>tfw get turned on by your own ass in compression pants
Tfw get turned on by your own ass in compression pants
Post pics faggot. If thicc
Wtf is that comic
I feel uncomfortable with the thought of men masturbating to me
do you not?
I am masturbating to the thought of you feeling uncomfortable about the thought of me stroking my dick to your tight boipucci
Not really. It's flattering. I wouldn't want someone to say it to my face though.
You know what you gotta do
>tfw better ass as a man than 90% of women
>tfw catching chicks mire your hip drahve and Press™ butt squeeze
Not even wearing compression, just pair of old track pants
autoerotic asphyxiation
>tfw have a Hank Hill ass without squats and glute exercises
I have to keep lifting for dat ass, brehs
This happens to me also. But it's when I grope my ass and it feels full and firm which gives me funny feelings
Post it
>tfw can't get laid because girls get too insecure when they see my ass
thank you for this curse rippetoe-sama
>back from gym with a pump
>mire self at mirror
>get a semi
I like to feel up my bulge in my boxer-briefs. They've gotten pretty tight since I started squatting
I don't want to be the one to tell you this but you aren't going to go from flat as a pancake to blown up balloon. It'll help a little bit but not so much
I'm exaggerating a bit when I say hank hill ass, I just don't have a naturally large butt like some guys do
It's nature's way of getting you to stop settling for mediocre asses.
Why did you make this fucking thread for if you didn't want to post your ass?
Oh then you're good m8. Keep on squatting
>tfw lost the genetic lottery in every other area except for a big bubble butt
>tfw in highschool girls told me I had the best ass in the whole school
haha take that Chad my ass is better than yours desu
oh just fucking do it you crazy slut. also please be a male but don't tell us so I can masturbate first and then question it later on, further delving into depression as I suppress my homoerotic urges that I've accumulated through years of Veeky Forums usage combined with getting zero real world pussy.
Girl here. Does anyone want to see my ass?
Yeah but only if you look at mine too
No you faggot
only if your a girl(male)
>ITT: Attention whores that don't know how to attention whore
>mfw all these asslets pretending to have a nice ass without even posting a pic
Fuck you here's my ass
I've seen better.
I've also seen worse
You call that an ass, my 11yo sister has bigger ass.
Pretty hot i would give you a nice warm rimjob (no hetero)
you got mixed up there m8
let me fix that for you
>no homo
Post pic faggot