Do you get sad when you see a very attractive girl?

Do you get sad when you see a very attractive girl?

why would i get sad because of that? what the fuck

Betacuck detected

Yes. Because despite my overwhelming urge to defile said very attractive girl - in all likelihood that won't happen.

That's not to say I don't actively pursue women. We can accept that we aren't sleeping with 99.9% of attractive women we see.



Yep, I've gotten depressed for an entire day just because I saw a beautiful girl.

I never fully reach acceptance. Maybe it's because I never get any validation.

As long as you're aware of it.

Resentment can be a slippery slope. The supreme gentleman being case and point.

I don't really have it in me to turn any depressive feelings into aggression desu. Self-loathing followed by the evergreen delusion that I will start seeking self-improvement and eventually become a chick magnet is the usual pattern.

yeah. but thats enough self loathing

wow that hurt me.

I have honestly
To the point where my day turns into a bad one. self loathing starts after a few seconds where I rethink my life and that the person I love won't be coming back because I think he thought I was ugly and an embarrassment to be around with. Where I connect the dots and it all makes sense that he'd rather be with someone more attractive because he'd whistle at girls while I was around him or he'd become a more dominant person as a pretty girl walked by and made me look pathetic in front of her

Trying too hard.

>be me at bar alone
>objective 7/10, told I look like Bradley cooper
>see 8/10 blonde across the bar with the demeanor of someone who has some perspective
>made eye contact
>didn't spaghetti it was pretty intense
>looked at my beer thinking I had no chance
>looked back up and she was looking at me again
>couldn't tell of she was just checking if I stopped
>didn't want to walk over like a creep and ask her if she's an archeologist
>eyes met again as she was tabbing out to leave
>left alone and feel sad
Am I supposed to walk around a bar and put myself out there like that just based off of eye contact?

>objective 7/10
>too much of a pussy to post face

Yeah I do OP.
I see someone and know they are 100% not attracted to me. They like someone tall and has a social group and is just overall better.

A bit, desu, because I actually have crippling sexual performance anxiety and so I tend to get so nervous or psyched out in the moment of having sex that it sometimes makes it tough to get or stay hard, no matter how turned on I was/am. It's a bit depressing seeing a gorgeous girl you wanna fuck the shit out of, and knowing you're better off just going home and masturbating furiously to the thought of it because you might get so nervous if you ever did get the chance to fuck her that you'd just embarrass yourself like some impotent loser. Fuck, someone save me from myself, what do I do about this shit?

>needing validation from deadlifting faggots on Polynesian autism awareness blog


I have a friend who gets angry when he sees a massively hot girl. Always thought it was funny that we had such different reactions


Nope. I get annoyed usually because they take up to much space in the gym doing some stupid fuckin exercise. Like throwing medicine balls or that walking leg squat with the elastics. Pisses me off.

I actually saw this total qt at this pizza place today. Normal interaction, but I got caught in a eye contact moment and it made me feel all warm
The whole time at dinner all I was thinking about was how I wanna go talk to her

>tfw you live in a city of uggos so this shit never happens

Fucking canberra

It happens more when I see people with friends, I don't know why but I can't bring myself to make new friends or keep old friends. I just end up blocking them when they call or i never initiate contact to begin with. I dunno what's goin on.

You can stop listening to these toxic LOOKS/MONEY/STATUS supreme faggots, And go approach. Look around and you'll see goofy looking bastard normies with good looking women because there's a world outside of Lookism.

Seriously, This place can erode your worldview if you spend all your time here.

>This place can erode your worldview if you spend all your time here.

I think that process has well and truly begun for me. The question is, is the damage reversible?

No, that's weird

>tfw walking in the streets and a really attractive girl does a double take me on me
>tfw lots of people have told me i'm handsome
>tfw still a virgin at 19 because anxiety

Fuck, I'm not even in my final form, yet. In the meantime, should I just fuck my 16yo orbiter?

It's reversible, but you have to give your mind enough information and time to take it in. I do this every year: spend all summer on Veeky Forums, then when my semester begins, It feels like the people around me are an alien organism. It will stun you when you realize these very good looking women are much more insecure than you are. If I can do it, You can too.

>Tfw have to force normie humor and pretend to be tolerant to progressives/leftists

I get horny, admiring, hopeful and energised, in that order.