Anons who had their wisdom teeth removed / got braces: did the procedures affect your face shape...

Anons who had their wisdom teeth removed / got braces: did the procedures affect your face shape? Did you get hollowed cheeks?

Only get braces. Removing teeths will make you shit more narrow and yes, braces made both my teeths and face look better.

Yea it gave me nice full cheeks

Already got the 2 top ones out. They had to be removed to make space for the braces.

Literally ask your dentist. They are pretty aware of facial aesthetics. At least here in Scandinavia.

ffs i need to get all 4 removed and already have a good jawl ine what now

Thats the same situation I'm in, user. Thats why I'm asking people how it affected their face.

i don't wanna loose my jawline man

Ok this has convinced me to not get my wisdom teeth removed once they appear. My face is everything, without it I have nothing.

What are you on about? Removing wisdom teeth makes your face look BETTER. Models take em out to have that hollow cheeks look.

But, muh jaw?

lol wtf how insecure are you?

I had one wisdom tooth removed, and it made no difference as it was sat behind the line of the jaw muscle at the top.
It was the constant rubbing against that muscle that eventually rubbed the enamel off, and necessitated the removal.

If your teeth are removed after your jaw has fully formed, it won't effect it.
Braces will make your jaw develop better if you have clustered teeth if you are still a child.
Cheek hollowing is more to do with cheekbones and body fat, unless you have freakishly large teeth

I had all 4 removed, but my jawline was already pretty cut before that. Losing weight did more for my face than anything else.

I doubt wisdom teeth removal did anything for me, but I did get braces as a young kid.

Here's my cheeks at a high bf%.

you look like a chipmunk lol

Didn't affect my face at all. iirc I had at least two taken out

why would anyone remove their wisdom teeth?

pain, possible infection, could cause damage to other teeth - shift them or whatever. if your wisdom teeth came through fine though, no need to remove them.

Had all four taken out and it did nothing but swell them for a couple days

They fucked up my facial nerves and now I have bell's palsy. One side of my face is permanently semi-numb and un-expressive.

It's a risk with surgery I suppose, I would rather have fucked up teeth than my face right now tbqh

Seems to be an american thing along with removing foreskins. I'm not saying jews have anything to do with it, but I'm not saying they don't either.


Had 4 of them removed because they grew perpendicular to others and pushed them occasionning pain.

Don't think it changed anything.

This thread is so retarded

Got all 4 removed.
Nothing changed, still ugly. /thread

your head is so uneven lmao