How is your Friday night?

How is your Friday night?


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good even though Im alone. I dont have friends that I regularly hang out with. Theres a small group from highschool that invites me to hang out every so often. But I feel like its just so they can make fun of me sometimes. One guy keeps being passive aggressive and calling me nigger and stuff. Those people are the closest thing I have to friends right now. a couple of them are alright people I guess.. Thankfully I enjoy being alone.

i got a little drunk and ate a bunch of junk food

so now im drinking peppermint tea and will fast tomorrow

i miss her so fucking much lads

you cant say that and not greentext.

what's there to greentext?

>don't feel that I deserve love or happiness
>acutely aware that I lack both
>"It's alright, this is how things are supposed to be"

Why do you keep hanging out with people that make you feel bad. Confront The guy that keeps fucking with you

its about once a month thing. if that. Yeah I guess I can just not hang out.



starting to get depressed about having no friends

fucked up my back yesterday and can barely bend over

got a job offer today but it's cleaning shit for minimum wage and awful hours. dunno if i should take it or just focus on my uni studies

also have an essay due tonight

>hanging all weekday nights with friends
> bars and shit
>went to Harmonquest. was dope. met qt filipino but not interested cuz im still hungover ex
>was invited to a houseparty tonight. I'm gunna instead recharge and go home after work
> got a wholesome bday party or a trap house party tomorrow to go to.

kinda sucks that i need to recharge after awhile

Close fit and work on your essay. I command you.

A lot better than your shitty bud-light filled night, apparently.

unless its absolutely necessary/is pertinent to your career path, just focus on your studies. Being a minimum wage slave will detract from the energy you need for school work and lifting.

is there anything they don't show on the actual episodes? Does it detract not having the goofy animation?

Just got home from a shitty day of work. Lonelines hurts especially more when you're attractive

Going to play piano and work on a song the rest of the night. Fuck everybody

How do I meet girls?

>I'm a beer snob!

ill be fine. i've got a few more hours and I've already made decent progress
you're probably right. i've been leaning toward taking it because i feel like a lazy piece of shit for not having a job and having some extra money would be nice. it's not relevant to my career at all. I'm an engineering major and already have done 2 good internships so i think im good on experience

Getting wild tonight boys

> ;_;

I feel you brother

Oh no I went to the season 2 premiere with Q n A. They already wrapped up filming and animation last year so it wasn't a live taping show.

But they said that they do cut alot out. it usually runs for about an hour and they only keep the parts that are relevant to the overall story.

Who do you miss? Why? What happened?

Easier said than done but just talk to them. Introduce yourself in class, at bars, wherever. You don't really have to go in with the intention of fucking her/getting gf. Just put yourself out there and say hi without being overbearing or weird.

Why tf would you want to interact with gains goblins?

That upsets my tummy

It's so hard trying to get a girlfriend
it's giving me so much stress and making me run scenarios in my mind where i fuck up constantly

How do I close with Tinder girls? I've gotten over 20 matches yet our conversations just flair out and die

Trying is your mistake, trying doesn't seem to work. I swear the moment I stopped trying was the moment some beautiful girl fell into my lap.

the more you try the more you'll be willing to settle for anybody. Give it time and patience, i know >tfwnogf and it sucks but try not to place all your self worth in whether or not you're with someone.

get her number as soon as possible and then set up a date

ideally you only go back and forth on the tinder app three or four times.

Jesus Christ... I've been having conversation for days and have no numbers

>tries to find a gf
>scares them away
Seriously user, humans are experts at perceiving neediness. It is ingrained in our instincts through millions of years of evolution to smell out and avoid weakness. Ever met a needy person? Wasn't it extremely obvious? Besides, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Not well. Had an anxiety attack earlier because my dumb ass mixed caffeine with Adderall so now I'm having some vodka to take the edge off.
Also realizing I'm a fucking net addict. I've already burned several hours in front of the internet today and it feels like seconds have gone by. And it's only getting faster. Time is flying by, yet it sure as shit doesn't feel like I'm flying with it. I just feel fucking paralyzed, I can't stop thinking and shut my fucking head up which means I can't get shit done. So I drink now because it's the only way I can slow the pace down at least somewhat.

>trap house party
tfw no party with QT traps to go to

This gave me a pit in my gut

>losing gains because of a thot
>cmon 4 scoops and hit the iron

My Friday is /comfy/. Decided to stay in with the gf, had sex and cuddled then a make a big shrimp boil for dem gains. Now sipping white tea and watching TV in bed with her.

Just realize "love" is a fallacy and you will be free

>it just happened bro
Stupid fucking normie
>wanting a thot in the first place


>had sex
>thinking shrimp will bring it back
>i hope you ate your cum to get back your gainz


She's definitely no thot

Not that guy but Le Rick and Morty meme is correct. It's just a chemical reaction in the brain that slowly fades away. Don't fall for it.

Pretty average desu
I'm socially drained from my days work (teacher) so I am not as sad as usual. Had some alcohol, enjoyed some free peanuts, and now having tea and finished a bretonnia campaign on TWWH1

Indeed, been together 4.5 years

how do i be happy then?

Is Total War Warhammer ; or The Witcher Wild Hunt ?
>we are siamese if you please

bretonnia campaign identifies it as warham 1!
Already did a 100% run of witcher 3 before I became busy with stuff and loved 90% of it.

Simple google search:

Note how none of those say find someone with which to fall in love. Read more material on how to derive happiness from life and you'll begin to have a better understand on how to do it.

that's cool man

>thought I was going to be alone
>playing video games
>food and whey everywhere
>grill texts me she wants to come over
>feel a shit coming on.



>gf is in Italy
>long week at work
>two meetings scheduled tomorrow and one Sunday even though its the weekend
>oddly satisfying to be working this hard
Starting a business is /comfy/ bros. It's much more fulfilling than menial office work even though it involved a lot of bullshit.