How come abos never had civilizations built cities or even made out of the stone both Amerindians and africans managed...

How come abos never had civilizations built cities or even made out of the stone both Amerindians and africans managed it even the more isolated kingdom of the Kongo built towns yet no about ? Civilization they litteraly didn't have cities until the Europeans arrived

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How come abos never had civilizations built cities or even made out of the stone age both Amerindians and africans managed it even the more isolated kingdom of the Kongo built towns yet no abo Civilization they litteraly didn't have cities until the Europeans arrived


Read corrected version

I to am baffled by the Aboriginal organism

they were isolated, europe woulnt be better than them if it was isolated from mesopotamia

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What happens if I put that on?

They didn't have agriculture, metal working, sails, monumental buildings either, let alone cities.

Aren't Aussies just as lazy as Abos they just had English ancestors to build all their shit for them?

Yeah let's compare weapons, or buildings, or armor, also you picked the ugliest mask you could find

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>Abos forgot how to make fire
Is this true?

Australia is in the southern hemisphere, so it did not experience the onset of the Holocene (the contemporary interglacial warming period) in the same way that peoples in the northern hemisphere (or closer to the equator) experienced the Holocene. All of the earliest settled agricultural societies that eventually grew into civilizations emerged immediately following the advent of the Holocene and they appeared in the northern hemisphere or near the equator (with the exception of Peru)

Australia, like sub-Saharan Africa, is exposed to distinct weather patterns and distinct ocean currents. Australia was not covered in ice sheets during the last glacial maximum (other than the Snowy Mountains and the Tasmanian highlands), and so was not subject to the climatological change resulting from the melting of ice sheets. Some anthropologists refer to Australia as a “human refugia” during the last glacial maximum (LGM), since it was not iced over like North America or Eurasia. Australia did experience profound climatological changes with the onset of the Holocene, but different changes than those experienced in Eurasia and North America

Australia has few native grasses suitable for domestication and few native animal species suitable for domestication either as food animals or as beasts of burden — roos wouldn’t do very well pulling a plow. Aborigines did make bread (bush bread) from crushed seeds, but the transition from small-scale gathering of seeds to the kind of large-scale production that allows for surplus food stores (which in turn allows some members of a community to focus on craft specialization) is not possible for just any plant. Without increasing craft specialization made possible by surplus agricultural production, cities don’t emerge

Moreover, Australia doesn't possess the kind of major river systems that are found in Eurasia and North America; none of the world’s major rivers is to be found in Australia.


I've never heard that, but if true it might have been on purpose.

When the Abos first entered Australia it was lush, Abos used to practice slash and burn farming and ended up burning down the continent killing off all the megafauna. Totally changing the islands climate.

I didn't read "Guns, Germs and Steel" because I'm broke, but if someone read it, I would like to see the explanation of the book

Crash Bandicoot lied to me.

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Show me and Aboriginal settlement that comes anywhere close to the kingdom of the Kongo or great Zimbabwe

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Africans did have civilizations thou

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They were more primitive then the Zulus who at least had iron working

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Same reason New Guineans had no societies they are stupid primitives.

Not that guy, but please re-read it again. He actually explained why they didn't have cities you mongrel

Why didn't they develope the bow?

Well, why didn't Europeans develope gunpowder or paper? Stop asking stupid questions /pol/tard

Calm down Ayittey, did you even read my post?

But literally every other known group of humans have even pygmies and khoisan despite having lower IQs

If you talk about Africans, they had bow.

If you talk about Abos :
>Aboriginals found a combination of spear and woomera (spear thrower / Atlatl) sufficient for hunting purposes, in practice they're highly accurate and get the job done.

>Boomerang tends to mean "returning throwing stick" - and while to the best of my knowledge all the Australian Aboriginals used sophisticated throwing sticks not all of them used returning boomerangs (as these are a less lethal option) and those that did didn't use them exclusively.

>A end weighted non returning somewhat boomerang shaped throwing stick is great for killing kangaroo - it's a skull crusher on impact and can be used the length of a football field or more.

>A balanced and near symmetric returning throwing stick packs less of a punch but can be used to kill birds over water and not get lost in the water.

>Many other peoples used throwing sticks of both the returning and non returning kind - objects that you call boomerangs (returning) have been found in Carpathian Mountains of Poland, made of mammoth's tusk and dated to be approximately 30,000 years old. The Egyptian Tutankhamen owned a collection of boomerangs of both the straight flying (hunting) and returning variety, these date back 3,300 years.

Why didn't the Chinese develop axiomatic math, the steam engine, the law of gravitation, the wheel, fluid mechanics, the principle of the lever, distillation, the theory of relativity, soap, the computer, the telephone, the nuclear bomb, formal logic...

>because I'm broke
I'm rich, if you want I can provide you.

Even SS Africans have distillation, it's not an awesome invention.
>The Chinese may have independently developed the process of distillation in the early centuries of the Common Era, during the Eastern Han dynasty

>the theory of relativity
It's a Jewish man.

>the wheel
It's from Mesopotamia.

East Asians didnt let their geniuses have freedom to express their ideas like Europe, they only wanted practical ideas not theories.

Source for SS Africa?

The Afrocentrist finally has found civilization Africa can compete with:Aboriginese.

>t. butthurt snownigger

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How what a thought out answer

It would be extremely soothing.

Niggers are smarter than Abos as well.

They also have other distilled beverage like ogogoro and sodabe.

".....My name is Cuban Pete!"

Australia has few native grasses suitable for domestication and few native animal species suitable for domestication either as food animals or as beasts of burden — roos wouldn’t do very well pulling a plow.

If Nordics would settle Australia, they would breed humongous roos that would be used as beasts of war and burden within 1000 years.

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>Niggers are smarter than Abos as well.
Do Abos practice human sacrifice on the scale Africa does, if at all?

Congrats, you achieved more than Aboriginese.
Want a reward or something?

Aztecs also practiced sacrifice

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Not on the scale and intesity Africa did and does even today.
Also at least they had impressive architecture, art and overall civilization.

Abbos eat babies

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You're completely off-topic, do you know what distillation is?

There is Akpeteshie too.

Please stop deriving the subject of this thread, we're not in a dick size competition.

>Australia has few native grasses suitable for domestication and few native animal species suitable for domestication either as food animals or as beasts of burden

What a load of bullshit.You can easily use use emu's for meat, feathers and eggs.

Also the did it on a much larger scale

>making fun of abos for lacking civilization is a dick move.
Why are Afrocentrism so mean

Oh great, another "great art" from Africa that shows mutilated and tortured people.

Please stop deriving the subject of this thread, we're not in a dick size competition.

>After 1930
You gotta be fucking trolling me

They're not tortured, scarification are like the African tattoos.

It's not the date of the invention.

Blacks bully their inferiors all the time in Africa where the Pygmies are seen as animals not people.

It's ethnic marks bassically tattoos

>Why are Afrocentrism so mean
Abos at least chilled out with Dreamtime, rather than Eat Human Time

Abos practiced cannibalism and ate babies

Please stop deriving the subject of this thread, we're not in a dick size competition.

>it's not torture when the tribe does it

>Abos practiced cannibalism and ate babies

Abos ate eachother.

As far as memes go for Africans not being human it’s really true for abos
The Africans were mostly isolated but would still have occasional interaction with middle easterners and depending on the area frequent trade across the red sea and Mediterranean

Australian natives are truly isolated
The continent is a blighted hellscape
The nearest people are indonesian islanders
There’s no interaction with the outside world for 40,000 years or more
They’re a different kind of person

Ah yes so surperior

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>Axiomatic math
Ancient greeks (not you)
>The steam engine
Ancient greeks (not you)
>The law of gravitation
Snowniggers (aka you): 1
>The wheel
Sumerians (not you)
>Fluid mechanics
Ancient greeks (not you)
>The principle of the lever
Ancient greeks (not you)
Ancient greeks (not you)
>The theory of relativity
Jews (not you)
Sumerians (not you)
>The computer
Ancient greeks (not you)
>The telephone
Either snowniggers or the mix of cultures popularly known as italians: 2
>The nuclear bomb
Jews (not you)
>Formal logic
Ancient greeks (not you)

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So tattoos are torture I guess? The process of making tattoos involve pain too, and has been used by multiple ethnicities as ethnic marks.

Abbos had advanced astronomical knowledge, unlike Africans.

Also they were pretty chilled out as a civilization, there was no widespread human sacrifice or cannibalism like in Africa.

Too busy burning things.

Please stop deriving the subject of this thread, we're not in a dick size competition.

Who are the Dogon?

>What is the emu war
Google it, please

Show me Sub-Saharan city on the scale and complexity of cities in pre-Columbian Americas

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Also they never made it out of the stone age

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>When a good thread turn into a dick size competition

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Blame this guy


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Stop that.

That's not even remotely comparable

KEK, this is supposed to be comparable to Tenochtitlan ?
Just stop, you are emberassing yourself.

>yfw Afrocentrists seriously consider Aboriginese their arch-rivals and fight about each other's achievements:

I wish they made a Mask movie with a Tezcatlipoca mask.

The built out of local materials also their more to civs then just architecture

But pygmies are based.

Better resolution.

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Dude, you're humiliating yourself.

I want you to do something:


Still shit compared to Aztec or Mayan cities

>Clearly Teotihuacan
For fucks sake

There are torrents and pdf all over the internet. Even audiobooks.