There are things in life much worse than being a kissless virgin, Veeky Forums

There are things in life much worse than being a kissless virgin, Veeky Forums

>obsessed with oneitis for years, but we're just friends
>10/10 in my opinion; beautiful face, huge ass/hips, slim waist and big tits. literally perfect body and she doesnt even lift. its just natural
>not exaggerating. easily one of the most attractive people i've ever seen in real life. she's constantly getting hit on by guys, while other girls always tell her how jealous they are of her looks and body
>also fun to hang with, smart, funny and likeable
>always had a boyfriend, who was a cheating douchebag
>one day i bump into her at a house party
>we're both wasted
>she's crying and upset because of her boyfriend, as usual
>i'm the typical beta, kissless virgin nice guy
>try to comfort her and make her feel better, saying shit like "i hate to see you upset," "you deserve better," etc. typical beta shit that never works
>she eventually goes and finds her friends
>bump into her again later
>she suddenly takes me to a bathroom
>start making out
>holy shit, wtf
>she starts undoing my pants
>me: a-are you sure you wanna do this? you know im a virgin right?
>spilling spaghetti, full on autist
>somehow she's still into it
>we fuck for maybe a solid 40 seconds before i cum
>me: s-sorry! it just felt soo soo good. i couldn't help myself.
>her: wow... okay
>we go our separate ways
>haven't spoken to her since, she ignores my calls/texts

Later, I found out the real reason we fucked. One of her slutty friends apparently told her:

>"you know what, screw your boyfriend. if he's out cheating, you should get some too. yep, thats it, sex will make you feel better. what about user? taking someone's virginity is great. for as long as they live, they'll never forget you. its like, the best. trust me."

To add insult to injury, she also told her friends I came extremely quick, have a small dick, and fuck like you'd pretty much expect from a stereotypical beta virgin.

Hold me Veeky Forums. I don't want these feels.

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't matter, had sex

Time to move on bro, you are better off without her. At least you're not a virgin anymore, sex is only going to get better from here



Hey user,
Your oneitis doesn't seem like a nice person if she talked about you behind your back.
Then again, she might have been really drunk and under the influence of her slut friends.

However: keep being a good friend to your oneitis. She might actually hate you, or she doesn't - but you need to stay in contact to find out. Maybe she just isn't answering you because she is embarassed or something.

Also, read the first sentence in the urbandictionary definition of "oneitis":

My nigga you are thinking about this all wrong

>Your oneitis revealed she is a slut
You are now free from her. She knocked her own pussy clean off the pedestal you put it on

>You lost your virginity
Congrats buddy. You get better. You couldn't ride a bike the first time either could you?

>You nutted
hell yeah bro you nutted

Now go have a long and happy life you sick cunt

>had sex with your oneitis
>complaining about it

Holy fuck mate don't look a gift horse in the mouth

i dont know why so few people replied to this

if this is true user...its sad as fuck, now you are separated from god till the eternity because of letting a slut taking your virginity in a rage

shame on you

holy shit user stop being such a weak cunt
>apologising to this slut
>being her beta orbiter
gotta respect yourself a little my dude
you are what you make yourself

i really hope that this is just some b8

Her friends are bitches and you should drop some of her hot instagram pics here


Fuck her man at least you got laid that's all that matters, that and gains.

this aint your blog

also not fitness related


you patently did not sage this because it showed up on the first page when i looked at the catalog

The dumbest thing about onitis isn't the fact that she might not be interested and you're wasting time and emotion on someone, it's that you don't REALLY know someone at that point. You know the woman who she wants you to know. "She's got a nice personality" might be a funny joke and all, but it does have some truth to it. No girl is hot enough to live miserably with. And if you don't have a close relationship, you really don't know if she could be the worst thing that would ever happen to you.

You didn't lose a potential partner user, you lost the time you should have spent getting to know other people, one of which might have been the right one for you. It's not about being a player, it's about understanding people and relationships. That sweet doe eyed girl could be satan incarnate.

>Shes the one who pushes it
>She fucks you
>Does this to get back at her boyfriend
>Would know that you like her (they always fucking know, its probably why she chose you)
>She then tells her friends all about it and how you weren't good even though she also knew it was your first time
Gotta say man that doesn't sound like the sort of thing that a likeable person would do.

She released you from your fantasy, now you can live. do work, user

Solid 40 seconds is pretty good bro. When i lost the v card i only got like 6-7 pumps before i started to cum. And the girl wasnt no 10/10

Well OP you had shit taste in girls, that's your own damn fault. Cultivate taste in better people.


>That sweet doe eyed girl could be satan incarnate.
not OP but learned it the hard way

There are no unicorns. Women just are like that.

How do I not cum fast? Shit is the worst. Women have it so easy

deadgrip that dick

never go full pagan

>obsessed with oneitis for years
Aww user's so sweet and-
>10/10 in my opinion. Her body is great etc etc object of desire tig ol bitties
Jesus fuck man no wonder you're alone.

I'm with this dude. In times like this, keeping a positive attitude is difficult, but it's worth it man. Now you are free from oneitis and not a virgin anymore. Time to get swole and fuck some more.
If anybody comes and tries to shit at you, just say "I fucked the best looking girl in the school, and you? lmao".

10000 times this
I'm sorry you wasted your first time with a slut but the pros outweight the cons by several orders of magnitude
Show must go on my dude

Apparently she is not a nice person after all

i love these post.
legit told myself NEVER to see/treat women this way.
thanks OP.
i'll never be as beta as you.
thank god im good looking and 6'3 with a 19cm dick

>huge ass

Plebeian tastes

Why would you care man?
Just completely disregard her now that u got what u wanted, she's no good for anything else senpai

This this this.

Looks aren't everything, you're not some nigger or frat boy whose gonna pump his seed into some bitch, get her prego and bolt.

Get over it OP and stop giving a fuck, at least you put your peepee inside her fish hole, start working on making your miserable self and life better, be someone else's oneitis while making your own onetitis come running after you.

Post pictures of her

Haha dickhead, you still fucked her, you still lost your v card and if she and her friends give you shit and she is as hot as you say guess what you still fucked her.

Hi 5 user onward to the next slut, fuck her mang, first one down next one will be better

fuck off normalfag you have ascended virgin status and are now on the path to becoming a slayer while most of us Veeky Forums virgins continue to rot in our basements, sad and alone

user I'm really sorry that happened to you. She sounds like a massive bitch but if you've been around her for so many years then how did you not know that she was such a massive cunt? How did you not see that her hanging out with a group of sluts would effect her personality?

Bro honestly go give her a call & curse her out. Be a man & tell her what she did was really shitty. Best way to look like less of a beta

So you got what you wanted and youre still acting like a beta autist?

lmfao men should never be ashamed of their conquests, even if it was an utter failure

Doesn't work for me. It just makes my dick shoot highly pressurized jizz.

Try edging everytime you jack off. Show the dick who is the master here.

It's a great attitude man.

Also LMAO at the 'hell yeah you butted. I'm going to remember that for next time.

Fuck right off to r9k you dyel manlet faggot.

This guy lost his virginity to his 10/10 oneitis, he should be proud and move on.

people like you and OP if he doesn't take this as a W will never make it.


At least you got to be inside her, user. I only got to kiss my oneitis after she was wasted. Tasted like vomit and garlic.

can we settle this once and for all:

should you tell her you haven't cashed in the v card yet?

This guy right here

the kinda bro we need on the 'ch0n

>we fuck for maybe a solid 40 seconds before i cum
fuck m8, that's rough. get to the gym and lift those feels away. trust me, you'll feel better.

This. Based on how you've described her i can't imagine her being anyone's onitis

my initial thought as well

If they were a real person with an actual brain it shouldn't matter. I literally cannot comprehend why someone being a virgin would matter in any way.

LMAO, very good post

you cucked her boyfriend lol

There's literally nothing wrong with this \o/

Don't listen to the noise, you guys have been friends for a long time, it definitely meant something to her even if only a little bit.

>How do I not cum fast? Shit is the worst. Women have it so easy

Women don't really have it easy, what if she wants to get fucked long and hard and the dude just cums too fast? Nothing she can do L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y nothing. At least if you're a guy and you want to fuck long and hard you can work on it.

The option to get what you want by working harder is not some small thing

Well I guess in the end, this proves size didn't matter after all.

wiser words haven't been spoken, i love you my dude, i sincerely hope your life is pure blessings you sick cunt.

Ikr? Fucking normies.

>Be you
>Show yourself to be a submissive betafag that will bend over backwards to emotionally please a woman
>She treats you like a beta
Now let's think carefully, where did you go wrong?

I third this notion.