Why do people recommend working out every other day and keep your workouts less than an hour or 50-40 minutes?

Why do people recommend working out every other day and keep your workouts less than an hour or 50-40 minutes?

> Arnold Schwarzenegger fucking worked out daily for hours.

> Bruce Lee fucking worked out daily for hours.

Stop giving stupid advice. I know it sounds nice to say it but it's just theory. In practice it's different. You won't get anywhere if you don't push yourself out.

can this be achieved naturally?

Ah yes, the classic

>it worked for this one guy who happened to become the best in the World, so it must be the surefire way for any average Joe to accomplish the same thing

I think it's you who just have a theory. And it's a dumb one.

They also had active lives outside of their multiple hour and very strenuous daily workouts. AND they were working out in the fucking 70's.

They were both on steroids and cocaine.
And as you know, steroids and cocaine have been the drug combo of choice for bodybuilders and fitness guys ever since the time of Sandow.

As a natty. You should lower the amount of time you spend strenuously exercising. You can get away with multiple hour workouts if you don't do it for very long like for a month or so, and do very little else and keep your calories high and stress levels low.

But beyond that, you're going to end up injured and fucked and have to take a few days OR WEEKS off and fully recoup and rest and refeed to rebuild.

Trust me.
I was a huge as fuck natural who did little more then train read about training play sports sleep and eat.
That's fucking all.

semi naturally

because "muh time constraints"
>proceeds to go home and binge watch GoT

Why not?

That advice is for natties not dudes blasting copious amount of roids like Arnold.

I don't think Bruce Lee was into droids... Working out all day for hours...

is this guy natty?

just an excuse for dyels to not have to do any work

look at football players practicing for 3 hours 4 days a week plus a game -- overtraining is a MEME

>not natty
kys you disrespectful cunt

training =/= working out

Bruce Lee was very light, only lifted relatively light weight, and snapped his shit at 30 years old doing Good Mornings. Just because he "worked out" all day didn't mean he lifted, yet alone lifted heavy, all day.

Playing fucking football isn't the same as lifting, you dipshit.

this, faggots do 3 series of legpress, run for 10 minutes on threadmill and call that a leg day

Where did his fucking strength came from if he didn't fucking lift?

I laughed harder at this than I should have

you're right, it's way more stressful and yet plenty of athletes can do it day in and day out

An hour a day, 6-7 days a week is plenty good. Unless you're single, have no kids, and nothing to live for.

Oh wait.... I forgot where I was. Uh yes anons, workout for 4 hours every day. You'll be huge. Just like weight lifter Bruce Lee.

>having a job
>raising a family
>having hobbies
>making a living

Jesus Christ, sometimes I wonder why I am still coming to this shithole full of NEETs.

Do you mean highschool and college players?
The former who are teen boys at the peak of their test levels and have FUCK ALL ELSE to do in their lives and the latter who are the same except they have easier access to steroids and stimulants?

user, you're not even trying.

excuses, excuses

>muh college uni league american "'""football""" pls give free tuition I am ape and carry this eggball all day round
>not jogo bonito

I was both user.
I did the multiple hour a day training and 2-3 hour workouts when i wasn't practicing and had the energy to do 30 minutes of sprints at night.

I was sick constantly
I was too tired to do anything except sleep all day and eat and study and workout.

I was 285lbs with about 15-20% bodyfat and I absolutely refused to drink anything with caffeine in it and hated any simple sugars that did't come from fruit juice or actual food.
Because of fears of impotence later in life
I had no energy to do anything.
At all.
I could walk and bike only if it was high intensity stuff and I could rest for a few hours after.

There is a reason why stimulant and simple sugar use, no, abuse, is so prevalent in larger people. Both muscular and just fat.

tbqh fun to watch

Becouse you have nothing to do in your free time. You could be lifting, though, you lazy fuck.

>285lbs with about 15-20% bodyfat
for the love of god please unironically post pic at 15%

People who work out for many hours a day are usually doing it to achieve a skill and endurance.
Lifting for an hour a day means your going to be able to pick very heavy things up for about an hour.
Practing 6 hours a day at the beginning of football season gets you the endurance and cardio vascular health and good form on a hitting dummy and in your stance

Training for long days isnt going to give you big muscles, its going to get you fit

And the apes who run around a field kicking a kickball are any better?
You scum get national accolades easy money from endorsements and to keep your senses while american football players are broken down mentally ruined wrecks who have to sing and dance for only a small portion of the entire damned world.

ive been lifting for 10 years on and off. at first i drank the fit koolaid so hard i thought SS type training was the ultimate fitness tool. these 5 past years ive tried doing more cardio, frequency, bodybuilder type splits, and honestly working out every day and doing more cardio than lifting is much much much better for your aesthetics and fitness

mark rippetoe is a fucking clown

bodyweight exercises for strength

they are not, but using the word football for totally different sport which has nothing to do with foot+ball triggers me, why not at least handball??
and why don't you call pic related american bobsleigh?

Bruce lee died early, Arnoldo was on roids

You fail to realize both at on steroids.

bruce lee was a fucking 120lb dyel that took steroids and never fought anyone worth a damn in his life.

>it took him 10 years to realize strength training and aesthetics training are different
>thinks rippletits is the clown

oh boy

Because I have a life.

>lee was on roids
Must have been some shitty roids desu if you look at his body.

Yeah because his only goal while on them was to get lean and veiny. Hardly ever lifted weights.
Compare this pic to his earlier stuff, his delts were softer and flat before even though he trained harder back then

The reccomendation is to only work out a few days a week OR an hour a day. They key is to give muscles 48 hours rest, but if you're doing a split or ppl or whatever, fuck it, hit the gym 6 days a week who gives a shit.

Also, arnold was on test. Anabolic steroids dramatically improve recovery rate

Oh, and most of Bruce's training was cardio and bodyweight stuff, not heavy lifting. Which is why he never got very big, even for a manlet

Cause you'll overtrain yourself or get sick/injured in no time.

Also arnold did steroids, if you do steroids go ahead, lift heavy every single day.

why do people recommend joining adult league hockey?

>Wayne Gretzky practiced 6 days a week and played in the NHL
>Alex Ovechkin is from russia

Stop making stupid category errors.

Thats's the name it's always had, blame the brits. Football started evolving into multiple sports and futbol was called association football, which later got bastardized into soccer. I'm sorry people in the past didn't take your autism into consideration.
>nothing to do with foot+ball
Confirmed for never seeing a game of football.

Lmao shut the fuck up, bruce lee went to snap city because he overtrained and arny is only alive because of heart surgery and shit tons of money


Even then no bc you'll fuckup your joints or tear a bicep

Sandow was natty you faggot

He probably did mostly body weight, never to failure, etc.

Arnie was on enough juice to kill a horse and bodybuilding was his job. Lee trained martial arts and never lifted heavy. Kys you retarded faggot.

Go for it. Lee snapped his shit at a young age and Arnies joints are so fucked he can't even use free weights. Not to mention Arnold was on a crazy amount of juice and Lee never lifted heavy.

No he believed in lifting weights, he lifted three days a week

Yeah and Dorian Yates worked out for 40 mins 4 times a week. Dont make statements that you dont know about

So enough body weight excercises can make you the strongest man under 220lbs?

I don't know about all that bs. I like to alternate weights and cardio 6 days a week. 3 days weights, 3 days cardio. Take Sunday off. Makes me happy.

Wow, what a pretentious post.
You, sir, are an idiot.

Did a shiteton of powder though, so at least his cuts werent natty kek

He did more coke then scarface, and was injecting bull testosterone into his body on the reg.

You're fucking retarded bruh. He was the first youtube natty.

>guy with juice enhanced recovery can work out every day and grow

Plus half of those fuckers are physically useless after a very short prime. Seriously, thirty years old is way too young to destroy your body.

le shit

Eh, I do full-body workouts and I usually take 1-1½ hours to complete my workout.


At 46 minutes exactly, the cortisol fairy will supposedly show up, drink your testosterone, make your muscles fall off instantly, and add 1 pound of fat to your body for every additional minute you’re still inside the gym.

atm I workout for 1-2hrs every other day, I think 2+ is diminishing returns, I would workout almost everyday if I could, gona try J&T2.0 adfter hitting 1/2/3/4

Forgot to mention, upper lower

I think people legit give bad advice it's the beta male thing to do to try and bring others down.

Don't do them, do you.

the football is because you're on foot, as opposed to horseback
then you get the split into rugby football (ruggers) and association football (assoc = soccer)

don't know where the yank abominations come into this though

Only if you're a genetic freak. Otherwise no.