Veeky Forums I have heard different things and need your opinion

Veeky Forums I have heard different things and need your opinion.

Should you be lifting big for fewer reps or smaller weights with more reps.

It depends.

On what

Read the sticky. Do your own research faggot



/thread desu
bigger for less should build strength, less for more should build endurance and a combo detailed to you will give max size and power. lifting heaving wont make you explode with size and lifting more often wont turn you otter mode, there is more to it all than the reps you do.
i mean what is big to you? if you do 10lbs less is that now small?

really you should do a balance of both or focus if you really feel you are lacking in one.
but im just a guy on a Mongolian wood whittling board. take it with a pinch of salt
maybe another Veeky Forumsizen can give more insight.

I hear generally to switch it up every couple of weeks to experience different types of gains, and to sustain muscle.

Oh Jesus the cancer!

you should be lifting heavy, with high reps, for many sets, at all times.


Senior here.
Been lifting on/off for almost 20 years with some minor gaps of no-lifting.

The most important thing in fitness is CONSISTENCY. If you can sustain a workout plan in the long run you will succeed. If you jump from program to program looking for the holy grail you will fail.

And what does this mean specifically regarding OP question? That different people like different programs and thus have better results in a program that suits their personality.
This is not bullshit. Some people dread lifting max loads so they make subpar efforts, for low volume, and thus get shitty results. Some people hate being two hours in the gym with lower loads and thus go fast and heavy and are burn out in a matter of months.

Find what you like at heart. WL style of programming, PL style of programming, BB style of programming. It doesn't matter but stick to the one you really like at heart because otherwise you will fail at having that urge to go lifting wich is what will drive your success.

Good luck.


also, for beginners, anything between 5 and 12 reps gives the same hypertrophy results. as you advance, you'll probably feel the need to experiment and change session volume / weekly volume / focus on compound x isolate exercises / etc... as user already said, have fun and be consistent.

Thats a long time. Are you strong?

You should lift more weight for more reps.

Back from a walk

Currently at about 85% of my all time maxes of 5 years ago:
Squat 185kg x3s
Deadlift 210ks x2s
Strict Press 95kg x3s
(I don't bench anymore except for high volume (5x8) because of an injury some 5 fears ago and don't wanna fuck up my shoulders. Keep in mind I'm almost 40 and recover from training and injuries is not the same as a 20yo).
I also do a lot of cleans and snatches but my technique is not the best -never had a coach- so my power clean is in the range of 115kg for singles today. My favourite lift for fun.

forgot BW data: 90/92kg now.

Do both

Do fewer reps and lift big on compounds, do the opposite on everything else

the one big thing h should ask urself is how much food r u prepared to eat ?

if u only lift heavy all the time it will make u hungry all the time . if ur constantly trying to get bigger and bigger and stronger u keep needing more and more fuel. where as if u cap your strength building somewhere then u will reach a maintenance state and be better able to focu on toning and managing calories etc.

but shake things up every so often and go a bit heavier )a bit( or lighter to keep it dynamic