Don't lie, this is aesthetic perfection

Don't lie, this is aesthetic perfection.

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he's highspeed


Holy shit just realized the guy behind him skiped leg day

Your mom is aesthetic perfection

>everyone at test laughing at him despite the fact that he's fucking ripped and by eye looks better than everyone else

Tanktop Tiger and PuriPuriPrisoner looked better though

They weren't in the hero test at the same time though

But those guys are Ina complete different weight class.

Saitama is natty, all -blanck- Tops guys and PuriPuriPrisoner are on gear

Chest is a meme muscle. Before bench press got invented, basically nobody had chests, as chest is fucking useless for everything that isnt bench pressing. Strongmen of old didnt have big chests.

Because it was considered feminine. But you're right, big pecs don't really look all that good

its a fucking cartoon mate

>not posting the superior 3d version


Daniel craigs chest in skyfall is what i am for

Guess again

One punch man
All Might

Good shit

Lol no

>parody overpowered character to make fun of powerlevels
>character that is powerful, but suffers from debilitating weaknesses

Gee, I wonder.

You anime-motivated Veeky Forums browsers are worthless wastes of space. Get out and fucking do something rather than gaze in awe at your "husbando"

is this achievable natty

mfw i look exactly like this anime guy.
>neutral face
>egg shaped head
>190 lbs and muscular

>Implying he's 6'1" or 190lb


>Because it was considered feminine.
Well, maybe that too, but thats not the core issue. In the old times you wouldnt really train chest as much as you would today, as there werent implements and the usual shit you would practically do isnt gonna train chest at all basically. It being considered not that attractive is probably the result of the things i listed above, people would see a lot more of those classic physiques and would just get weirded out by someone with really big chest.
But then again, we are touching the topic of normal human being standarts vs Veeky Forums standarts here

T. Chestlet

It is almost like you are not preparing for your javelin throwing skills for the upcoming apocalypse.

You're too lanklet to be saitama he's like 5'8


he's a turbo manlet, probably 5'5 or 5'6

Like it or not 5'9 is the ultimate male height for maximum performance.

> Not posting the superior real life version

Stay pleb

Yeah, and? I'm Op and I'm 5'7 hoping to continue to grow to 5'9 so I can be saitama and goku.

>most plebs have not yet abandoned hair for maximum gains

Will hairy scrubs ever learn?

Just get your legs done. I'm gonna do mine too eventually. If you wont get your legs broken and stretched with pins, you aren't willing to do what it takes.

Naw fuck that I'd rather be 4'7 than lose my mobility or even consider surgery.

I already lost some mobility from some nerve damage, so It's all good for me. Plus I get to lie in bed for two weeks and do nothing but smoke weed and plot sinister schemes while getting blown by revolving groups of courtesans.
I think I have it planned out so it won't be too much of a bother.

Why does his hair look like a paper bag sitting on his head?

Sorry to hear about the nerve damage. Question tho you Veeky Forums or /fat/

yes but you have to fug butt