If you ate a diet of just fried potatoes, wouldn't you be malnourished from the lack of protein and amino acids?

If you ate a diet of just fried potatoes, wouldn't you be malnourished from the lack of protein and amino acids?

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yes but malnourished doesnt mean dead

Tell her there are no more and she'll have to start eating other foods. She'll give in eventually. She isn't going to just let herself starve, your body wants to eat, it's a basic instinct.;

does that pale child with dead eyes look healthy to you?

Before you all go insane, I recall reading this article months ago and it`s just overly dramatic. She still eats other food, she just refuses to eat her dinner unless the alphabet potatoes are a part of the meal. So she`s basically on an autistic hunger-strike.

Why doesn't the mom just make letters out of potatoes herself? Or just raise her daughter properly and get her to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Idk what the fuck I'd do if my kid wound up being extremely autistic. Like slight autism I could handle, but I couldn't put up with this bullshit. At least you can abort a downie, but you don't know your kids autistic till it's too late. I'd probably just send them to boarding school desu.

Shes autistic, she literally won't eat if she doesn't want to, I've seen it first hand, my mum tried to make my younger brother less picky by not cooking him his different meals, he ate 1 meal every 3 or 4 days for almost a month until my mother caved.

Inb4 edgelords saying starve them death

I hope my kids don't end up like this. One of the most annoying things is when a kid is a picky eater.

She just needs a fucking slap or two, dad more or less taught us not be fags with food like that. Sometimes starving you a day or two

Yes, but malnourishment is hard to notice if you're not hungry. The girl might have lost 10 IQ points and 5 years of her life, but we'll never know that because there's no control group

Potatoes actually have a decent amount of protein, and a complete amino acid profile. The only nutrients they lack is vitamin A and B12 according to chronometer, unfairly demonized food imo, some populations (inca, Irish) ate almost only potatoes and did alright.

Your kids will end up as picky eaters if you have no backbone.

Really, a 5 year old girl is telling her 30 year old mother what she can and can't eat?

we stopped hitting our kids for this?

Reminds me of this

Let nature take its course.

Actually...you can eat nothing but potatoes and butter and an egg or or a cup of milk and have every single thing you would need to survive.

Potatoe, skin and all, is the most nutritionally complete vegetable to ever exist.

the only thing worse than the subject is the editing, this is shit tv

They don't tend to count semen intake in their diet

whats so hard to make their own fucking potato alphabet?

That's what I was thinking.

>Single mothers.

>Shes autistic, she literally won't eat if she doesn't want to, I've seen it first hand, my mum tried to make my younger brother less picky by not cooking him his different meals, he ate 1 meal every 3 or 4 days for almost a month until my mother caved.
>Inb4 edgelords saying starve them death

a few beatings and the little shit will eat everything served to him, and profess to enjoy it very much.

but sure, coddle him like a fucking pet dog instead, see how that ends up working out.

thats how white children look u shitskin

>beating a child because you're too retarded to guide them well
thats not how you raise a healthy child you utter moron

spare the rod, spoil the child.
that's how healthy children have been raised for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years throughout recorded history, and probably long before that as well.
only over the past 50 years have pacifist cucks decided that it is somehow wrong, which gave us an entire generation of boys growing up into perpetually spoiled and entitled manchildren. fuck that shit.

no you're right, its just that beating children doesnt help them unless you're doing it consciously and not because you're taking out stress on them

t. kid that got beaten for no reason and it made me fucked up

no shit
of course youre not supposed to randomly beat your kid up for no reason because you're feeling like it.
the point is to use it as a measure of punishment for misbehavior, to instill discipline and obedience.

kids, especially very young kids, can't really be reasoned with. their brains are literally not yet developed well enough for that. but the very simple concept of "do bad thing = get hurt" gets through to them no matter their age.

Fried in animal fat?

No you nigger. Kids have tan.

> autism
> healthy

I wonder how that would play out in court.
>She refused to eat, your honour.
>Did you beat her into submission and then forcefeed her?
>No, that's cruel.
>Fair enough, just don't reproduce again. Your genes are obviously flawed. Case dismissed.

Real autist, not like neckbeard asocial of Veeky Forums

That kid is nowhere close to starving. Let her starve until she can't make herself not eat. She'll learn to love whatever you give her.
>when you realize protein is a myth and you actually only need calories

>with her evening meal
Which means she has other food throughout the day.....

every living organism has protein and amino acids, the meats we eat just have more than plant cells

>Shes autistic
doesn't matter. she still is a human being. she has that instinct for self-preservation. she will not starve to death.

You're a dumb nigger. Even autists will cave to basic instinct. Nobody will not let themselves die unless they are psychotic.

>I don't have to parent my child because some fucking quack doctor said they had ADHD or 'Spergers

Women were a mistake

My brother has aspergers and I assure you it's real. It's not curable. It's like a child mind inside an adult body
>constantly talking to self, acting out scenes where he hypothetically argues with people
>27 years old and was absolutely hysterical when he fell off his bike and scraped his hands
>does inappropriate behaviors like masturbate in public rooms when people are in the house or yell

Then again, my parents never did anything
>never disciplined him or tried to correct his behavior
>never did any positive or negative reinforcement, just ignored
>never sent him to therapy

I don't think it's a genetic thing really. It's more bad parenting, but even in the best case scenario you end up with a person you can tell is generally awkward

Can't stand picky eaters tbqh. Its just food

holy shit, /pol/ really did fuck up this Veeky Forums.

you can still punish kids without physical violence. beatimg js just the easy no-brain method, which results in children with less grey mattter and a hiugher disposition for anxiety disorders trouble committing to tasks (ironically). Id pull up the study but im on my shitty tablet.

>not curable
>did nothing to cure or treat it

What a surprise.

you can't cure it dummy, only help manage the behaviours

>>constantly talking to self, acting out scenes where he hypothetically argues with people
Help guys,
How do I stop doing this?

Is your brother a manlet now? If so he only has himself to blame.

It's always been this way

Stop spreading kike lies, the potato niggers were starved to death. There was no famine.

We had no choice

The zog came for our video games

>fuck up this Veeky Forums
Newfag detected


Go back to plebbit cuck

By not being an aspie. Also you need to grow a backbone and actually stand up for yourself instead of hypothetically doing it

Did the study control for race?

im sick and tired of autistic people!! when will GMO be available for humans so we can completely remove mental disabilities for humans.

Don't forget about physical disabilities too, like Jewish blood or nigger IQ

>doesn't matter

Right, which is why suicide is a thing.

You might just be lonely, or you might just like talking to yourself. Unless it is impeding your ability to function or is part of a serious mental problem, I wouldn't be concerned.

>selective condition
Try not being a shitty parent

Talk about worthless

>protein and amino acids

Isn't this the same thing?

Severely underrated comment

Amino acids make up protein, but if you aren't eating meat or dairy, getting enough of the individual essential amino acids can be a problem, as most plants are relatively deficient in some of them. Classically, the way to get around this is to eat grain and beans, as each covers the other's defficiency. But there are few plants that can indefinateky sustain humans entirely by themselves

Natural selection.

How is this even news?

Someone has some really shitty parents, that's it.

Proteins are a bunch of aminoacids packed together. When it comes to protein, quantity isn't the only thing that matters (looking at you vegans!).

Protein from sources like vegetables are often incomplete, which means that despite having an acceptable quantity of proteins they are still lacking in some essential aminoacids that barely are present in vegetables.

You can make up for this somehow by diversifying a lot the vegetables you get your protons from but to be honest it's too much of a hassle when proteins from eggs and dairy are infinitely more complete regarding their amino profile.

It's not really a hastle. Corn and beans together have an excellent AA profile. That's not to say you shouldn't eat eggs for protein, but lets not pretend we don't know why: They're much more palletable to eat every day than a fuckload of beans and corn

>They're much more palletable to eat every day than a fuckload of beans and corn
I agree. Not to mention the fuckton of carbs you get from them. Many people prefer a low carb diet, and low carb diet without animal products is just wanting to starve yourself because there's no way you're going to meet your macros otherwise.

I feel sorry for them, but this really is a case of Darwinism in action.

Can you imagine being able to survive any sort of catastrophe while only being able to survive on alphabet shaped processed potatoes?

10 IQ points off a potato? Oh well

i have ibs and my diet is based around potatoes

Stick a needle in her arm see how she eats now
God children are annoying

That child was ugly desu

Why do people put so much weight on being Autistic?
>Oh my autismo did this aren't you impressed?
>Oh he saved an autismo isn't he a hero?
Fuck me, they are socially impaired not catatonic Unicorns.

>Autismo trying to starve to death
>Implying it's "edgy" to let them have their way
Maybe he should have died, worthless wretch that he is.

>british """"""""""""people"""""""""'"

So they are the same thing.

It's a scale. Some actually are catatonic unicorns. Some are just weirdos. Some are in between.


The kid has nothing to do with it, it's all in the parents. I used to despise all vegetables but my parents forced me to sit down and eat them every night and it worked wonders.

90% if the kid has a problem it stems from the parent or other close relation.

you fucking meatheads its written on the article that fried potatoes arent the only thing she eats...

Just a heads up, some autistic people don't have a sense of hunger; their bodily signals (like hunger and pain and shit) just don't register.

Potatoes are missing a lot of nutrients when they're skinless. So fries are immediately shit tier. Also the Irish consumed dairy with their potatoes.

Who cares about the grocery store? Why would she not contact the potato product producer directly and have them delivered to her house or something? Or why not just sell her abomination to the company and wash her hands of the whole dilemma?


He meant nucleic acids.

its called a joke you fucking faggot

You newfags really don't get it do you? Veeky Forums has always been mostly nationalistic people, even before /pol/ existed. This is not your place cuck.

I talk to myself all the time too. I'm not sure why but I guess articulating my thoughts verbally helps me think better.

It's not really that crazy when you consider that thinking is basically just talking to yourself silently.

Well the Inca aren't around anymore and the Irish would be mostly gone too if they hadn't emigrated during the famine. That said, potatoes can be a good staple food if there are other foods in the diet

You'd probably drop dead within a year from lack of b12 or someshit.

Some fat lived on potatoes only for a year and survived. Not sure about only fried potato though.

don't listen to these assholes user. some people are severely mentally ill and deserve compassion

Let it die. Watch it rot.

macros aren t bad at all for survival.

You'd be expected to call an ambulance if your child refused to eat I imagine, if you don't take actions to help a mentally ill child you could be liable for negligence.

everyone talks to themselves. it's when other people notice it because you're so socially retarded that you don't know to hide it that it's an actual problem.