a woman who had the body of brooke wells at my gym and i was intimidated desu

True. I still get my gf to pee on me in the shower when shes drunk though.

>walk at the park by dusk
>see a girl having a smoke on a bench
>see her a few minutes later at the mall, lighting is clear
>obviously girl face
>body is ripped, can't tell if male or female
>she turns to the side, obvious boobs pop out
>hot as fuck
How I got to Veeky Forums.



I got to Veeky Forums because I hate niggers and Arabs and want to re-take Jerusalem.

I agree. Muscle definition is a masculine trait, being sexually attracted to that is at least a sign of bisexuality.

>sexual attraction can be explained by arguments
>n-no I'm not gay, this is the thinking man's fetish

quite easily

if you're lifting to look good, dont fucking do that.

those legs are way to thick and dont suit the rest of her body at all.

>work on body to become fit
>spoil it with shitty tattoos

Why would you care that alpha males like women thatre out of your league? What do you gain?

>tattoos don't make her any less fit


14" isn't a large bicep for a man, unless you are very short, or a kid.
Add to this a tiny feminine waist, a feminine ass, feminine behaviour, and a decent sized pair of tits, that to me doesn't say masculine.
Despite what they may look like in these pictures, these girls are not big.
I used to know a female pro bodybuilder, raided up like fuck, in shoots she looked like a beast, in person she was just this little 5'6 thing who was ripped.
It's like with manlets, they can look impressive without a frame of reference, but up close they still look small.

I see no connection between a woman who is as muscular as her body naturally allows (which is not impressive compared to a guy), and guy with shitty genes.
Go back to fapping to pictures of fat "thicc" girls, and stop discouraging the tiny number of women who actually want to improve themselves by making it seem your fat fetish is normal.