Deadlift tips

I've watched all the videos and read all the guides and I'm still not sure if I'm doing these right. What are some definitive signs that I'm deadlifting correctly? Bonus points for any cues you find helpful

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proud of ya?

look up mike tuchscherer videos on how to deadlift, "using your lats".

>any cues you find helpful
Focus on the legs when starting the movement.
Focus on the legs when starting the movement.
Focus on the legs when starting the movement.
Focus on the legs when starting the movement.
Focus on the legs when starting the movement.

if you feel soreness in your traps,hamstrings and glutes the next day then you did it right

>What are some definitive signs that I'm deadlifting correctly
That you were able to stand up with the bar

I do them 4 to 5 days a week so I never really feel any pain afterwards. I alternate between 3 plate fronthand and 4 plate over under.

maintain a neutral spine throughout the entire lift. shoulders start directly over the bar. ensure that your arms are locked throughout the entire movement. do not lockout knees until bar is above knees and do not begin bending knees until bar is at/below knees. maintain a vertical bar path that does not deviate forward/backward at any point. if you do all of this, then everything else will just work itself out as it's impossible to have your butt in the wrong spot if you have shoulders/back the correct way, it's impossible to pull with your back instead of your legs if the bar path, back, and starting point are good, etc etc etc

record yourself lifting with moderate and also heavy weights. ensure you do all of these steps. if you don't, then fix them.

The number one thing for me was to set up and grab the bar and then rotate my elbows forward activating my lats, this is seriously the cure for bad form, check it:

then idk man just do what said

record yourself fucking yourself with a heavy dilly dild.

Pete Rubish tips on deadlifts really helped me.


What about breathing? When and where should I breathe? Rippetits said not to let out at the top but it's really hard to let out, breathe back in, AND stay tight at the bottom

>deadlifts 4 to 5 times a week
that's really not a good idea at all, what the fuck kind of program are you running

It's a penis-lengthening program. I'm lifting with my penis.

"how to deadlift like chris duffin"

watch it
learn it
preach it

whats wrong with that?

You know you're doing it right when you know to get tight in the starting position. So tight you start pulling the slack out of the bar and know how to hinge with your hips
learn how to RDL first

>uses all the biggest muscles
>what is CNS fatigue

your central nervous system gets extremely worked and it uses pretty much all of your biggest muscle groups. Some professionals only deadlift couple of times a month and strengthen it with accessories. It's okay for a novice to DL twice a week but I'd never go 4-5 times, way too much unless you use bitchweight (and I really mean only like 40% of your max) and want to achieve nothing

>believes in overtraining


Just google around and base your opinion on multiple sources instead of blindly following what Veeky Forums says, most people here are dyels and even bigger percentage don't understand anything about lifting. Try "how often should I deadlift" etc and you'll start seeing a pattern in responses, then google what central nervous system means and what it does

>dead lift
>doesn't want to die
what's the point then?

my tip is to immediately subscribe to the daily snap when you reach snap city as it's a highly informative publication

>Bar over middle of foot. Not what you can see from the top but the actual middle of your foot
>Bar is close to shin and stays close to body all the way up
>Hips are higher than knees compared to the ground
>Feet shoulder/hip width
>Lift like you're fucking the air with your hips instead of 'standing up''
>Everything from the waist up only moves to maintain balance; you're not lifting with your lower back but instead with everything from your gluites and down. Imagine sitting on a chair, having the chair be pulled from underneath you, you will need to bend forward in order to be able to stay on your feet. If you were to only bend your hips and knees you would essentially fall backwards because there's more weight behind your center of mass and to counter that you bend your torso/upper body forward.

This. Do romanian deadlifts for a day and take note of the soreness afterwards. If you feel the same after doing normal diddlies, you're doing them correctly.

deadlifts are naturally easier for manlets, the larger your torso, the larger the torque will be on your lower back. you will also have to lower your ass more in the beginning, decreasing the angle of your knees and in return have a longer and harder way pulling the bar up. in conclusion, pick one:

>be a manlet
>dont deadlift