/QTDDTOT/ Face Edition

Old one at 265 and it's pretty fucking slow.

Sculpting a nice body is easy straightforward.
Cut fat, build muscle. However, how can one improve the aesthetics of their face?

Improving things like jaw definition or that clenched cheek muscle that some guys have?

Other urls found in this thread:


I will be starting my first cut Sunday, I've been bulking since the beginning of they year and I'm about 20% bf i guess. I'm going to try to cut for at least 12 weeks... any tips on how to keep as much strength (specially in the bench press) and muscle as possible?

Reposting because nu thread

I've been lifting since june. Back then I hadn't discovered Veeky Forums yet, so I went with what the gym trainer gave me. After a couple weeks of "conditioning" routine, he gave me what now I know was an U/L split, changing lifts every 3 weeks. Trainer is pretty knowledgeable IMO, but he got another job (he gonn get prime pussy as a high school teacher) so the gym covered the morning shift with another (young) trainer. This new trainer gave me a noticeable harder routine, on a 4 day split, this is my second week, it's pic related.

For every exercise I'm doing 2x15 + 2x12 + 1x10, bumping the weight with every rep range increase. Exercises in the same column are done in a circuit, as in, one set of leg extensions, one set of leg curls, one set add, one set abd, start all over, until I've done all 5 sets of every exercise, then move to the next "block". 10 min warmup cardio before lifting and about 15 after.

What are your opinions on this?
I'm not lifting for any particular objective other than improve myself.
Tbqh while ending my days tired (work after lifting) I've been feeling good, if only I'm longer than I'd like at the gym.

>tl;dr: critique routine for a 4 months newbie

one of the first steps to get fit is to stop having bad habits, yet bulking is a thing and is encouraged here to be followed.

what gives?

I work 10 hours of manual labor per day and rock climb 3-4 times per week. If I want to add starting strength back in do I just need to eat more? I currently sleep ~7.5 hrs. Also, should I restart the program or can I jump back to my old lifts minus 10% or so

How do I fucking sleep?

so on a cut, do i expect my lifts to still steadily increase, if im getting ~80/90 g protein a day?

how do i talk to girls.

3.5/4 months of training, is 155 bench 5x3
90 ohp 5x5
160 row
35 each arm bicep curls
good? I dont squat because i had a fracture and now im scared to start

Stop computer 3 hours before you sleep.
Don't use your phone in bed.

This will work but it's impossible to do. Such is life lol

realize they are just people too and stop giving a fuck. The number one thing that helped me get better at talking to girls is realizing they are just human beings that are probably looking for happiness and sex and shit like you are. They went to class or work, went home and ate, and are made a thousand decisions just like you did to end up in the same place as you. Just shoot the shit like they are a guy, but be interested in what they have to say. Listen, be chill, and try to make them laugh.

If you cant even make small talk with guys though, idk you're fucked.

manlet dyel. last push day I did 4x5 bench of 105 llbs and did one last set of 5 110 llbs. Today I got a little cocky and tried to do a set of 5 115 llbs at the beginning but only managed to bust out 2 reps before pussying out. I tried to do a couple sets of 5 of 110 llbs but I kept fucking faillling at around 3 or 4 reps. I even went down to 105 llbs and started failing at 4 reps.

have i hit a legitimate plateau or did i just fuck up by going too heavy at the beginning. just drives me fucking nuts because my next push day is on sunday and not making constant noob gains drives me nuts

Are meal prep companies a good deal or no? No cooking experience and having trouble coming up with a good meal plan

I am ultra poorfag but willing to spend for better health

I woke up this morning without morning wood. I have not masturbated in 3 days either. Why is this happening?

Make sure you are eating enough, resting enough and mentally prepared.

We all have days in the gym where our performance isn't as good as we'd like.

I doubt you've hit a legit plateau, based off of that info

I have never even heard of meal prep companies, but my gut says no. Unless you have excess money and absolutely no time, you have no reason too. Even if it costs $10 a week, "ultra poor" probably makes that too much.

I have had to get have decent at cooking since living by myself and I'll tell you a secret: get a slowcooker. I have a small crockpot, but I can still make all kinds of meat and soups and stew and such. I made some pulled chicken out of $5 worth of chicken I got a deal on and threw it together with a $2 pack of rice, and it made at least 4 meals for me. Add in some spinach and an orange here and there for a well rounded meal, and I have been eating well for like $3-4 for a hearty meal.

It is tough starting out, but just look up beginner recipes for slowcooking or even pan cooking recipes. recipes can seem confusing, but many have a lot of extra spices and shit to make their recipe appealing. Literally buy a slowcooker, throw a slab of cheap ass meat in, throw some vegetable in. cook on low for 6-8 hours. Prep it the night before, throw it all in before you leave for work, BAM you come home to a delicious ass meal with plenty of leftovers.

I know i went on a slowcooking rant, but TL;DR, paying for someone to prep your meals is not worth it at all in the short or long run. you'll spend money for no reason and never learn how to fend for yourself

Is tracking your macros extremely carefully a big deal? I usually just eye that shit up and eat whatever, but try to get a fairly even split. Should I start going full autism and measuring my chicken and peanut butter?

THat's nothing in term of protein. Try more around 150~180

You might struggle a bit with the volume but yeah you can. Depending on when you stopped, and how big where your lifts, try something more like 70% of the weight. Better start slow, SS goes up rather quickly.

Heck no. Calculate TDEE, determine how many meal a day you eat, divide calories and proteins amount by that number (roughly). For each meal try to have prots/carbs/fats, and veggies/fruits. Start simple, like chicken/rice/broccoli. Build up cooking skills.
Also it's good to have something you add to adjust the last 100 calories or so. Can be PB or cheese, in my experience it's the more versatile in term of dosage.
For recipes, look at this imgur.com/a/5nbmA

It depends, what are your goals? Is your weight moving how it should? On a cut I'd say it's impossible not to track calories. Eye balling 500 calories on 3 or more meals a day is impossible. If you're a skelly on SS, or are eating on a 1000 surplus, then eyeballing is not optimal but ok.

Sur guys.
Long story short, I started with calisthenics, then moved do PPL home routine with dumbbells, then joined a gym and followed with a PPL, PHUL and now full body routine.
Here are my stats and lifts.
My goal is aesthetics. Should I run a beginner routine like SL?

5'9" 136.4 lbs in the pics
OHP 71.5x5
Bench 135x4
Squat 154x5 (though my form is shitty so I've yet a gain decided to go back lower, this time I think I got it)
Deadlift 237x5

havent read the other thread but will 99% give same critique in case you got any: too much redundant fluff, no clear progression, awful volume for a beginner. u trainer a shit, and a tryhard one at that

being good at talking to your own sex does not inherently equal being good at talking to the other, sadly. sound advice otherwise tho

eat some fucking protein and carbs u salamander

How come my quads are the first thing that gets fatigued during deadlift? I barely feel it in my back and not at all in my glutes and hamstrings. Is that normal or is my technique fucked? I'm doing the exercise Rippetoe way if that means anything

Will i be ok if I take Vyvanse and Zoloft together?

Fat fuck here, in the process of losing weight. 27kg down about 25 more to go.

I need to do more core work. I hate crunches. I've heard ab rollers are good, but would they be good for someone who is still fat?

Do you have any suggestions for good beginning exercises?

Define ok. Not much medical risk if you keep to conservative dosages but your brain will feel like a bowl of soggy cornflakes by the end of it.

they would be good for anyone the only problem with a being a fatty is that they will be really hard because its a body weight exercise.

less to do with being fat (except the added weight) and more with preexisting core stability, if your hips sag or your lower back rounds you will hurt yourself. start from your knees and stop immediately once your form breaks down, get your first few attempts checked by someone who knows his/her shit. good beginner stuff would be v-ups and crunch kicks, implying you are not actually 130kg obese and just have a glutton pouch

I always turn onto my stomach in my sleep (I do fall asleep on my back) and it worsens my already present anterior pelvic tilt and gives me stiff neck for days. burrowing into pillows on either side doesnt help too much. how to condition myself to stay on my back without resorting to having the gf strap me onto the bed like some asylum patient?

women are literally just people talk to them like they are a person you would be surprised

can/should i take both a mass "gainer" and whey if i want to gain weight?

high protein

ive cut on normal protein and high protein (200 +) and on high protein I barely notice my strength losses

oh I know, fine with me tbqh but I just noticed some of my friends who are literal TV entertainers around the lads turn into babbling mongos something even remotely female comes into view

>Find flat bench
>Lay down
>take single 10-30 lb dumbbell
>Lift it from behind your head to above keeping arms extended
>Don't raise your body at all
>pic related(You can lay on the whole bench instead of what this guy is doing)

If you do it right you will feel it in your instantly in your core, the farther behind your head you go with the dumbbell, the more you will get out of it.


whey yes if you cant get your protons entirely from real food, mass gainer eeeh nah, overpriced sugar spiked BS imho

So should I stay lifting at 105 next push day or try 110?

I eat about 170g of prots a day. But right now I'm running something like 4h a week preparing for a race in 5 weeks

you can bulk slowly and not get fat you nerd

also the point of bulking is to put on muscle you cunt

Bulking only applies if you want to gain muscle. You can't grow mucle unless you're eating more than you need because the body needs extra calories to grow. It's part of a long term plan and you'll need to cut after to lose the extra fat.

Ok Veeky Forums help me.

On my pull day I do 4 sets of curls and 6 sets of pullups. I add one rep to each set every week and work out 6 days per week, 3 of which are pull days. Last week I was at 4 reps of pullups, and 11 reps for the curls.

This week I was barely able to manage 5 pullups on the first two sets, and failed on the 3rd at 4 reps. Took a break, did the last 3 sets the same as the first 3. When I did my curls and failed on 10 reps for the first two sets and at 8 and 7 for the final two. Am I overtraining or what's the score here?

try 4x5 at 110lbs then if you feel good throw 115lbs on. You tried to advance too fast and blew yourself out.

no just eat a lot

mass gainer is just sugar and carbs in powder form. bad for your body

I lowered my deadlift weigh to try and work on form. I probably did like 20 something reps recording myself each one and reviewing it trying to make minor corrections before the next. Every time except maybe 2-3 times I was able to keep my back perfectly straight. Every other time toward the top of the lift my upper back looks like it's rounding ever so slightly. I don't know what I can do to correct this I already feel like I'm keeping my core really tight and chest up all the way through. Do I need to train my upper back more/stretch or something? Or am I just misjudging the difference between perfect deadlift straight back and good deadlift straight back?

upper back rounding isn't ideal, but isn't the same sort of issue that lower back rounding is.

OK, how the fuck do I dumbbell row kinda heavy with good shape? I can do heavy ass compounds for days with good shape but this shit just kills me and I feel like I totally drop good form about 5-6 reps in to a 12 rep set..
Also feels gay af. What do?

hard to know without a video or explanation of where your form is falling down. DESU i love heavy dumbell rows with minimal attention on form

I hurt my chest twice this week at my job being somewhat clumsy (tripped and caught myself at a weird angle, then got hit with the corner of a piece of wood in the same area). I've had an injury like this before checked out by a doc, and it's just something that will go away. With tylenol it's mostly tolerable.

Do I run a significant risk by attempting to lift today, or should I just hold off for a bit?

Facial hair can help with the face. Don't just grow a fucking huge beard. That's ugly. But you can use facial hair styles to reshape your face. I have very good cheekbones, decent jaw, weak chin.

So I shave up on my cheeks, keep my beard short on the jawline, and layer it to longer on the chin/goatee. So it shapes my face to take advantage of my good points and minimize/enhance my weak ones.

What's the problem with your face shape? Pix?


I was just reading this article and it said you needed to do 49 press ups and 59 sit ups to pass the ranger entry test, I was just wondering if that would be 1 set with 0 rest allowed or whether you could rest for like 10 seconds every 20 press ups or so.

>to grow
yes to grow fat

To grow fucking anything. Good luck growing muscle on a deficit.

idk i think my face looks okay right?

>how do muscles grow

continuous set iirc, but also iirc you dont need to pump them out super fast and can take a second between reps or so. been a fucklong while and I didnt do it myself (younger brother did) so I might be wrong here

It's one continuous set, and there's a time limit. Something like 90-120 seconds

>49 pushups 59 situps
>but 6 chinups and 8minute mile 5k
>mfw I could outdo the second two by a far margin but would laughably fail at the first two
no rangering for me then

3 mgs of Melatonin. You'll sleep like a fucking rock.

redpill me on creatine

effects wear out if you don't use it for a few days, but it increases performance so you choice.

So clear something up for me here
In Greyskull, I'm supposed to aternate between Bench Press and Overhead press.
That means I have to go like this:
Week 1
Press Bench Press
Week 2
Bench Press Bench

Or like this?
Week 1
Press Bench Press
Week 2
Press Bench Press

The first one. It's supposed to be a balanced volume between the two, so you have 3 bench and 3 press sessions every 2 week period

Thank you.

How should I begin squatting on a Linear Progression? Should I start with some weight or just bodyweight?
First time in the gym but I do have some calisthenics experience

Rippetoe usually devotes the first day in the gym to finding out working weights, which can take somewhat longer than a typical lifting session. Start with the empty bar and do 5 reps with as close to perfect form as you can (your form will change as you increase weight due to the shift in center of mass, but try and maintain form anyway). Rest for a few seconds and add 10 lbs to the bar. Do 5 reps again, then rest a bit longer. Repeat the adding 10 lbs and doing 5 reps until your form starts to either slow down or is harder to maintain. This is your starting working weight, and what you will use for the rest of your squat sets for the day.

You also apply this same process to the other lifts you're doing that day. Make sure you get sufficient rest between these trial sets as your form can simply falter due to gassing out a bit too quickly.

I did this tonight, but I feel like it was mostly working my arms. maybe I wasn't keeping them extended properly.

im a complete newfag and i have trouble balancing the barbell when i bench press , any tips?

That's a great manga user.

grip it evenly

just put you hands an even distance apart use the knurling and rings to orient yourself on the bar

pls responf

had shit ton diahrrea two days ago, yesterday nothing and today so far nothing as well.
have been having chicken breasts and white rice, both plain
today I did some sauteed frozen mix of vegetables and then some scrambled eggs and it seems my stomach accepted but its been just like 20m since I ate

when can I begin eating regularly? like dairy, coffee, spicy stuff and all that

Bumping since I didn't get a real answer

Tired or dehydrated maybe. Or just a bad day. See what happens next time.

Thanks user. All three of those probably apply to me at the moment. It's just frustrating to go backwards. DOMS are a blittle harder than usual today too.

Do a beginner program probably not SL. GSLP is bettter for gains aestheticss are pretty much genetics and diet as long ans you work out.

Any version of GSLP? I see plenty floating around...

Even if I try only gaining 2 lbs a month, that won't be pure muscle right?

In order to maximise muscle growth during this bulk should I just aim for 3, maybe even 4 lbs growth per month?
I want to look the best possible by July next year. Was planning on bulking until around March or April then cutting hard.

My ass is uneven, will squats overtime help to even it out?

>user...easy on the bulk.

Skinny Fat wanting to get into order mode, should I cut or bulk?

The biggest thing that has helped me over the years is to prevent my body from suppressing melatonin production. The first comment mentioned stopping computer use a few hours before bed - that can be one way to do this (provided you don't just go and watch TV, or sit in an otherwise illuminated environment). But you'll have an easier time using programs like f.lux or Twilight (I think Apple has something similar called Night Shift) on your devices, wearing orange-tinted safety glasses that block blue light starting a few hours before your intended bedtime, and using blackout curtains. Also, be well nourished, and stop using caffeine or similar before bed if you're doing that for some reason

Do you keep your wallet in your back pocket?

P-pls respond

How can I make black people leave my gym? Especially the woman they are loud and Annoying and love the elliptical machines too much?

Im very fat and this is my first time to do crunches, is it enough that i can only do half crunch?

Let your body heal.

2 questions:

Whats the name of that one applying medicine that can be used to grow beard?

How often do you reccomend changing between a bulking and cutting diet/routine

Fugggg :-D

What should I do? Is it true Candito's is the best routine for me, a newbie natty lifter? Or is that PPL?

Thanks m80. I just wanna get swole.

Why am I getting shoulder cramps from holding the bar squatting, and how do I fix it? It doesn't seem to help to narrow or widen the grip positions

And I'm a dyel so dunno.

Thanks, lets escape DYELcity together, my man

Cyclist almost-t-rex here - legs are big but upper body is small in comparison.

Will Pull-ups and Push-ups be enough if I do like 5 sets to fail for each daily or every other day?

Minoxidil/Regaine? I think there are others, they work by increasing blood flow to the area if I'm not mistaken

>How often do you reccomend changing between a bulking and cutting diet/routine
It depends on the magnitude of your caloric surplus/deficit. Typically you don't want to go over 15% bodyfat during a bulk because it messes up your body's nutrient partitioning and makes the bulk less effective. Likewise, you probably don't want to cut down below 10% bodyfat because you risk losing more muscle than intended.

Either of these situations is a function of the amount of calories you eat in either direction, so a 300 calorie surpuls bulk would last longer than a 600 calorie if you followed the bodyfat guidelines.

When calculating your TDEE do you have to take into consideration exercise even if you are not doing it every week? I've always selected the most sedentary option because I work a desk job for 9 hours and then I stay in my house playing vidya, even when I had been going to the gym for some time
I am 23 yo male 177cm and 104kg, trying to do SL 5x5 3 times a week (Sometimes I stay off the gym for a week or 2) what sould be my maintenance calorie intake?

Im trying really hard here lads

I bought a multivitamin thing and some vegan omega 3 from a store and it gave me a coupon for the next purchase. They are having a sale right now and they'll stack, so I'm looking for what could be worth buying, but I'm not 100% of it, even after looking at the sticky. Here are the options:

- Thermogenic pills (kinda scared of the caffeine on those, though, 420mg per pill, though I'm a fatty and burning my belly sounds nice)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Grape seed oil
- Spirulina

I'm 240lbs 6', I only work out at home (HIIT bike and bodyweight stuff). Are any of these worth it for cheap or should I just chill with my multivitamins for now?

I don't have weightlifting shoes so for squats and OHP I put my heels on 5lb plates, and it feels much better. Other than looking slightly autistic does this make sense?

Currently doing gslp. My gym doesn't have 1.25lb plates. How should I progress for upper body?

Consciously focus on your abs, think of crunching them. It also works out arms but if you do it properly you should feel it in your core.

do I go clubbing tonight or not

I used the clips as my "mini plates" on gslp, worked fine