When a guy tries picking up a girl in the gym but gets curved

>when a guy tries picking up a girl in the gym but gets curved

He tried though. More than I'd ever do.

The other day I realized the argentinian bald manlet at my gym and the qt receptionist are dating.

Just ask her out. She is a woman, they are biologically programmed to upgrade when they can. Go for it bro

The best part is you already know she is dating someone else so when she gives you that excuse it won't hurt. Atleast this way you know that you tried

you lost buddy

>when a guy tries picking up a girl in the gym

stopped reading there

do you think women would be more receptive to semi-beta men approaching them if there wasnt so many shows/movies with smooth confident male characters with perfect flirting dialogues

>when you and the gym rapist are the only ones in the locker room

i am 26 years old and have never asked a girl out, unless you count prom, where i didn't get anything but a peck on the cheek
i respect the dude who tries and fails much, much more than i respect the one who doesn't

Anyone who's serious about working out would never hit on a girl at a gym.

The gym is your most important sacred place, and you certainly don't want to shit where you eat.

On the other hand, men would probably go for ugly or fat girls more often of it wasn't for movies and especially porn

Women would accept the advances of well meaning average guys without social media that gives them internet validation boosting their perceived self worth through the fucking ceiling

These women believe they are god incarnate

women who are dating beneath their apparent level are tainted

Yeah but consider that everyone's dating pool would be far more limited, ie your social circle and maybe work or neighbourhood.
At least with Tinder, autists with no friends get a chance.

Why would you only want to date women that have had their pussy stretched the fuck out by Chad?

Kind of weird that you want to be less to or equal than her previous boyfriends

on the other hand a sufficiently clever guy could use that bloated self worth in their own favor


you are correct, a woman having a partner better than you is also a bad thing.

does that mean you want to date a woman who used to date a methhead? used to date a short fat ugly dude?

Nice cope, user.
I use this one a lot too.

well im not very clever but generally narcissists get that way from cycles of positive affirmation. for instance:
>girl posts qt picture on social media
>thousands of likes, many comments making her feel good
>feeds her ego
so i imagine if you could find a way to re affirm her belief that shes better than others you could get a small amount of leverage in her life

>when a girl tries to pick you up at the gym by awkwardly moving her meme ass/legs routine workouts to all the areas you are in
pls stop pushing out your shit smelling ass near me I am trying to breath properly for my lifts thx

i think this only works if you make it clear that you are dominant over her in some way though. make her work for your approval or she'll think you're another suck up loser. probably depends on the specific girl you're working on

I wish I had an ounce of his courage