What mode is this

What mode is this

trap mode

you can be my gymslut, no matter which gender no homo

Pls be male


I'd smash you and cuddle, cabinetfu

Skinnyfat aka trap mode

I'm so confused right now

post dick

Nice gyno, fag

Klinefelter mode

Have a (you)

Trapfail mode.

I don't know

I may be somewhat new here, but there is absolutely no way that is a guy.

Yes it is.

Look at the bulge man.
Look at it.

with slightly better hips... the perfect woman

not sure if male or female but clearly has some androgen sensitivity issue

turn around and bend over, need a better look.

it`s obviously a mtf on hormones

You stole that from /lgbt/
Or just reposted yourself, either way i think you'd be great if you got implants

trans people are weird

JUST mode



Hit yoga and cardio hard and get a ballet body.

She has no waist, though

>absolutely deportable mode

please be my gf(male)

Was gonna post this

Confused about what? It's a skinnyfat dyel in girl's underwear with censored nipples.

Lose a little weight and I'll gape your asshole for free.

Still sexier than most american women.

Klinefelters mode

boipucci mode

Please be in London

I have that


You know, saying no homo doesn't absolve you from being a faggot. Just thought you needed to know.

>tfw just getting over lust for traps
>see this
Fuck you OP...want to go out some time?

Yes it does

She's baited me, yes

is this the 4chin version of "have an upvote"?

Weird lady from every american office's autistic asexual daughter

No,it really doesn't.



Makes my penis confused but happy mode

Not OP but I wanna play too.

what gender is this

>I may be somewhat new here, but there is absolutely no way that is a guy.

>routinely do crunches
>cut back on carbs
>watched my fat intake
>leg day
>got womanly hips, thicc thighs and slim waist instead
>tfw I've turned into an abomination

Check out this homo

Hello fellow tran

I wouldn't post my body in these threads but it's nice to know there are a lot of sisters here with bodies like mine.


Get a little thinner and you'd be the ideal male body.


Why are you censoring your nipples, man? Are you under age? Kek

>Mfw this entire thread.

Welcome to /closetfags/

sad mode


Bend over for daddy.


This thread is really transphobic, don't post him here.

j u S t

Fukken this

Why sad?


First post best post

You look like me pre fat loss kek

what he said

I'll stick my dingdong in anyway mode.

Piss off OP with all these "what mode's this? what mode's this? what mode's this? what mode's this?" shitposts


also you look like a girl dude

Clean and clip your nails you disgusting ogress.

Fuck I was even getting hard.

Where is your dick? no homo of course